Things are greatly stabilizing over here after being jammed for months. I have completed about 5 Juggernaut Attunements, 3 remain in the queue. It’s a solid 2 days of work in many cases, but lots of heavily stuck energies are finally liberating.

I was considering raising the price because it’s very intensive work, and all the clients so far are in absolutely terrible shape. 0.2% God connection is now considered good; 0.00015% is more standard.

The effect is too large to wrap your mind around; anchoring a Juggernaut has a very profound impact not only on yourself but also on your entire environment and the whole corruption grid surrounding you. It can take a few weeks to energies to reorganize and we should be hearing some of the testimonials soon.

The most annoying part is the Luciferian financial deadlock keeping everything completely stuck — this breaks that grip, and things start flowing again, one way or another. On top of the energy centers listed in the page, I’ll have to add financial building below ground, because if I only do above, the grip on the inner building below gets even stronger. So that’s an added bonus.

For the price, here’s what I’ll do. I’m keeping the price the same. So many people really need it, and doing a few people helps everyone. The need is so high that I don’t expect to need to do so much promotion or pushing on this offer. Especially considering the intensive work required per client.

I’m also preparing to (hopefully) re-launch the God & Money Masterclass. The only way to make the process work is to include the Juggernaut Attunement with it.

In the last God & Money Masterclass, we had 54(!) people registered, and results were impressive — until energies jammed and we all know what unfolded after.

Addressing the money issues, having a better relationship with God and money, and piercing through the Luciferian financial veil, was a very compelling offer back then. I cannot do it at the same price because of the intensity of the direct energy work needed, but I expect many to jump on-board.

BUT… I honestly cannot do 30x, 50x or 80x Juggernaut Attunements in a month while delivering the training. Absolutely impossible.

Those who plan to join the God & Money Masterclass once it’s ready, you’re better to get the Juggernaut Attunement first at $777, and it will be only $222 later for the group calls & meditations and training videos (same videos as last time). The 54 people who were registered before will also need the Juggernaut Attunement to participate in this round, and will get access to the rest of the program for free.

So what I’m saying is — we need to get as many Juggernaut Attunements done first before launching the God & Money Masterclass, so that hopefully there won’t be more than 10 or 20 more to do while delivering the class. Sounds fair?

The God & Money Masterclass will happen on God’s timing, and with many losing their jobs for refusing the jab, many really have nothing to lose but to fully surrender to God and ask for fresh new doors to open.

>> Get your Juggernaut Attunement here now!

Btw what I love about working with Juggernauts is that with all the veils, illusions and distortions, there’s no arguing as to who is right and who is distorted. We let God decide.

Oh. Another thing that unblocked. I have a physical Philosopher’s Stone that turned black the day I got to Mexico and I hadn’t been able to clean it ever since. We put it in acid several times to burn the bad energies, and today I put tumeric on it and it instantly turned into bright color (as it should but never did), so now I can start using those stones again for the first time in nearly 2 years!

Until later!

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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