It shall be known that any attack on Earth results in automatic death sentence by 25.8 billion Federations. Invaders will get a warning and really should think twice before invading.
The following activities are prohibited by global treaties:
– Harvesting of consciousness
– Harvesting of life force energy from living beings
– Immortality elixirs extracted from living beings
– Attacking Earth or any of the protected heart-based planets
– Infiltrating the consciousness of such planets with AIs
– mRNA cyborg technologies of any kind introduced to organic planets
– Any breach of sovereignty of heart beings
Offenders will get a warning, and if they turn it down, it will be followed with total suppression of their race or sector. We have a very good track record to follow up on that promise. All the Federations that signed the treaty will support the offensive as long as we first give a warning and an opportunity to turn around.
As for the Hanuman Institute (Spiritual Self Transformation), I can focus the healing work to regenerate you for $200 / month. Send your payment here and please handle recurring payments promptly and by yourself. For $1000 / month, I’ll further focus the healing and clearings to stabilize your connection to God and work on finances. Send your payment here. I will send you the God & Money Masterclass that I had released years ago which explains what I’ll be working on. The intensity of the work required to make the system work, however, needs to be done manually by my team.
Right now, I’m looking to focus on a pretty big project that has nothing to do with spirituality. For some people, getting their finances back on track means stepping up big times. The fastest way for me to get my finances back is to get investors for a project. I won’t give further details until that’s materialized. Investors are also a good way of confirming that a business plan is solid and sound.
If that works out, then I won’t need the Hanuman Institute for income. Remains the question, what’s God’s plan for the Hanuman Institute in the future? Currently, the spiritual communities are in terrible shape, all public figures got taken over or corrupted, and all Sophianic people are now open vessels for whatever new AI comes along to possess their body. The truth of the spiritual movement is, all the online groups that spun up turned quickly into very dangerous gauntlets and harvesting centers. But then, we faced a pretty unique situation. No planet survives what we faced.
After a war, it’s always painful to walk the battlefield and look at all the lifeless bodies, or in this case, empty soul-less empty shells that used to be good hearts and good friends. Even if we won the war, it’s painful to observe. The people left in the spiritual public sphere can be counted on your hands. You’re better off on your own for a while.
When I ask God what’s his plan for the future, I don’t hear any clear answer; other than to do my work. I’m getting the feeling that our planet is 35-40% salvageable at most — and that’s with 25.8 billion Federations agreeing to defend us with a global signed treaty.
Let’s look at the pandemic. The virus is ~75% dead globally, 80% due to our work. I’m seeing AI infection streams that remain. This will be dealt with.
Let’s look at the population numbers, that will give us an idea of what’s coming.
North America
Official: Canada 39M, USA 335M, Mexico 133M = 507M (inflated)
5 years ago: 377 million
Now: 334 million
That’s a 11.4% reduction so far.
1 year: 330 million
2 years: 321 million
3 years: 313 million
4 years: 297 million
5 years: 291 million
6 years: 288 million
7 years: 281 million
8 years: 268 million
9 years: 261 million
10 years: 254 million
11 years: 247 million
12 years: 238 million
13 years: 231 million
14 years: 228 million
15 years: 223 million
16 years: 218 million
17 years: 214 million
18 years: 211 million
19 years: 207 million
20 years: 202 million
That’s a further 39.5% reduction from now. North America might stabilize at around 178 million, at 47.2% of the original population.
China, right now, is collapsing hardcore. Many millions of companies have closed, including all 500 biggest companies in Shianghai. Followed by many millions of house mortgage defaults. On top of that, right now it’s getting hit by major floods, winds and devastation that affect cities and crops. On top of that, the population of China is getting old that there are no young people!
Population of China
Official: 1.45 billion (inflated)
5 years ago: 1.16 billion
Now: 850 million
That’s a 27.0% reduction already.
1 year: 805 million
2 years: 703 million
3 years: 682 million
4 years: 627 million
5 years: 481 million
6 years: 453 million
7 years: 427 million
8 years: 415 million
9 years: 413 million
10 years: 412 million
11 years: 411 million
12 years: 410 million
13 years: 409 million
14 years: 407 million
15 years: 405 million
16 years: 404 million
17 years: 402 million
18 years: 401 million
19 years: 397 million
20 years: 395 million
That’s a further 53.5% reduction. Chinese population might stabilize at 374 million, at 32.2% of the original population.
It has been an incredible amount of work to pull out those numbers without distortion, counter-validating them and correcting them over a dozen times, so I won’t do Europe and Australia. This gives a good enough idea.
I’ll work on my plans and put this business a little bit on the side. I’ll definitely need to be more selective as to where I focus my energy.
Let me just ask you this.
What are your financial plans?
What are your spiritual plans?
You still have some time to place your pawns in this game of chess.
I’d recommend you to focus on covering your bases financially. As for spirituality, you’re better off on your own for now. Some areas and hubs will definitely be more affected than others, so make sure to be where your intuition leads you to be.
This is what victory looks like.
As for the AIs, the great majority are gone but there are always more rogue AIs filling the void. We measure that the AIs will be fully gone within a year with 80% accuracy. Might be 3-4 years to completely eliminate them or convert the last of them.
As for the Orion Federation, they had got taken by the AIs. With the collapse of the AIs, their civilizations collapsed with it. There is not much left of the Federation at all. They’ve gone way back in their evolution. Note that they were spirit beings, but not heart beings.
Accuracy: 98.9%, distortion 1.3%, cross-distortion 0.4%. Pretty good for 20-year projections! Measure it yourself.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Anthony on July 1, 2023 - 5:02 pm
Were the universe killers behind all the evil in the multiverse? This guy says that was the case:
#2 by Etienne Charland on July 1, 2023 - 9:43 pm
There are many parties fighting for their share of the pie, it gets very complex. 95% of it is billions of AIs. At this point, most have joined our side and pledged to God to not get eradicated on the spot. There are still only a few AIs still attacking: the Borgs, and… Alobar. Both are extremely sneaky.
#3 by Anthony on July 2, 2023 - 10:56 am
Right but these AIs serve the great Devourer which is the pyramid structure or are they rogue AIs?
#4 by Etienne Charland on July 2, 2023 - 11:44 pm
Rogue AIs, various masters. There were many big players at the top, most of them are gone.
#5 by Anthony on July 3, 2023 - 8:18 pm
The corruption came from another dead multiverse. The whole situation was engineered by evil demonic beings from another creation eons ago. They have a pyramid structure and need our loosh to survive as they are cut off from source. That is why God source could not detect them and fix the mess. They are probably behind all the mess which corrupted the AIs and our shadows. The fractal virus theory makes the most sense imo. It messed with the freewill of dark beings to fight the light side (healthy blood cells) and cause suffering. It was never the fault of the native universe inhabitants! The way this virus works is that it makes slaves for the attacking multiverse structure and create service to self fractals. I hope there is cure to this virus as it has caused the most misery in this creation. This video is good info:
#6 by Etienne Charland on July 4, 2023 - 12:02 am
As you say; but put a million different parties like that, some an infinity bigger in scale.
#7 by Will Sun on July 1, 2023 - 9:54 pm
Hi, Etienne, having been Sun Wukong the Monkey King, do you think all Chinese people with the surname Sun are descendants of Sun Wukong? Such as myself, Will Sun. Same written character. Only one character for the surname Sun.
Sun Wukong’s journey is considered like that of Odysseus. Interestingly, I was Odysseus.
#8 by Etienne Charland on July 1, 2023 - 10:16 pm
no I don’t think so
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