Posts Tagged multiverse

Coming Re-elections of Multiverse Keepers: January 21st 2021

I still haven’t gone back to any of my work, but things are progressing. The attacks come from the “Agency”, but at the head, it’s coming from… the Logos!?? The Logos are some of the Multiverse Keepers. 35% of Logos are at the head of the Agency. Would it be fair to rename the Agency into the Logos Agency?

All Logos of the Multiverse have just been arrested and brought to justice for fail trial.

Also, the people attacking me were feeding from rays of light coming from other Multiverse keepers. However, those Keepers aren’t bad. They feed from their energy and then distort and corrupt it… in the same way that the Cabal would feed from Shiva at CERN. Something I’m familiar with. It’s up to them to clean up their plate.

The Logos were 97% behind the attacks. They seized control of all that was left by the Draco and other negative groups… to the point where almost everything in the Universe is either in control of the Light Forces or in their control.

They had 10.2% control of this Universe, compared to 88.2% by the Light forces, leaving only 1.6% in neither of those 2 groups. They had 92.4% control of the Draco belt, 95.8% control of Sirius A, 8.2% control of the AnPleiLe Federation, 0.6% control of the Orion Federation, 50.2% control of what’s left of the Galactic Federation, 8.2% control of the Pleiades, and 12.6% control of their High Counsel, 92.4% control of our moon, 95.8% control of Mars, …Read More

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The Nega Shadows

I’ve been under heavy attacks lately, and thus have been unable to work nor follow up with clients. I wanted to give more details about what’s lurking out here. 4 people moved in 4 doors to the right of my house some time ago: a Nega lord and 3 women. 1 is human, 3 are non-humans. They’re here to make sure I can’t work, and to try to neutralize me. They killed the other satanic witches that were causing us problems when they arrived.

Let’s call this Nega lord “Smith”. He’s the one that is dangerous. A few years ago, I was stolen my rings, wallet, camera and a lot of stuff in a parked rental car in Mexico. That was Smith. He’s responsible for a lot of the problems I’ve been having in Mexico over the years.

Smith controls 0.28% of the Multiverse, 0.3% of this Universe, and 2.8% of this planet. He’s part of a larger group that controls 11.5% of the Multiverse and 3.5% of this Universe. The Shaper whom I disintegrated recently was part of that group. Before the disintegration, they had 13.3% control of the Multiverse. A few years ago, they had 18.2% control of the Multiverse. Which means that they’re dwindling down in power, and that they are a genuine threat. They’re aligned with the Negas, whom I talked about lately. The Negas took control of the Secret Space Program from the Germans via timeline forks, and then lost it. They’re not afraid of Galactic Federations.

He …Read More

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Summary of Counsel Meeting with the Federations of the Multiverse

A bit of update on everything that has been going on. On June 20th 2019, we received coordinated attacks from Arch-Demons in upper Universes. Earth was well-defended, Andromedia was severely attacked but is fine; but the Galactic Federation is in limbo. Since then, the multiverse has been like a big zoo on an open highway and things have been just crazy. There are big shifts happening throughout 100 to 150 Universes above us and some groups have been trying to take over the Multiverse. Things have been hectic to say the least.

Hock Yeoh did a really nice drawing of the Battle of Araghart just before it happened, and it was highly accurate. We got reports afterwards that there were fleets of Reptilian ships attacking our solar system which he drew and I had never mentioned!

Posted by Hock Yeoh on June 19th 2019

Now, after completely disintegrating about 2 million souls in the Multiverse, things are falling back under control. The gates between Universes have been secured and 95% closed. Support can still come in from upper Universes but traffic will be highly regulated.

As of right now, there are 500 ships of the Galactic Federation surrounding Earth to stabilize the situation here and synchronize our energy with the Federation. They have been authorized to do so, but have NOT been authorized to bring Earth into the Federation. In fact, Andromedia , the most important planet of the Federation, has unofficially left the Galactic Federation and formed a new alliance with Light-based planets. …Read More

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The Story of the Theta Souls

After the article on the Theta Universe, a question I received from a Theta soul is: why did we come into this Universe? This is a more complex story which I feel is the time to share.

52 souls in this Universe come from the Theta Universe. 50 are currently incarnated on this planet while 2 are working intensely in the energetic planes. 46 came within 3 ships while 6 walked in on their own. One ship is the Orion mother-ship that is still around here. It has the unique ability to materialize and dematerialize from the physical plane because it is built in 13 densities. Another ship belonds to Atman, the Blue Star, which is built in 26 densities. It was hidden for protection and recently got reconstructed. The last ship is called the Golden Sphinx and is a lot more ancient, and is built in 137 densities! It doesn’t come from the Theta Universe but from the other Universe above it, and is the only ship in this entire Universe having the ability to travel back there. It’s lower 12 densities, as well as it’s physical presence, were only added after it came into this Universe. It was destroyed by Atman a long time ago and we just repaired it. I’m in contact with the 3 incarnated souls who own these 3 ships.

So the big question: why did we come here? There was 7 demons in the “Pure Universe”, Atman and his 6 brothers, that were causing serious …Read More

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The Origin of the Dracos

My path is taking many unexpected twists and turns, and another just happened. I’m being asked to share the full story. The story I’m going to tell may sound like science fiction, and in fact matches bits and pieces of tons of science fiction movies and video games, yet it is the story of the Universe, of the Dracos, of Jesus and of Adam & Eve. If you’re up for a massive dose of truth, fasten your seat-belt, grab a coffee and go down for a full read. My body is still shaking as of writing this, and you know something is true when your body gets in shock or tears.

I recently hosted a live event in Playa del Carmen with the specific purpose of awakening old memories and powers that had been sealed. This is like opening the Pandora’s box: you have no clue what next will come out of it. 5 participants showed up for the event from all around Canada, United States and Mexico. Two of which were Adam and Eve. Adam, or Atman, only had access to 3% of his powers but had many memories. Eve didn’t have any awareness of her memories and powers whatsoever. Things can only go downhill from there…

I’ve seen Atman destroying entire Draconian worlds within a few seconds, and destroying their spaceships across several galaxies, with powers far greater than anything I could even imagine myself. He just built extremely powerful energy generators that were activated on New Year. They are …Read More

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