Posts Tagged inner power

The Danger of Human Design (Part 1)

Human Design has really grown in popularity over the past years — at about the same time I stopped going to live events because the energetic environment in the USA became too incompatible with my energy.

I’m finally starting to look into Human Design, and there’s really good stuff in it. Gene Keys tap into 10D dynamics, and there’s more for me to explore there. Human Design also has lots of applications to understand and adjust your inner patterns. However, I first have to clear the corruption in that aggregate before looking deeper into its value.

If we look at the top 1% of spiritually-evolved people on the planet, they are currently 95.2% in 3D, 92.6% in 4D, 3.6% in 5D, and 0.015% in 6D. There is essentially a very strong blockade in 5D from Love & Light spiritual people, and there’s an even stronger blockage in 4D from essentially Atheist energy workers.

Here’s the kicker: Human Design is 34.6% responsible for the 4D blockade on a planetary level!!

What’s going on here?

In simple words: Your task is not to “be” your astrological template, but to overcome it.

I’m currently 22% Generator / 64% Manifestor, but my higher self is 25/25/25/25. I find that I’m a lot more powerful and balanced when operating from that higher self space.

Understanding your astrological templates is very useful to understand yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses — so that you can overcome them, not so that you forge your self-identity around them!

Binding your self-identity to astrology locks you in …Read More

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Interview (Part 1 of 3): Validating Truth and Evolving Past Disclosure

I was just interviewed by Hock Yeoh and although we went on a bit longer than expected, we really nailed it with some seriously good content. We plan to do a series of 3 interviews and in this first interview, we talk about how to validate information, about the current state of the disclosure community, and how to evolve past it.

If there’s one thing I want people to get out of it, it would be to evolve past the current disclosure paradigm that is all about the Secret Space Programs and secret human activity all around Earth (and the stuff that resolves around that). What else is going on in the Universe? Where do our souls come from? Why are we here? How to know what’s true and what isn’t?

Listen to the interview here

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The 1% of 1% of Spiritual Leaders

There is now plenty of chaos unfolding as a new energetic reality asserts itself. Massive psychic storms, storms, wildfires, floods, people going completely crazy, etc. This is just the beginning. We can expect things to go downhill for the next 3 years until God shakes the insanity off its feet with a “Great Mighty Earthquake” according to the Bible, most likely in California. Then things will calm down. Right now we can expect, within the next 18 years, to lose about 14% of the US population and a third of Europe’s population (many will emigrate). Measure the accuracy of this so far. I get 98.2% accuracy, although timelines can shift at any time.

The question you
might then ask is: when is this chaos going to stop? The answer is
simple. When 1% of the population is going to take responsibility
for the emergence of a new world.

Our planet is going through a huge energetic shift where Heaven and Earth are colliding and merging with each other, and the veil separating the physical and non-physical is being lifted. This process won’t happen without chaos. People just aren’t ready for it. Many call this process “ascension” as we will emerge into a 5D world where the energetic fabric of reality is part of our daily lives, alongside advanced spiritual and technological knowledge. First, the veils and illusions of our 3D world are turning into ashes. The unfolding of this process is now undeniable.

as of March 2019, what are the main obstacles to ascension?

– …Read More

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The End of Taxation

There has been a lot of debates in regards to taxes. You pay money to the government, and very little comes back to you in any way, shape or form. Yet you certainly enjoy the benefits of roads and bridges which do cost a lot of money. Where do you draw the line? Here’s a really good definition of tax I like very much: a non-reciprocal or unbalanced transaction.

Here are some examples that fit that definition, besides governmental taxes that are unbalanced transaction and mafia protection fees that are non-reciprocal. Gasoline refineries steal on both ends, placing producers under economic pressure by paying peanuts for the raw oil, and selling it at a very high price to the consumer, without regards to the law of supply and demand, because they control the supply chain. That’s an example of taxation on both ends.

Schools in the USA are another form of tax. They are crushingly expensive, teach literally nothing, and college students in the USA are no more educated than high-school graduates in any other country, according to this video.

Then I just learnt a big one with credit cards. Cash withdrawals charge you more than twice the displayed interest rate, for life or until the balance of the card reaches 0. How do they do that? Let’s say you have a card at 9.9%. Cash withdrawals will charge 10.9% compound interest applied daily, which adds up more. At the end of the month, the 9.9% is added on TOP of the …Read More

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CEO Space Field Report — Spirituality for Entrepreneurs

I just came back from CEO Space, after weeks of intensive energy work to prepare the space. Really, I have been working on the club for 2 years now. This was a military operation on the ground to break the False Light Matrix and give space for the Light to take roots in business environments. Because of the ongoing heat and various aspects not yet being resolved, I’m not going to mention any names.

First, the person in the faculty who gave me trouble last time (in October) has been banned from the club, or told he could only be in the faculty once a year. He had sat next to me, said my energy was the wrong color and that I’d get nothing from the club with this energy, went behind me, placed his hands on my neck and spine and said “the problem is right there” while trying to place an energetic lock on my spine. Bad idea. He did the same on other healers. Now they know he’s doing social engineering and mind programming for the Cabal and he’s no longer a threat. From what I know, there were still 4 other members present with ties to the Cabal that I spotted back in October, 3 of them were watching me very closely this time. As the vibration of the club went up, they became obvious to identify as their energy didn’t go up at all and the dissonance between them and the environment kept increasing over the …Read More

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