Posts Tagged energy healing

Krystic Grid, the Path to Redemption

We’re finally making some great progress that may very well be our path to redemption.

First, we’ve been getting a lot of attacks and interference from the Pleiadians lately. Second, I saw this video that explains the vampiric nature of the Metatronic grid, and invites people to instead connect to another Krystic Grid. Metatronic grid vibrates at 480, Krystic grid at 800. That video has 60K views. Third, we’ve been getting attacks from silver beings lately shooting with snipers.

I got my team together and we investigated all that. Doing missions in teams of 2 to 4 skilled people is where the game is at, to look at things from various perspectives at once. It allows us to go at least 10x deeper.

The guy who produced the video was standing in a castle in the Krystic grid. He did not create it. He got there just like us, established his presence there, and tried to figure out what to do with it. There’s only so much you can do on your own.

The video had tons of veils. After clearing them, I measure about 32.4% accuracy only. The castle has lots of veil generators, stolen technology from Dark Sophia. It contains a lot of stolen technologies.

The Pleiadians are deeply connected into that Krystic grid. The silver beings also live there. They’re just seeing us appearing in their fields and they attack anything that comes nearby. Various people established their presence into that …Read More

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Pistis Sophia Status – September 2022

Pistis Sophia is a big theme. She used to represent 76% of all energies in our Universe! She used to be 12% of the subconscious of everyone in nearly the whole Universe. She has also been one of our strongest adversaries across the Ultraverse.

A few weeks ago, I said that she still represented 25% of all energies on Earth. She keeps disintegrating. Now, 99.98% of her remaining essence is on Earth, and she represents only 0.0000016% of all energies on Earth.

One of the main Pistis Sophia fragments is my own daughter, who has been obsessed with killing herself. I was hesitating whether or not to talk about this publicly, but shadows cannot live in the light, and it’s probably better to expose the situation publicly.

In August of last year, my support team flipped and ended up becoming our #1 source of attacks, and we dealt with a very serious situation with astral pits at the same time. Sophia was the only one who could deal with those astral pits and things were going pretty well.

Shortly after the astral pits situation got resolved, however, her incarnated fragment got swapped with other corrupted fragments, and things started getting very difficult with her.

Each time there are timeline collapses and merges, she would flip and turn dark — very dark! She has a tremendous amount of anger towards God, and also towards me.

I recently realized that her soul had been swapped, and we tried to bring back the Sophia who loves to swim and …Read More

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Geopolitical State of the Universe – September 2022

I just got back from a week of traveling. There have been so many developments lately. I will publish updates on several major topics, and first, let’s look at the geopolitical state of the Universe to understand the larger picture.

Let’s evaluate the status of various groups.

Orion Federation: It has risen back from its ashes after being destroyed 12300 years ago. Many of its strong planets had been hiding in a quarantine bubble until a few years ago. The Orion Federation is the only Federation that survived the recent invasions! Billions of guardians from other Universes have united under the Orion Federation.

Their fleet has 2.5 million ships with the most advanced technologies in our Universe. You can add to that 56 million ships from allied forces. Of which, 40 million are from other Universes. They currently have 53% control of our Universe and 86% control of the higher dimensions.

As a note, the Orion Federation follows my commands through telepathic communications.

Galactic Federation of Light: They got beaten pretty badly. They lost 26 planets. They have three ships and 312 people left. One of my friends is a top leader of the Galactic Federation of Light and they obey his commands.

From my experience, losing entire planets leave very deep wounds that are very difficult to heal. We need to keep this in mind. They are not the most emotionally stable right now.

Lemurian Federation: I cannot find them. They got destroyed. A single ship escaped with 486 people, including 235 Lemurians. They do not …Read More

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Complete Drop of Corruption Grid / Pistis Sophia Status

Following our rampage this week, the corruption grid has completely dropped. It’s 100% down in Canada, 95.8% down in Australia, 72.6% down in China, and 45.9% down in Europe. There might be one or two strongholds left to deal with in regards to Europe.

It’s 72.5% down in USA, 72.6% down in Mexico. There’s an increasing army of Lightworkers working on what remains.

I expect a lot of people to snap out of hypnosis.

There are some corrupt coaches whose business is flying higher than ever without any regards to God, which is not sustainable. The cliff is on the next solstice. They can keep flying for about 3 months, and we can expect a drastic crash for many on December 21st.

In regards to Pistis Sophia…

Pistis Sophia used to represent 75.8% of all energies in our Universe!! It’s now 0.13%.

Status report of Pistis Sophia last week: 1.3 million incarnations across the Omniverse. 75.6% Dark, 3.2% Light. We did another round of trimming; now it’s 0.005% Dark and 68.7% Light. I did the prayer: God, if you want her to serve you, you must provide her what she needs to move forward, and open the path forward for her. It replied “but she’s not serving me”, so I said “but she will, and needs your help.”

Out of 1.3 million incarnations, only 16 will serve God, 14 of which are on Earth. These are the only fragments that will survive. At least 6 of these 16 fragments must find their way to God, balance and …Read More

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War of the Djinns

Got some updates on the Djinn situation. Got to a “red desert” realm that seemed empty. In fact, the entire stronghold was behind 118 layered veils. All of their techs are highly veiled. It’s the homeland of the Djinns!??

I had 5 Djinns who wanted to participate in this mission, and the stronghold contained 1 very ancient Djinn and 15 other Djinns. Although the area looks empty, it’s full of surface-to-air defense systems. Any ship that shows up disappears. In fact, they got 1.5 million ships trapped in a cubic grid. They manipulate time and space grids with insane strength and precision.

Someone cut off the power of their defense systems for 5 minutes, so I raided the whole place and freed… 55 Djinns that were jailed!? The rest is history.

I did a lot of assorted clearings during the day. Several more Mantis strongholds, several Djinn strongholds, 3 more Black Sun strongholds, etc. My wife was complaining that she felt needles planted in her body. I couldn’t see anything at first, but upon closer inspection, some people were planting needles covered with hundreds of layered veils, being extremely careful to avoid detection.

Every single person on Earth has those needles planted in them!! Some with dozens, some with hundreds. I located and destroyed several cloaking generators. We then located and destroyed needle generators… but the needle remains. Perhaps the generators are gone but the needles need to be removed manually. It’s Djinn powers.

As of now, the corruption grid in Canada 56.8% is weakened, …Read More

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