This is a topic that opened a can of worms and triggered a lot of ugly energies, so I’ll address it here directly. Also, there are many spiritual people who would like to improve their financial situation but can’t stand the vibe of this whole thing, let’s dig deeper into that.
First, I want to address a question I received. “I am not sure if I am a good fit for it… I feel lost and disconnected, with no sense of direction, vision or any goals. I lack motivation and don’t feel aligned with my spirit. I could be due to the fact that I have not been on my spiritual journey long… Do you think I will benefit from the God & Money Masterclass?”
If you have no direction or vision, then at least, you’re not holding onto anything, and thus you’re open to receiving anything. That’s a good place to start. Clarifying the goals and vision has however been the biggest block during the beta run, and those who did it saw great results, and those who half-did it saw half-great results. Clarifying goals and desires is a very critical piece, and I’m now uncovering a whole new meditation to open those with Royal Alchemy. This was not done in the beta run, and this will make a huge difference. The Temple of the Soul, responsible for the God Connection, is completely destroyed for most people, and the House of Desires is also completely destroyed for most …Read More