I promised some updates about Alchemist Gems herbal extracts and rings shipments. We’ve been facing a lot of challenges one after the other. We’re now almost ready to ship the orders — BUT the area is completely flooded and the city is paralyzed right now.
First challenge is that I can’t ship unlabeled products; and even the products I thought had labels didn’t have any at all. That’s 14 different label designs to produce. A considerable job.
Next challenge is that certain countries took extra steps to BAN the export of natural medicine. I finally found a work-around but it wasn’t easy. Who would have thought that exporting would be a bigger issue than importing! I shipped oils before; it looks like they enforced new regulations since then.
Then there’s issue that the city is completely flooded at the moment, so need to wait a bit for that situation to stabilize.
For Wild Cordyceps, our most potent product, it’s expensive but the bottle is expensive for me to buy. I need to purchase at least 6 (I believe) to get a lower price to make a decent profit margin. I also cannot hold much of an inventory due to the high cost. Currently I have to buy 3, if a few more people want one, I could order a box.
This is a quality and concentration of products that doesn’t exist in the West; nor in the East, for the matter. To fit the existing “shelves” market, the providers themselves sell more diluted products. Our syrups are 2x more concentrated and Wild Cordyceps 3x more concentrated than what the provider normally sells. Crown chakra oil is 5x more concentrated! I’m also selling those to a much more specific market; whereas they otherwise sell to a more mainstream local audience.
Now let’s talk about shipping… the shipping option we found costs $100; higher than the $70 I was originally planning. There might also be a slow (2-3 months) shipping option for much cheaper but that needs to be investigated. Shipping is a complex issue.
If you order from the USA right now, since I have several orders to deliver, I could combine USA and Canada orders into a single DHL shipment to someone who would re-ship them locally. This would lower shipping costs considerably.
And finally; my personal shipment made it to the USA. It is strictly prohibited to ship oils to Mexico, so the only way is to ship to the USA and have someone travel to Mexico with it. I missed the (2nd) deadline and the person won’t be able to bring them to me, but at least the oils are closer. This package really would help us a LOT, I just need to be able to get my hands on it.
If you’re going to travel from the USA to Cancun area in the coming month (and I can trust you, and you’re comfortable answering questions at the airport in the very rare cases that they check and ask questions), then they could re-ship my package to you so you bring it over. Shipping to Mexico with both an export ban and an import ban is nuts lol. But airport travel should have no issue.
So that’s the situation right now. Getting those products out really isn’t as simple as it looks! But it will be worth it. On top of that, we’ve been dealing with non-stop attacks and hardship, sabotaging every step of the way, so progress has been slow.
As for the Baphomet situation, Baphomet just looks… gone. Made super major progress. Will update on that soon.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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