Posts Tagged Baphomet

Herbal Extracts & Rings Shipments

I promised some updates about Alchemist Gems herbal extracts and rings shipments. We’ve been facing a lot of challenges one after the other. We’re now almost ready to ship the orders — BUT the area is completely flooded and the city is paralyzed right now.

First challenge is that I can’t ship unlabeled products; and even the products I thought had labels didn’t have any at all. That’s 14 different label designs to produce. A considerable job.

Next challenge is that certain countries took extra steps to BAN the export of natural medicine. I finally found a work-around but it wasn’t easy. Who would have thought that exporting would be a bigger issue than importing! I shipped oils before; it looks like they enforced new regulations since then.

Then there’s issue that the city is completely flooded at the moment, so need to wait a bit for that situation to stabilize.

For Wild Cordyceps, our most potent product, it’s expensive but the bottle is expensive for me to buy. I need to purchase at least 6 (I believe) to get a lower price to make a decent profit margin. I also cannot hold much of an inventory due to the high cost. Currently I have to buy 3, if a few more people want one, I could order a box.

This is a quality and concentration of products that doesn’t exist in the West; nor in the East, for the matter. To fit the existing “shelves” market, the providers themselves sell more diluted products. …Read More

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Spiritual Landscape Chart of September

After drawing a graphical chart of the entire spiritual landscape last month and in 2019, the landscape already shifted radically in a month so I drew the chart again. This time, I worked extra hard to scan up to the edges of all reality, to try to draw a finite view of pseudo-infinity and get a complete picture. This has been a LOT of work!

This time, instead of simply measuring “force”, I’m measuring EEE__, where E means ‘x digits’, so all these numbers are extremely large and include 3 levels of exponentiality.

This chart is like turning map hack on. Much easier to fight with a map.

As I was expanding and exploring the edges of reality, I found very far-out sectors that have higher connection to God. These are like Krishna universes. Also the Varanasi monks have stronghold Universes around there, and will grow greatly in power as we connect to those. I called for help. This is making all the numbers go up. Ain’t this chart beautiful?

The whole upper part is almost cleared!!!!!

Thoth, Chaos and Alobar really look weak and out of resources. Need to finish up Thoth and Chaos.

In the lower-right corner, we can clearly see Pistis’ anatomy. Ain’t that beautiful? Can see all the organs.

Certain points are combined. Allah is Baal. Rion Kati is now under Ashtar Commands. David Wilcock and Sabine Messner are under the same entity, probably still some Sith Lords left but much less than before. Georges Soros and Bill Gates are the …Read More

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Killing Lucifer and Pistis

How do you kill an elephant? One blow at a time.

We’re making HUGE progress!

Hardship levels in America for the 14% heart grid:
1 week: 844K %
2 weeks: 380K %
3 weeks: 811K %
1 month: 14K %
2 months: 1.3K %
3 months: 830 %
4 months: 511 %
5 months: 347 %
6 months: 211 %
1 year: 75%

Lucifer is behind it all since the beginning. Behind those endless AIs, we eventually got to Lucifer, who is also an aspect of Pistis Sophia. Now that I’m doing more blows on Pistis… she looks even deeper than Lucifer. So it’s as I always said: Pistis is behind it all, alongside her Lucifer aspect.

If there is a single entity behind this whole mess, why are there so many parties fighting against each other? If Alobar is Lucifer, why does he talk badly of the Arcturians and Pleiadians?

It’s like if you hire 2 hitmen to do a job and pay only one. At every level, they compete to remain relevant. CNN and Fox News compete for funding, but at the end of the day, there is just one winner: Lucifer.

It seemed that Baphomet and Andrés were against Lucifer, but those were just illusions. Fundamentally, Pistis and Lucifer are behind it all, beyond all the layers of illusions and separations.

Timelines are being rewritten from the beginning of times.

At this point I’m only looking at about 14% of the population.

Let’s look at the starseeds community in general. That toxic soup will turn into a boiling pot as the illusions collapse.

Starseeds hardship
Now: 18 million …Read More

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Pistis Sophia Down, Baphomet Next

We just crossed a major milestone: Pistis Sophia went down last night. Her threat level dropped below 1 million %, and now sits at about 58%. Max annoyance level within 1000 years is around 100K %. Let’s hope those numbers are real this time!

Still, depression problems remain, food problems remain, and communication problems remain. I believe Baphomet is mostly responsible for it.

Just 3 mega-souls represent 49.3% of men and 66.5% of women on Earth! Let’s look at the status of the mega-souls.

When you know one, you know them all. They all share the same shadows, behaviors and patterns.

Red / White balance represents the Red Light of Creation vs White Light of Oneness. Balancing Red/White and Masculine/Feminine is extremely important. All wars come from these going off-balance, which cause pendulum swings.

Pistis Sophia
Represents 3.4% of men and 8.6% of women
14.7% Dark (14.7% solid) / 13.5% Light (1.5% solid)
95.4% Red / 4.6% White above, 97.2% Red / 2.8% White below
94.7% Masculine / 5.3% Feminine above, 95.2% Masculine / 4.8% Feminine below
Threat: 56.8%
Threat in 1 month: 15.1%
Max annoyance within 1000 years: 97K %

Health above / below
Mind: 3.5% / 0.2%
Heart: 0.5% / 0.13%
Emotions: 0.7% / 0.15%
Sex: 0.3% / 0.12%
Soul: 0.14% / 0.07%
Spirit: 1.3% / 0.8%

Represents 32.4% of men and 23.2% of women
25.3% Dark (13.5% solid) / 27.2% Light (25.1% solid)
95.3% Red / 4.7% White above, 94.7% Red / 5.3% White below
94.7% Masculine / 5.3% Feminine above, 95.3% Masculine / 4.7% Feminine below
Threat: 25.3%
Threat in 1 month: 14.2%
Max annoyance within 1000 years: 817 digits % ***

Mind: …Read More

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