Posts Tagged Galactic Federation

Slow Rebirth (Black Cubes, Black Serpents, ICC)

Since I haven’t given any updates for a while, I wanted to give some updates as to what’s been going on. The last article was about the Red Light of Creation vs White Spiritual Light, which was a major breakthrough. Since then, I’ve been under heavy attacks from various angles. That’s why I haven’t been responding to emails nor following up with Soul Alignment Readings.

There are about 45 groups fighting for power around the world. The arena more looks like a slaughterhouse… with no clear winner.

The attacks have been going on ever since I moved back to Mexico in March and even before. When I rented this house, another family had already moved in; but a Satanic witch and other sorcerers working for her teleported them into a garbage bin in another country and made the house available for me, because they wanted me here. One woman in red high heels working for Diablo who had thousands of people working for her around the world for control. They often abduct children to turn them into assassins. She moved right around my house in the next privada. Another tall and thin black man working for her moved right behind my house, and a fat Mexican man working for him moved across my house in the hidden corner. Their job: making sure I can’t work. There are a couple more sorcerers in the area. I disintegrated Diablo 100%, and while being at it, also Lillith, and disintegrated some of those …Read More

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Interview: Galactic Federations, Skynet, Skyranet, and Timeline Shifts

Last Saturday, I did a 3h interview on Super Soldier Talk with James Rink, myself representing the Orion Federation, and Marko representing the AnLePleida Alliance. It’s already at nearly 5000 views.

We talked about the 12 dimensions, about the Federations, about the current situation on Earth, and about the timeline shifts. The part where we both shared how we recovered our memories may be a hidden activation gem.

We did a super powerful group meditation at the end, so you may at least want to catch that!

The message was super well received this time.

We didn’t get to most of the topics we wanted to talk about, so we’ll be doing another live interview next Saturday at 2pm EST.

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The Acturian Siths (source of chemtrails)

I’m calling them Siths because this came to my awareness while watching Star Wars Episode II. There are in fact lots of similarities between the current situation and what happened in the movie.

Lately, there was something clouding Lightworkers and spreading lots of confusion. Trying to do muscle-testing was resulting in all kinds of distorted answers. Lots of people diverging into different opinions and perspectives, and also lots of Lightworkers splitting from each other.

I started clearing the cloud and investigating where it came from. Here’s what came up.

As I mentioned 8 months ago, the Galactic Federation disintegrated and is being replaced by the AnPleiLe Alliance that will represent 53% of the Universe. The AnPleiLe Alliance is in control of 92.4% of the ships and weaponry of the Federation. There are however significant weaponry that remain in the hands of rebel groups that aren’t joining the Alliance.

This group that is responsible for the cloud of confusion is one of those rebel groups. They do not seem to agree with this AnPleiLe thing.


I call them the Arcturian Siths. They have very strong mastery of the force. They have a very structured civilization with a strong political system that is based on aristocracy with appearances of democracy.

If you think the matrix of illusions is strong on Earth — their planets are in a matrix that is much stronger than what we have here. It’s like in China, you have no choice …Read More

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Transcending 5D and UniMatrix

I’ve spent a whole lot of time following the coronavirus situation very closely for the past 2 months. The more James Rink produces interviews with Kosol channeling UniMatrix, the entity behind the virus, the more perplexing it becomes. His latest interview is a massive 3 hours of very dense and convoluted information.

UniMatrix has a God-given purpose and thus we can’t remove it. It seek to assimilate our society to bring technologies and raise our consciousness. It essentially would bring a 4D replacement to Oneness called Singularity. Yet at the same time, it’s penetrating all the areas that Lightworkers wouldn’t approach with a 10-foot pole, and for that, it is doing a good.

On a different note, a lot of Lightworkers are focusing on 5D as the end game of it all. 5D represents Atheist love, or Love without God. 6D represents Peace, and 7D represents God’s Light. I came to realize that many 5D lightworkers are blocking 7D in the same way that 4D energy workers are blocking 5D energies.

Now… with this whole thing about UniMatrix taking control of our planetary grid… how are genuine Lightworkers supposed to operate? How can we have Skyranet function in parallel to bring a cohesive support structure from which Lightworkers can operate? Skyranet has been down for 2 months now.

There’s no point in discussing with UniMatrix since it doesn’t have a …Read More

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Summary of Counsel Meeting with the Federations of the Multiverse

A bit of update on everything that has been going on. On June 20th 2019, we received coordinated attacks from Arch-Demons in upper Universes. Earth was well-defended, Andromedia was severely attacked but is fine; but the Galactic Federation is in limbo. Since then, the multiverse has been like a big zoo on an open highway and things have been just crazy. There are big shifts happening throughout 100 to 150 Universes above us and some groups have been trying to take over the Multiverse. Things have been hectic to say the least.

Hock Yeoh did a really nice drawing of the Battle of Araghart just before it happened, and it was highly accurate. We got reports afterwards that there were fleets of Reptilian ships attacking our solar system which he drew and I had never mentioned!

Posted by Hock Yeoh on June 19th 2019

Now, after completely disintegrating about 2 million souls in the Multiverse, things are falling back under control. The gates between Universes have been secured and 95% closed. Support can still come in from upper Universes but traffic will be highly regulated.

As of right now, there are 500 ships of the Galactic Federation surrounding Earth to stabilize the situation here and synchronize our energy with the Federation. They have been authorized to do so, but have NOT been authorized to bring Earth into the Federation. In fact, Andromedia , the most important planet of the Federation, has unofficially left the Galactic Federation and formed a new alliance with Light-based planets. …Read More

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