Posts Tagged healthy food

Weird Response to Isagenix

When I asked who had problems with food, at least a dozen people immediately responded. But when I posted a solution? The response has been… weird. Non-existent in fact. I did major clearings around money consciousness for the whole group around me and on everything that got triggered.

The majority of people who get into Isagenix go with goals of losing weight, building muscles, and looking healthier and younger. Their most popular products are the meal-replacement shakes, and apparently their collagen products are also very popular to make the skin look younger. I can confirm that their products are excellent and are what they claim to be. You can try them out here.

Tuning energetically, the first response I sense is dislike for network marketing. Why support the old paradigm of sending all the marketing money to Facebook, Google, centralized media, and Amazon? We’ll eventually need to move past that paradigm, and there really is nothing wrong with giving that money to individuals instead of large corporations. Through the advertising money that they save, it also allows them to provide more value for the dollar. If the product is good, there is really no disadvantage to purchasing it from a network company instead of from Amazon.

Almost the only feedback I heard back was “I’m already taking supplements” or “I’m already taking meal-replacement protein shakes”. Supplements are great (some of them), but do not replace meals, nor provide a balance of all the nutrients you need.

There are some who make healthy shakes …Read More

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The Solution to Food Problems

Lately, did you have problems eating correctly? I asked the question on Facebook and tons of people said YES. I may have a solution.

First, what are the issues with eating? The main problem is energetic infections in the food. If you eat food that is energetically infected, at best it gives you a big headache, at worst it corrupts you or throws you into bad timelines. A lot of people will simply not feel like eating energetically unstable food.

For some reason, healthy food is often more infected than junk food, so for the past 2 years, we very often could only eat pepperoni pizza, 4-cheese pizza, Burger King or KFC. For a long time, we could not eat anything at home and had to eat junk food from outside restaurants. This got very expensive over time.

Many people suffer variations of those problems that they’ll describe in their own ways; some have been eating too much burgers and junk food instead of their healthy diet. Some have a hard time controlling quantities and eat too much. Some have been literally 3 days straight without eating anything at all. For my daughter, she barely eats anything at all, and if she eats, it’s nothing nutritious, and this has been going on for 2 years.

Adding to that, our food supply is more poisoned than ever. Not only physically but also energetically.

If you had issues with food — what’s the solution? Drum-roll…… Isagenix!

Isagenix are powder shakes that are extremely nutritious and healthy. There …Read More

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