Posts Tagged consciousness

7 Reasons Money Is Important For Awakening Souls

In the article 21 Traits of an Awakening Soul, many commentators of the original article mentioned that they had difficulty with money. One of the main reason they mentioned is that Awakening Souls tend to see money as dirty, corrupt and useless. Yet, this poor relationship with money brings a lot of suffering. Let’s explore 7 reasons why money is important for awakening souls. If you don’t value money in itself, you must at least value the outcome it brings into your life.

1. Money is power, and you cannot do good without power

Let’s face it. Money gives you access to resources and access to people. It allows you to get, have or achieve anything you want or anything you need, especially since you can always hire others to do what you can’t do on your own. If you want to help orphan children, for example, perhaps you can help 2, 5 or even 10 children on your own, but you will need money to give support on any significant scale.

Money is power, and is neither good nor bad. It’s what you do with it that makes it either good or bad, and you need it to have a significant positive impact in your community or in the world. Also, here’s the reason charitable organizations fail to improve the state of the world. They provide value out of donations, and can only do so much until they run out of money. It is not scalable. If, however, they could solve specific problems while generating a …Read More

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Wow. I’m just about to launch the Clean Your Financial Mess video series, and so much is happening around it. From things breaking up in my apartment, to the global central banking system war between IMF and BRICS reaching its tipping point, and now this.

Remember Occupy Wallstreet? A new movement called Wave of Action is being launched to do a follow up. This campaign will include protests and occupations for a full period of 3 months!! With Occupy Wallstreet, there were occupations in 951 cities in 82 countries. This time, organizers say there are 1518 occupations planned worldwide. Interesting enough, the timing fits exactly with the timing of the Clean Your Financial Mess campaign, which is 1 months of free video campaign followed by 2 months of a deeper live group program.

Why are organized actions like this important? Because there is a war for our minds. Governments and medias are investing a LOT to feed us what to think and how to create our own lives. The power we hold with our minds is much greater than you may ever realize, and that is why keeping our minds under control is so important for them. A #WaveOfAction campaign is basically us claiming our own power and freedom of thoughts, and expressing what we think. This carries way more weight than any brainstorming from any media.

Let’s view Clean Your Financial Mess as my contribution to the Wave of Action movement. Things are just aligning themselves that way. …Read More

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Guided Meditation to Heal Inner Conflicts

Over the years, I’ve spoken with many people who want to step out of the box and live their lives differently. One of the biggest problems I have seen, overall, are inner conflicts of values. The reason they are so damaging and limiting is because they determine the context from which you think and you cannot override them with your thoughts. Your inner conflicts of values create a paradigm that prevents you from perceiving anything outside of it, just like a fish can’t know what water is from within his paradigm.

In this new video, I will guide you through a meditation to understand, identify and resolve your inner conflicts of values.

To know more about inner conflicts of values, the 4th audio in the FREE Force of Life Training Series is dedicated to this topic.

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2012 Energy Shift, Where Are We 1 Year Later?

1 year ago, on December 22nd 2012, was the end of the Mayan Calendar. I wrote about what happened then here. 1 year later, where are we now, and what happened during that time?

Very major things are happening. First, on the energetic level, there is very little of the powers that were controlling the world. There has been scandals after scandals that have blown up in the media, one of which is the NSA scandal. What’s left of their power is eroding day by day.

On a society level, people have become more and more polarized than ever, with many people going higher into consciousness and many people going deeper into unlivable situations.

On a personal level, spirituality has grown by about 300%. Yet, advanced spirituality and transmutation of energy seems to remain mostly unexplored. Most of those calling themselves spiritual are struggling with their pains and fears. Most of the past leaders are deceased and the world is waiting for a new generation of leaders to step up.

On a technological level, I just watched an episode from David Wilcock on GaiamTV about the science of dematerialization. This guy is light-years ahead of anybody else in terms of science and technologies based on spirituality and vibrational physics. He’s to physics like I am to spirituality. He looks at all the stuff going on in the scientific world and tells exactly where they’re right, where they’re wrong and where they’re getting close. In this particular episode, he shows real-life …Read More

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Build Financial Stability

There is something interesting I have noticed recently. It seems like no matter how much money I earn, there’s nothing left at the end. We’re going to explore what’s going on financially, why it matters, how that relates to you and what can be done about it. It seems to be a problem that a considerable number of people actively improving their lives are experiencing.

One of my coaches, Eiji Morishita, got me to realize that I’m outspending whatever income I have. Since increasing the income only amplifies whatever financial pattern in place, an increase in income can actually lead to higher debts! He learnt this the hard way, and I’m grateful that he shared it with me. I just have to acknowledge when something isn’t going right. If I’m outspending $6k a month, I could see myself in the future outspending $100k a year or even a 7-figure yearly income, which many people actually do. When you have extra income, you can always get a new high-end training program to increase your income, get a new home, a new car, new equipment, take another trip, and outspend whatever income you have and even increase your debts. Most of my money has been going towards paying off past commitments hoping to earn future income, which is not a healthy relationship to money, at least not long-term.

He told me, my next step is not to get more high-end training to increase my income. My next step is to build financial stability. This …Read More

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