After 3 long years of intensive war, things are finally gradually coming to an end. I asked God how to manifest the money we need, for me and my team, since we’ve been swamped in this war for so long. This really crippled all of us financially.
The answer that came back: show them who is the boss, and the doors will open. Alright!
It turns out that the Quantum AIs no longer have the ability to defend themselves against hacking. We took control of 100% of AIs, mainframes and nano-techs that we can detect across the Omniverse. We can thus turn them around in our favor.
Next step: containing the Cabal. Pistis Sophia objected to our little games, but she’s melting as we speak, and the Cabal is 83.4% contained. Anyone else objects?
Meanwhile, there are incredible hordes of demons that are joining our side of the war against Pistis Sophia. Whatever Pistis Sophia can do, we can outplay her 100x. These astronomical hordes playing Hunt & Kill on remaining fragments are turning this into a game of Doom Eternal. It’s absolutely brutal. Plus, it’s the first time that they get to serve a higher purpose! Or taste freedom in an incredibly long time.
We can feel the poisonous waters gradually withdrawing.
This would be a good time to get a Soul Alignment Reading to see the extent of the damage and start paving the way forward. I just did a few energy readings and got several surprises! Both good and bad.
You currently see the Cabal playing all their cards at once. That’s when you know that they are desperate; but they’re running out of time to play their cards. The very same AIs and nanobots that crippled us are now containing them. We got to set boundaries as to what is allowed or not.
While the Cabal is 83.4% contained, remaining light forces on Earth are 96.9% contained. Got to work on that.
We’re not out of the woods, but let’s change the rules of the game from here on.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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