The Avians asked me to write about this incident. This morning, someone sent me an article from Cobra: The Solar Flash from the Galactic central sun.
I get 14.2% accuracy on this article. There is a push towards this narrative so that the people sit idle and wait for saviors instead of taking responsibility themselves. The message is essentially “just hang on a little longer, everything will be fine”.
Cobra has 4.2% alignment of actions and 3.4% alignment of being (consistent with the best of the spiritual/disclosure communities), and 1.3% resonance with the Cabal. Vibration… unable to read for some reason. I’ve been having doubts in regards to Cobra for a while and wasn’t sure where he stood.
Now here’s where it gets interesting. Starseed family? Cobra has a cloak that looks like the Arcturians, but he’s an Annunaki 100%. The woman who sent me the article also is an Annunaki. If I muscle-test, both are deep state agents. In holy judgments, there’s a big difference between ignorance and malice. If I ask “ignorance or malice?”, I get malice for both.
This whole paradigm and network will require an operation. 375 main agents detected. We will begin sealing their soul and dismantling the paradigm. We’re inviting the Arcturians into the party after the first phase will be completed.
Going back to that article, it starts with good data, but then goes into expectations as to what is going to happen. Dropping debts, forgiving our sins and wiping any past lack of self-accountability, essentially. It’s a nice narrative with lots of appeal. I’m sure there are people working towards that timeline, but collectively we’re just not there. No way that’s going to happen. That’s where expectations meet reality.
As for this NESARA thing, the message I’m getting right now is that NESARA is a pure invention from the Cabal. There are no good actors in its origins.
This whole narrative will need to be killed. Only then we’ll be free to move forward.
Accuracy check on this article: 99.85%. Measure it yourself.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Debbie on January 28, 2018 - 3:00 am
Its an interesting read. You seem to know so much about our galactic friends which has prompted me to ask if you know who Xenaplanthor is?
#2 by Etienne Charland on January 28, 2018 - 9:43 am
No I don’t know Xenaplanthor, at least not by name
#3 by Pam Goewey on January 28, 2018 - 5:46 am
In reading the article , it does have a placating message…
That said… “if it sounds too good to be true “….. No effort required?
#4 by Mike on January 28, 2018 - 9:40 am
smells like a 3 phase deception set up
I guess Putin is in fact Cabal then Etienne?
the only person with accurate internet info in my opinion is Tanaath of the silver legion
she spilled the beans on the Alcyon Pleadians and ‘alternate’
#5 by Etienne Charland on January 28, 2018 - 9:44 am
Putin, no. He used to be with them and left the club, that’s why he knows how it all operates from within. Tanaath, definitely a Cabal agent.
#6 by Hans on January 28, 2018 - 9:57 am
“This Gentleman Cobra deserves to be Behind Bars for all he has done against Mankind.
If it depends on me, that is where he is going to once he is fully exposed!” R.S. https://www.facebook.com/seraphico/posts/1209760212491393
#7 by Etienne Charland on January 28, 2018 - 9:58 am
Accuracy check: 99.2%
01 – Ashtar Command – WARNS on Cobra The Event – EXPOSED
Video Link: https://youtu.be/mo2FwVpCI7I
02 – Jan 2018 – Cobra Cabal – MAJOR Psy Op
Link: https://youtu.be/T8nCq5UTdFQ
An important warning to share with you about Cobra.
It answers the following questions about Cobra:
• Who is Cobra? Is he the person or entity he claims to be?
• Can you count on him or them?
• Are you left with a confused or weird feeling after listening to his updates?
• Why does he hide behind a very annoying voice modulator?
All the above beg the question: Is Cobra reliable, and should you continue to give him your time, or worse, is he an operative aiming at controlling your mind and controlling the narrative of the event.
If you are still listening to Cobra, then do yourself a favor and hear the answers to the above questions in the next two videos.
They were sent from the Ashtar Command and the Great Council of Light.
Please watch them, share, and draw your own conclusions.
NOTE: Use your best discerment here with this video message, this is a first I hear Cobra is dead, not sure that is true. Below I am sharing what I know about him. And I am in a position of a great deal of authority to discuss Cobra. Everything I share below is 100% TRUE, take it as you will. (R. Seraphico).
The Truth about the FRAUD Cobra.
(Written and Posted by Rique Seraphico).
Here’s my two cents. First, for those that do not know me, and I do NOT mean to sound arrogant, but I tell you the TRUTH, as always.
I was Cobra’s biggest Ambassador for Years! I was admin of several of “his” groups, and PFCs, Part of the 12-Strong PCF Cobra Council, did his interviews with Robert Potter and PFC for over 2 years, Skyped with Cobra and Potter, I was made privy of a lot of sensitive inside Intel and gossip and so on. I DO know a LOT on Cobra, hardly anyone else will. Only those still working with him at PFC.
THEN, on top of this I became a Light Sentinel (research it if you do not know what that means). What that means is again I have access of Intel that at a lot of times NO ONE in the Whole Planet has, given I deal with the Gods directly (Isis, Gaia, Diana, Lilith, Set, Horus, Elan, Athena, Vander, Adora, am I missing any?), then the GFOL, Beta Pictorians, 3Letter Secret US Gov Agency, Vatican and to top of it all up, the Gatekeeper, who has SOLE Control of ALL Gates and Portal in ALL Universes. No One travels anywhere in the Universe through Her gates without Her Authorization. That means, I have access to a great deal of Intel and Gossips that take place in the Universe. No one but the Light sentinels have access to these.
These are just my credentials. I am NOT on a vendetta against Cobra. I wish I never had to talk about him ever again, but I am always being dragged.
All I want is THE TRUTH. Nothing else. He and his minions can all go and screw themselves, sorry. But given who I am and represent, I can NOT and will NOT allow this Con Artist from Slovenia to continue getting away with murderer, deceiving, lying to the masses anymore. He WILL be FULLY exposed for what he is, and always has been, a FRAUD.
I had my suspicions for many years, but ONLY when I got access to the huge amount Intel I now have as a Light Sentinels did I see just what he truly is.
It matters not what he looks like, what his name really is, Ishtar Antares from Slovenia? I care NOT about any of that! What I DO care about is that you have All been lied ALL along, as I was too.
This is what I have to tell you, take it as you will, I KNOW I am telling the Truth, these are NOT opinions:
1) The “Event” as Cobra writes about is 1000% FAKE, Fabricated. It does NOT exist and as such can never happen. I have this from THE TWO Highest Sources Mankind know, the Goddess Gaia and Prime Creator (GOD). I am NOT making this up, this is way too serious for someone like me to lie about. NO One in GFOL knows of it either, so they asked Gaia.
2) The Chimera Group is ALSO a Fabrication, NO ONE in the GFOL has Ever heard of them.
3) The Exotic Strangelet / Toplet Bombs: They ARE Real. But I personally issued Authorisation on November 2015 to the Goddess Isis Avatar Clone (she can NOT act without my express consent, She was programmed to follow my instructions, when Isis was out, OFF World, which was what took place when this happened, the Avatar needed permission, I gave her). These bombs were ALL 100% REMOVED from our Solar System so NOT to ever cause Mankind a problem. That is what I DO as a Light Sentinel, We are Earth’s and Mankind’s Sole Guardians.
I DULY Informed Potter / Cobra and ALL at PCF that these bombs had all but GONE. What did they do? Jack. Why? Because the second these bombs are gone, as far as Cobra is concerned, the “Event” would take place. Given that he invented the Event, he has to make sure these bombs stay here forever. He was NEVER counting one day his biggest ambassador would turn out to be something else and much bigger than he ever was or can be.
4) Agarthan 1st Official Contact and helping / Saving Mankind: LIE. Both the Goddesses Isis and Gaia have been to Agartha (I had a say in that), they are, especially Gaia, for obvious reasons, Very Close to the Agarthans. I can categorically guarantee you the Agarthans do NOT want to come near here or have ANY dealings with Humans for a long time. They do NOT trust Mankind (same applies to the GFOL) and feel Man’s negativity would affect them, so they want to keep their Distance. Sheldan Nile is Also lying about ALL he writes about them.
5) For what I know the Pleiadians can NOT stand Cobra and keep their distance from him, they know he is a Fraud and a Lier. The GFOL is NOT allowed to enter Earth officially and will NOT come here to Liberate Mankind. They can’t, because of the Draco’s Peace Treaty with the Pleidians and GFOL and no one enters this Planet without GAIA’s Authorisation.
6) The so called Cintamani stone is also FAKE. Most definitely does NOT come from Sirius A, that is plain BULLSHIT. He buys them stones from Arizona and re-program them in his company, I suspect he turns them into negative Stones. Many have reported that the stones actually Suck your energy. Either way they are NOT what he sells them as. This is for all purposes FRAUD.
7) Please research Richard Preston. In 1998 he wrote a Sci-Fi Thriller Novel and called it The Cobra Event. The Cobra Event has NOTHING to do with “our” Compression Breakthrough Cobra!
There you will find the names Cobra, Event and Chimera, ALL in ONE BOOK. So, as you can ALL see, it would see Cobra had from 1998 to 2011 to create his fake persona and his whole made up story and make a shitload of money in the process DECEIVING YOU.
Here is the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cobra_Event
The Cobra Event is a 1998 thriller novel by Richard Preston describing an attempted bioterrorism attack on the United States. The perpetrator of the attack has genetically engineered a virus, called “Cobra”, that fuses the incurable and highly contagious common cold with one of the world’s most virulent diseases, smallpox. The disease that results from the virus, called brainpox in the novel, has symptoms that mimic those of Lesch–Nyhan syndrome and the common cold. The book is divided between descriptions of the virus and the government’s attempt to stop the imminent threat posed by it.
The virus described in the novel is a fictional chimera that attacks the human brain. The infective agent, code-named “Cobra” by the protagonists, is a recombinant virus made from modified variants of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus (which normally infects moths and butterflies), rhinovirus, and smallpox.
IF none of the above will convince you he is nothing but a con artist from Slovenia that deceives and lies to you, then you probably deserve him! Don’t think it gives me pleasure writing this, It saddens me, but I have a great deal of responsibilities and I cannot allow this to go on. You MUST know.
Make of it what you want, I have done my part. Want to continue defending him, sending money, buying his fake merchandise and supporting him? By all means, go ahead, you only have yourself to be blamed for perpetuating the many lies. I have done my part. Namaste.
Rique Seraphico.
#8 by Monica on January 28, 2018 - 12:42 pm
Wow that was very informative. The article sounded so dreamy, it was too much like a fairytale which gave it away as a total red flag. I’ve only heard about Cobra from (ReturnToYourTruth). It’s nice to know what’s total manipulation out there, Thanks Etienne!
#9 by Dan on January 28, 2018 - 6:15 pm
so many lies so many people believe because it preserves their sense of comfort just lie after lie after lie and people refuse to look to stay comfortable its a mad game whilst victims drop like flies the ones noone offers a hand to I want to wipe everything clean any power based on abuse of others can just go and die I’m pretty ok with that. As long long as good people dont die and suffer, everything is ok. That would be karma cuz thats all they care about.
#10 by Jen on January 28, 2018 - 6:15 pm
Hi Etienne,
Your posts seem to always resonate with what I feel is going on. I really like your no BS attitude and clarity of all things energetic!
These guys at https://schrodingersothercat.blogspot.ca/2018/01/update-for-1-17-18.html
UPDATE for 1-17-18
Anomalies + Mysteries + Truthsifting = Oh My. Alternative News & Views From The Cat That Lived
have noticed something off about cobra as well, both your recent post and theirs just confirms what I have been feeling for awhile. The second paragraph, they mention , C, DW and CG as having been “infected.
This is from a comment section of their blog as well –
It should also be noted once more that not only Cobra, but now “Corey Goode” (or whatever his name is) and David Wilcock are also under the influence of some entities that are ensuring that they put out more false than true. It’s doesn’t make them (the humans) bad people, just dupes. Pay no attention to them until after The Event (whenever that is), and work instead to plugging yourselves into SOURCE. You’ll be glad you did.
It feels like you all are doing a lot of work in the etheric planes and I give my deepest Thanks!
Peace, Jen
#11 by Cathy on January 29, 2018 - 1:11 pm
Hi Etienne,
Your post crystallized my inner detective/BS Meter on COBRA as will. Ever since Edward Morgan has taken over the blogs the site has posted some very fear and shame based articles. I had stopped reading most of the stuff and kept wondering why COBRA was allowing that to continue since he has always directed the narrative. I was also wondering why he has not tried to build up the meditation numbers and was confused because there was this big push for the August Eclipse and then pretty much nothing else. So, thank you for your work on this. We needed to hear it.
In Love and Light, Cathy
#12 by Anaclara on May 9, 2018 - 7:22 am
The article cited is not even written by Cobra… it will not help if we, as lightworkers, attack each other. Cobra does not want followers, he is not some kind of guru… he has always been very clear about the fact that we all have free will and that the only way to discern, is by following your own truth, from within. We are all creators and co-creators! So stop this bashing and use your o authority. I am my own authority and follow my own guidance. If I resonate with others, I connect. But I NEVER hand over my Free Will to anyone, nor any channel or channeled being. My first and only task is to clear my own consciousness of any programme, distorted belief, etc. The only way out is the way IN.
#13 by Etienne Charland on May 9, 2018 - 4:06 pm
Who wrote it? On a side note, your vibration is at 15 on the Hawkins Scale — walking a fine line between light and dark, with 4.2% alignment with God.
#14 by Hunt on October 12, 2023 - 1:52 am
Greetings Etienne, I have some questions regarding the false-light matrix. In the last week I have been forcibly pulled back into the false-light matrix multiple times by reptilian entities, but have seen seeing them circling for a very long time beforehand, getting closer as the weeks went by. I just didn’t realize they were the ones disguising themselves as black shadow beings – which is what they appear to me as. Last week I was pulled back in and body jumped by one of them. It tried to stop my heart from the inside out. I asked it what it wanted, it replied – to kill you and consume your soul. They are relentless in their pursuit and are growing increasingly desperate it seems. A friend gifted me a powerful sigil that is able to pull me back out of the hell-matrix and repel it altogether, but the bastards are VERY persistent. Not only that but I just realized that for years I have felt as if my energy was being leaked – turns out it was – my physical bio energy has been continuously harvested by the dark ones, leaving me at a fraction of my physical strength. Are there any ways that you know of to get these assholes to back off for good? They are attacking day and night now.
#15 by Etienne Charland on October 12, 2023 - 12:07 pm
Things have gone insanely intense lately. We’re in the final battles. Just posting a meditation that is effective against them.
#16 by John pinga on December 9, 2023 - 6:26 am
Ricky seraphico is an always been a man looking for fame and protagonism that knows himself being an absolute failure at that and decided to be an arse sniffer butt licker of the lightworker community. He offered his help in exchange for being named and acknowledged. Because of his ego and desire for protagonism got booted because he wanted to be in a cult like place where he is famous. Now he is bitter all his efforts to become recognised have failed as his ego is the size of a cruise ship. As a person he is an absolute bragging idiot who tried to jump in the cobra bandwagon of saviours and got kicked out. Now he is spitting all the poison he can.