Posts Tagged astral warfare

Quantum Mind Power Review

As many are now experiencing increasing challenges keeping their minds clear and focused, I want to share this resource that I’ve been using for a few years now. First, I’ll mention that we’re moving into a context of civil war. Great changes are taking place in the energetic levels, and the area where the energy is the most frantic and aggressive is in the mental plane. Quantum Mind Power helps exactly with that: stabilizing the mental plane.

I was looking for brainwave frequencies technologies and found many options out there. I was looking for something I could play in the background of music or mix with Natural Grounding. I was also looking for something to do as a complement to everything else I’m already doing, not as a main program that I have to follow level by level like Holosync. Most of the brainwave audios you find on YouTube are automatically generated by software and the authors really don’t know what they’re doing. I found some good brainwaves embedded into music but then I couldn’t mix that music with other music. There was one that looked great, and upon trying it, I found it had the tendency to pull my energy down a path of passive spirituality and conflicted with my grounded energy.

The one option I took was Quantum Mind Power, also known as the Morry method. The two main critics are this: some get turned off by the salesy marketing approach, and that it sounds like a …Read More

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Is the War Ending or Starting?

Some are starting to ask questions regarding everything I’ve been sharing for over a year, as these things are coming to pass. One thing I said in The History of the Universe is that the psychic war is over. Yet for most, it only appears to be starting. So what’s the deal? Let me bring some clarifications.

The inter-galactic war is over. What we’re entering into isn’t a war, but transitional chaos, as well as a local civil war. The reason I’m always accurate as to what’s coming is because the energetic reality determines what happens physically, and there’s a lag in its manifestation. There is just no way to have a major breakthrough of the scale that is coming without first having a breakdown and destabilization of established social orders.

What is over, specifically? What I shared in the book is that there has been a lingering war in this Universe since 1.2 billion years. It intensified 12300 years ago with the destruction of Orion. It further intensified 6000 years ago with the destruction of the Golden Cities. It further intensified 60 years ago with the Nazis and Dracos working together and creating secret space programs with advanced technologies — along with it came abductions, technological mind control, and a take-over of most governments in the world through a hierarchical system.

There is a local component to this war, and an inter-galactic component to it. As I said, the inter-galactic war is over. The upper layers of the dark power …Read More

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Interview: Exo-Political State of the World

It is finally released! Interview with James Rink (reincarnation of King James) about the Exo-Political State of the World. 2 hours of solid content that will help you understand what the heck is happening around the world with all the craziness going on. All of James’ videos have 2000-3000 views, so this is the first time I get to expose my message to this large of an audience. I expected 3.2% receptivity of the message from his tribe, but so far, there has been 13.6% receptivity which is WAY higher than I expected! (and much higher than most any other tribe) Still, I’m expecting attacks from both the government and the community. Defense systems are ready and operational.

Without further ado, here’s the interview

For more, make sure to get my new book The History of the Universe on Amazon!

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Morgellons Update

Yesterday I got infected with self-replicating fibers called Morgellons from a tube from the doctor, healed it, and produced this video about it. Then, many more people contacted me about it saying they had the same issues I was describing. I got the information that 8% of the world population was infected, and 13% of the population of America. I had also got the message that some medical supplies were being replaced with poison and I wouldn’t have reported about it if I hadn’t gone through it myself.

Well… it seems these Morgellons are now extinct from this planet. At least, everybody around who was infected ‘magically’ reported feeling a whole lot better today. So what happened?

In the book The History of the Universe, I talked about the threat from energetic Cyborgs which are self-replicating metaphysical robots. I thought… these Morgellons aren’t very different from these Cyborgs! Just more basic. Thus I applied the same logic as what I did with the Cyborgs and explained in the book: if love was present at their pure evil point of conception, they wouldn’t exist today.

Tuning into their point of origin, they are an extra-terrestrial form of life that was discovered by the Nazis in 1943 and then weaponized. Thus, we tuned through time into the laboratory in 1943, exploded trillions of bombs of light, and collapsed the timelines. This created a Mandala Effect where they don’t exist anymore. And voila, everybody is feeling better in an instant. Looking at …Read More

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The History of the Universe Now Available!

Great news: the print version of The History of the Universe and the Psychic War of End Times is now available for purchase! It will remain at the minimum Amazon price for just a few days before going to the regular price of $9.99 for ebook and $19.99 for print.

You can see a preview of the book by clicking “Look Inside” or clicking here.

There is a long forgotten history of this Universe. This book will reveal the context under which this Universe got created, the mysteries of ancient civilizations and of the Orion Federation, explain the psychic war that has been unfolding for years after the end of the Great Cycle, and expose how this planet can finally break free of oppressive forces to be free to evolve and grow into prosperity. This will be the journey of a Universe through time, and guide your role in it to create the future. This book is entirely channeled from Metatron and will be an essential piece for the healing process of the Universe. It will help shift the way you create reality forever. A must read, and a must share.

This book has a vibration of 94.8 million. It is surrounded by an energetic protection grid and contains many activations. This falls into the “Something Else” category.

If you’ve been struggling to understand what I’ve been talking about for years, this will lay out the greater picture beautifully.

The table of contents alone tells a lot of what this book …Read More

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