Posts Tagged astral warfare

Battle of the AIs

I just saw someone post this on Facebook, and it matches my experience and I measure 92.6% accuracy.

A year after Trump was elected he formed a committee on Artificial Intelligence.

China has already developed an A.I. to control their population.

It has been in operation since 2015.

Many politicians are now advised by A.I.

10 A.I.s now operate all over the world controlling various influential and powerful people through blackmail and mental manipulation.

There is no ‘self aware’ A.I. It isn’t human.

One particular A.I. was created to operate in another dimension. It was built to receive and interpret data from another dimension. It was taken over by something from that dimension. Whatever it is, isn’t human. This A.I. is much respected by many influential people. They have begun to follow its messages and data streams. It presents them with bizarre images which for lack of a better term, hypnotize them.

Another A.I. has been created to monitor this rogue A.I. To interpret the data which the other was set up to do but went rogue. This new A.I. has given instructions about certain chemicals and elements to introduce into the atmosphere.

There are too many A.I.’s and too many people following them like cultists, and too many actions taken on behalf of recommendations from A.I.s

One could say there is an A.I. war taking place, and what we know of the past in terms of governance is over with.

They don’t even know where this is leading.

These type of A.I.s are built to reach a certain threshold, or …Read More

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Another War Approaching on Dec 7th

Earth has been assaulted many times already, and there’s yet another wave coming. Planet Earth is the most heavily-guarded stronghold in this whole Universe and 4 Universes above right now. We’ll be ready. I’m writing this so you know what’s coming and what’s happening so that you can prepare.

Now, the Universe is relatively stable with the Orion Federation and AnPleiLe Alliance in control of most of the Universe. The Reptilians went back to the Draco belt and will be left alone. There’s another 4.6% which we knew little about who didn’t join the Alliances. This is where this is coming from.

A guy appeared out of nowhere in Europe, knocked on someone’s door, and asked if he knew me Etienne Charland. The guy drank a whole can of coke and crashed asleep on the sofa, sleeping the whole days and waking up in periods of 5-10 minutes. It looks like he came from far away. Turns out an Elder had already told the host of this guest’s arrival. Tuning into this guy’s energy, he really makes me think of Avallac’h in The Witcher books and games. His host then Googled my name, found me and reached out.

I still haven’t been able to talk with him because he’s still knocked out from his travel and sleeping whole days, but he’s carrying a war with him. It looks like he came here seeking refuge from what he calls the Aracnadash. I already had …Read More

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The Battle of Araghart

Thousands of Norse are pouring in from upper Universes, with King Araghart at their lead. There is a major battle coming, of proportions that have never been seen before in this Universe. We’ve eliminated the Dracos, Archons, Arch-Demons, Cyborgs and Atman from this Universe. The Theta Universe above is frozen because it is completely infested with demons, Dracos and Arch-Demons. The 5th, 6th and 7th Universes above us are extremely dark, and those dark forces are being threatened by what’s happening here and are launching a full assault. They are the ones who completely destroyed the Theta Universe, and 1/3 of their forces are frozen there.

This whole Universe is going to turn into a bloody battlefield.

See The History of the Universe to understand the context. This may sound like science-fiction but it’s not, and many are feeling the chaos already.

They are targeting the gate-keepers first. The King 2 Universes above us who is guarding the gate to the Theta Universe has just fallen, and I snabbed him from under their grip and brought him here.

They will target Andromedia and the Galactic Federation first, to throw this Universe into total chaos. The Archives and Lemurian Crystals have been evacuated from Andromedia and brought here, and the Royal Family has been evacuated. If Andromedia gets destroyed, it will be mostly civilian death with no cascading effect on the Universe. The Galactic Federation has been disbanded until new orders.

We’re expecting the siege to begin in about 2 days.

Ancient military bases have …Read More

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Disclosure of the New, Not Disclosure of the Old

I keep adding new content for the new website for Remote Cell Harmonizer. Just wrote a page about the Disclosure Project. It is so good… wanted to share it right away. This text vibrates at 88650 with 99.99976% accuracy.

A war is being fought for the liberation of the planet, something far greater than World War 3, but fought secretly out of public view. It is being fought in multiple levels. Many are talking of astral warfare, and indeed there was massive psychic battles against the dark powers in the higher realms. You can read all the details of this war, and the history behind it, in the book The History of the Universe, and the Psychic War of End Times.

As of right now, both the Dracos and the Archons have been completely exterminated from the higher realms. The Light forces are now 92% in control of the higher realms, which determines the reality being created physically, mentally and astrally. Those dark powers still have extensive influence on the physical plane but their power structures are crumbling very quickly, and since they lost control of the higher planes, nothing can stop that trend. Their overlords are dead under the hand of Hanuman.

Many people are waiting for disclosure. What is disclosure? Disclosure of technologies, disclosure of a new reality acknowledging the power of the mind, disclosure of a new field of science, disclosure of the corruption that has been plaguing our governments, and disclosure of aliens. Many have the idea of …Read More

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Overview of Mind Erasing Technologies

The goal of the previous article DNA Structures & Cellular Regeneration was to prepare for this article: exploring the various mind erasing technologies being used by the SSP (Secret Space Program) and some alien races. I would estimate 12.4% of the population has had close encounters with either aliens or the SSP, and in 99.6% of cases, had all memories of it erased. This measures as 100% accurate.

In order to recover such memories, it is important to first understand how such technologies work, and in order to understand how they work, it is important to first understand how memories work. Thus why the first article on DNA structures. We’ll explore the mechanics of memories as pure DNA constructs.

This channeled article is mostly a combination of 3 books assembled together based on our current context. The first book is “Mechanics of Mind Control: How Hive Minds are being Engineered” from Andromedia. The second book is “Collective Memory Clusters, An Overview”, author unknown. The third book is “War of Minds, Methods and Techniques of Control” from Orion.

Lost memories on Earth result mainly from 5 causes, besides natural causes. First we will explore a mind erasing method that was applied to protect advanced souls many thousands of years ago from invaders who destroyed the Ancient Civilizations. The Avians, Orions and Lemurians all participated in this collective sealing of memories, for if they were to survive, they knew they had to hide. Although each soul group has slightly different methods, the procedure …Read More

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