Archive for category Spirituality

Mass Meditations and Upcoming Solar Eclipse

Events are unfolding at a blazingly fast pace. Tonight the Cabal is calling on the people to use black magic on Trump, and they’re also performing black magic rituals on me, Alex Jones, David Wilcock, and a few other individuals. Then we’re approaching a solar eclipse on the 26th that would under normal circumstances make every intent 61 times more powerful, but in this case your intents may become 100 or 200 times more powerful.

Regarding the black magic rituals being done tonight, here are some instructions from Metatron. Tonight will see a massive burst of etheric energy and a powerful manifestation of the truth of the state of the people. If you sit back and wait, you’ll be adversely affected by it. You must take a pro-active stance to stand in love and truth. At the same time, this mass of etheric energy can be leveraged as it will amplify the intent of whatever is being created not just today but through the whole solar eclipse we’re entering. It is very important to set your intent clear. You must focus on light, love, freedom and disclosure of truth, and steer away from any fear-based, control-based or security-based thinking. Tonight will be a massive collective initiation. You will soon see the effect of whatever intent you set — or lack to set.

If you’re looking to take part of a group meditation and focused intent during the eclipse, this seems like a good one.

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Cabal’s Remaining Power Locations

Regarding the last email I sent out about organizing a group program, 11 people responded to that single email and are ready to pay $197 per month for the year for it, so it’s going to happen. Just got to figure out the details. I’ve already done this group program years ago so I know what worked well and what the pitfalls were, so I’ll be tweaking things based on experience. Although the content will be similar to before, the context is radically different, and it’s all about applying the knowledge. Knowing how to transmute energies is one thing. Applying it to shift the planet and transform your life on every level is a whole other ballgame. Contact me if you also want to be part of a group program to learn energy healing through Alchemy.

Then I’ve been following Alex Jones of Info Wars lately as he’s the only one covering events in real-time. Everybody else either has old news, surface news, or just plain lies. But damn, Alex Jones makes 50 *MILLION* dollars per year with Info Wars!?? Alex Jones and I have one thing in common, and it is the secret to our success. We do business but we’re not here to do business, we’re not here for money, we’re not here for fame or to take credit. We’re here to win a war, alongside many others who are willing to work overtime for it. Many are finally realizing there’s a war going on — and are getting …Read More

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Full Ban on Abductions Taking Effect Now

Someone in my team designed an energetic technology to prevent, deflect and counter abductions. The cease and desist order on abductions has been mostly ignored, and whenever mind control chips were neutralized, they would abduct the person and install it back. This ends now. Anyone attempting illegal abduction will be lost into the future. Technical details to follow.

Abductions from secret space programs go along this protocol: they enter the victim’s third eye, lower their vibration to match theirs, and open a portal to physically bring them to their abduction centers. They send them on missions, conduct DNA tests, or bring them for a “20 years and back” program. In order to open the portal, the person must release their conscious control and the source and destination vibration must match and synchronize. When they are done, they install memory veils, render the person unconscious, and send them back to the time they were taken … and the victim doesn’t realize anything happened except a feeling of zoning out, and a feeling of confusion, or waking up exhausted after a “long night”, or needle marks on the arms. For longer operations, such as the 20 years and back program, the person is age-regressed, or cloned, before being sent back.

Now, it will go along those lines. Energetic technologies are being installed on abduction victims as we speak. When there is an attempt to open an abduction portal from a group with a negative vibration, the portal is already opening on one side, and …Read More

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How Many Starseeds Are on Earth?

I was contemplating the question: how many starseeds are on Earth, exactly? At least 70 million, but what are the real numbers?

First, what are starseeds? Starseeds are souls from other worlds who chose to incarnate here on Earth to assist us through our period of ascension. Most of them are 6th density and above. They lost their memories to integrate within our dysfunctional society, and most greatly struggle to reconnect with their mission.

In the Satrimono Publishing website that I’m about to release, I’ll be describing a simple methodology to measure any question by connecting with your higher self. It can be done using muscle testing or a pendulum, among other ways. Using this approach, I measured the starseeds population as percentage of the population. This reading is particularly difficult because the soul structure and memories are occulted. I had to repeat and validate the reading several times to get to a sum of 100% and a high accuracy check.

I’m reading the starseed population per density level, which represents the level of consciousness. Plants and minerals are 1st density. Insects and animals are 2nd density. Humans are 3rd density, and we’re transitioning into 4th and 5th density. During the energetic shifts, starseeds will recover their native density level.

Percentage of the population on Earth per density level:
– 3rd density: 41.42%
– 4th density: 13.44%
– 5th density; 12.62%
– 6th density: 13.46%
– 7th density: 11.27%
– 8th density: 5.18%
– 9th density: 1.24%
-10th density: 0.19%
-11th density and above: …Read More

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The Non-Beliefs Religion

Archangel Michael wanted to share this message. There is a great movement of truth that is spreading across the planet. People are waking up to a different truth about what reality truly is.

Among all these truth seekers, there are many who consider themselves non-believers, or anti-stories. They simply do not want to hold any stories or beliefs, and don’t believe there is such a thing as absolute truth. The reason I want to share this message is because this category of people is a major stumbling block in our collective evolution. They are not only hurting themselves but are causing great harm to others and to our collective evolution.

First, what is this idea of non-beliefs? It is a philosophy where nothing is real and everything is subjective. It is a way of transcending the illusions of falsehood. Yet at the same time, it leads one into a life of non-purpose and procrastination. Energetically, it makes one live in a swamp of mist without any hope to build anything into completion.

Which brings us to the greatest problem we face today: we have no spiritually aligned leadership living their higher purpose to replace the corrupt power structures and leaders, and for that reason alone corrupt leaders must be kept in power for now to manage our food supply and ensure the “world keeps turning” so-to-speak, with money, technologies and food. Without leaders, we all collapse into chaos and poverty.

The problem with the philosophy of non-beliefs is that you create through the power …Read More

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