Posts Tagged soul purpose

The Father, Child and Creation: An Overview of Cosmic Forces that Govern Our World

“Some believe Krishna to be God. It is not. God is everything. Krishna represents the inherent perfection present within everything. It is the spiritual fire of creation; the purity that seeks to emerge from within.” – Etienne Charland

As I was reading Bhagavad Gita, I came up to this realization: Krishna has a fiery energy and is an aspect of God, and happen to have the same meaning as Christ consciousness, both of which sound like Crystal Consciousness.

This bring a deeper understanding of Bhagavad Gita, but also raises some questions as to the relationship between God (everything) and Khrisna/Christ (creation) — questions that are never being asked. Metatron is really good with words and translations so I hired him as my secretary. I asked him to look for a book on the topic and he found this one.

The Father, Child and Creation: An Overview of Cosmic Forces that Govern Our World

Written by me in a distant past life where I incarnated as a priest in a smaller Orion planet. Summarized, translated and transmitted by Metatron.

There are many laws that regulate the Universe and all forms of creation throughout the countless constellations. The most common law is gravity, where masses attract each other to form a synergistic relationship. The particles of matter that fall under gravity relationships get their direction from the greater mass, and whether they want it or not, their direction gets set by the greater object.

The life of a spirit is not very different. Each person has their intents, …Read More

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Friends & Boundaries, a Cosmic Perspective

I was meditating on a value conflict between being humble and equal to my peers, and standing in my greatness. A value conflict is where there are two things you value that appear to conflict with each other, and you must reach a higher level of awareness where both aspects can work in harmony. Such value conflict cannot be solved just by merging the energies. There is a lesson that must be learnt first.

Many coaches say that you are the average of your 5 closest friends in every aspect, and that you should be very careful as to who you surround yourself with. Does that mean one should live secluded and aloof from his environment to stand in his own greatness? Then those very same people will go to Africa to help them and they’ll be very open to everyone, where they hold a special status. Why should one be aloof in one environment and open in another? I feel there’s more to explore in that topic, and that nobody ever brought a satisfactory answer to it.

To find answers, let’s go to my favorite place: cosmic libraries. Here’s a channeled summary of a book I wrote in a distant past life as first commander of Orion. The original text vibrates at 807000.

Friends & Boundaries, a Cosmic Perspective (summary translated to English and transmitted by Metatron)

Many leaders stumble upon a very common issue: how to relate to their environment in their daily lives. Let’s take a military general. In duty, …Read More

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The History of Daoist Alchemy and It’s Dark Side

I’ve been busy in China studying Wushu / Tai Chi / Gigong, trying to understand the Daoist philosophy and background, and trying to recover some memories of ancient Chinese history. I haven’t posted in a while because there was a lot going on. They don’t actually teach Daoist Alchemy at the school I’m at in Wudang (or at most of the other schools), which is actually a good thing. I’ve been getting into a lot of clashes with other Daoists, and it took me a while to figure out why. I joined a Facebook group on Daoist Alchemy and most were attacking me saying everything I do is BS, although I did get a lot of good information from them.

The one person in the group who really knows what he’s talking about (vibration of 8000), practicing Daoism according to ancient Wudang traditions, wanted to teach me, but instead blocked me from Facebook. I read his website, pointed out a few things that were inaccurate, he said that doing astral travels and working in higher planes was causing my Qi to leak and thus I shouldn’t do it. I said there’s a war going on in the higher planes and lots of other beings who rely on my presence, stopping to do my work up there is simply not an option. We just parted ways and he blocked me. It took me a while to figure out what actually happened there. Most of the information in this page comes from psychic …Read More

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Wudang Night Rain – Relaxation Audio

Tbe activation of Wudang mountains is going well. I’ve recorded an audio of night rain in Wudang with a frequency of 9000 on the Hawkins scale. Perfect for relaxation, meditation and to stabilize energies!

Elemental reading on this video (Height × Depth, 10 = 1000)
Fire: 8.3 × 2.5
Water: 10.8 × 11.6
Earth: 10.8 × 11.5
Air: 8.3 × 2.4
Aether: 6.2 × 4.6


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Activation of Wudang / Journey to the North

I’ve been in the Wudang mountains of China for 3 weeks now. It became apparent that all the schools are only teaching the forms of Tai Chi and Qigong and the real essence of Taoism has been lost over the ages. Surely there are still some masters who have the genuine knowledge of inner alchemy but they’ll generally only speak Chinese and keep it low-profile. Many of them left the country after the cultural revolution. Schools have been opening up in Wudang lately but more as commercial entities than for sharing the deeper knowledge of Taoism. The schools focusing more on inner alchemy don’t have a higher vibration either so the knowledge has been diluted, tainted or corrupted in many cases.

Also, there is no concept of purpose in China. All the people care about is having food on their table and a roof above their head. Without a sense of purpose, and without the deeper knowledge, then what chance is there for the evolution of China? There are some young Chinese people going to those schools seeking the deeper knowledge of Taoism and are realizing it’s not there. They still attend those schools while seeking more information in books and other resources. However, that’s a very young movement and it can take 20 years before that gains any momentum.

One thing that also came to my attention is that the communist party couldn’t suppress Wudang too much because Beijin was drawing 52.6% of its spiritual power from Wudang. 15.6% of China’s …Read More

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