What are the dimensions of consciousness? What does it mean to ascend from a 3D Earth to a 5D Earth? What’s the difference between Dimensions and Densities? All of it is explained in simple terms.
Posts Tagged dimensions
you can use my affiliate link hereWhat happened with the Global Information Network? It was placed under receivership and controlled by the government, Kevin Trudeau was sent in jail, some people bought the club back from the receiver, and then what? I took a deeper look at it and what came up is very surprising, yet very telling, and there’s a lot we can learn from it. This article will for sure spark a few fires, but I’m not afraid of conflicts. I’m here to speak the truth. Fires warm up my heart.
Many of you already know Kevin Trudeau in some way or another, as he sold millions of books on TV such as The Secret Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About and founded the Global Information Network. He pretends to have taken his knowledge from secret societies among the elite class and was now denouncing their corruption to give people control over their own lives. Some think he was just serving his own interests to make money and lacked integrity, and the fact is that his reputation is mostly destroyed and he’s in jail. The best jail in the country, with a golf course and everything.
I was looking at the club’s official Facebook page and looked at the April GIN Report and upcoming event.
Something just felt “off” so I started doing some energy readings. These are readings similar to what you can get here. Let’s start with …Read More