Posts Tagged life purpose

Activation of Wudang / Journey to the North

I’ve been in the Wudang mountains of China for 3 weeks now. It became apparent that all the schools are only teaching the forms of Tai Chi and Qigong and the real essence of Taoism has been lost over the ages. Surely there are still some masters who have the genuine knowledge of inner alchemy but they’ll generally only speak Chinese and keep it low-profile. Many of them left the country after the cultural revolution. Schools have been opening up in Wudang lately but more as commercial entities than for sharing the deeper knowledge of Taoism. The schools focusing more on inner alchemy don’t have a higher vibration either so the knowledge has been diluted, tainted or corrupted in many cases.

Also, there is no concept of purpose in China. All the people care about is having food on their table and a roof above their head. Without a sense of purpose, and without the deeper knowledge, then what chance is there for the evolution of China? There are some young Chinese people going to those schools seeking the deeper knowledge of Taoism and are realizing it’s not there. They still attend those schools while seeking more information in books and other resources. However, that’s a very young movement and it can take 20 years before that gains any momentum.

One thing that also came to my attention is that the communist party couldn’t suppress Wudang too much because Beijin was drawing 52.6% of its spiritual power from Wudang. 15.6% of China’s …Read More

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The False Light Matrix Explained

What is the False Light Matrix? I’ve been mentioning it over and over lately, and it is a complex topic. What makes it difficult to describe is that it is pervasive in our daily reality, making it nearly invisible to most people. Darkness is a lot easier to recognize, but False Light is generally seen as the real deal, what people strive for and dedicate their lives for. For that reason, it is deeply part of most people’s foundations and thus is a lot harder to remove or correct. Disconnecting from the False Light Matrix requires a very deep psychological shift, and often will only happen after a sequence of catalyst events where the False Light shows its true nature. Because of the complexity of the topic, I will leave Metatron write the rest of this article through channeling.

This is Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. The topic of False Light Matrix has drawn a lot of attention lately, both in the physical plane and in the astral planes. We’re at a convergence point in the evolution process where the Light is overthrowing and destroying the False Light. This is causing a great deal of challenges and pains on the physical plane for a lot of well-intended people and truth-seekers. This is a regrettable side-effect of this ascension process we’re all going through.

In order to get more clarity as to why current events are unfolding, and how it can directly impact your life, we need to understand the False Light Matrix …Read More

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The End of Taxation

There has been a lot of debates in regards to taxes. You pay money to the government, and very little comes back to you in any way, shape or form. Yet you certainly enjoy the benefits of roads and bridges which do cost a lot of money. Where do you draw the line? Here’s a really good definition of tax I like very much: a non-reciprocal or unbalanced transaction.

Here are some examples that fit that definition, besides governmental taxes that are unbalanced transaction and mafia protection fees that are non-reciprocal. Gasoline refineries steal on both ends, placing producers under economic pressure by paying peanuts for the raw oil, and selling it at a very high price to the consumer, without regards to the law of supply and demand, because they control the supply chain. That’s an example of taxation on both ends.

Schools in the USA are another form of tax. They are crushingly expensive, teach literally nothing, and college students in the USA are no more educated than high-school graduates in any other country, according to this video.

Then I just learnt a big one with credit cards. Cash withdrawals charge you more than twice the displayed interest rate, for life or until the balance of the card reaches 0. How do they do that? Let’s say you have a card at 9.9%. Cash withdrawals will charge 10.9% compound interest applied daily, which adds up more. At the end of the month, the 9.9% is added on TOP of the …Read More

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Meltdown of the False Light Matrix

For the past 2 years, I worked to try to disconnect CEO Space from the False Light Matrix. Instead, the whole False Light Matrix is melting down. I guess that will do.

Current status: the Disney-Vegas grid is 99.6% down, which affected 100% of the US population and 25.8% of the world population. The False Light Matrix is 93.8% down, which affected 25.8% of the US population and 13.5% of the world population. The Libtard grid is 96.8% down, which affected 13.5% of the US population and 1.6% of the world population.

You can definitely expect some major fires with this meltdown. We’re trying to contain the explosions so that people consume themselves without causing too much external damage — which is very much what is currently happening.

Finances have also definitely shifted, with $11k USD of income this month, and $33k over the past 5 months. This is definitely melting some debts. Several other people are also reporting major opportunities showing up or major increase of income, which is a confirmation the financial grid has shifted. Now the Cabal will gradually start experiencing the “financial veil” issue, and their cashflow will gradually slow down and jam. There are also others working for the Light who still haven’t seen finances opening up, but once the grid has shifted, it will come in due time.

That’s all for now, just wanted to give a quick update.

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The Big Flush

I’ve been in the middle of very massive energetic shifts lately, haven’t been able to work at all. However all of these energies are getting flushed like in a toilet bowl. In the past, we’ve done massive work (for years) on spiritual lunacy and they’ve fallen completely irrelevant and got out of the way. We’ve done work on Black Lives Matter and Antifa (social engineering movements funded by Georges Soros) and I haven’t heard of them for a long time. Lately the focus has been on libtard lunacy portrayed by the media. Everything the libtards believe is the exact polar opposite of everything I teach, by design. For example, the two most powerful concepts I work with are Yin/Yang sexual polarity, and your foundation and self-identity. The libtards completely corrupt the concept of sexual polarities, and fuse their self-identity around that corruption. Corrupting both core aspects at once. That’s what makes it so dangerous.

Well, it’s all going down the drain. Everyone on my Facebook is absolutely fed up with the libtard lunacy. As this major flushing was going on, the media has been focusing on a huge scandal that has been everywhere on social media: Trump separating families of immigrants like a nazi racist. However, the photos that circulated were fake or from the Obama era, and most of the arguments used by the libtards were false. Too much lies mixed into it to know what’s really going on, but after some research, this post summarizes it the best.

“Bill Clinton …Read More

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