I got the creepiest and weirdest report for today. We went exploring some side roads in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Something wanted us to see this in the middle of nowhere. Dirt road was wet and it made no sense to keep driving there.
Psychics will particularly appreciate looking at the unusual energies through the pictures.
Huge vultures at the entrance of a portal. We arrived to what had to be seen.
And… wait… bone remains spread over the road!?? The long bone on the right, enlarged in the lower-right corner, appears to be human. I’d say a mix of cow and human bones. I’m not sure on the cow part.
Strangely, you only find bones BEFORE the portal, and you only see vultures AT the portal. Once you pass through, there are no bones to be seen. But it feels like a dream, everything feels like an illusion.
After the portal, by placing special glasses to see through the illusions… all we could see is blood and bones everywhere. Thousands of corpses that were killed… 1300 years ago? It was like driving over piles of corpses. With arms coming off the ground and trying to grab us. Everything else feels fake. Here’s some more bones.
On the way out, you see neither vultures nor bones until you arrive back to the portal. This portal seems to have brought us into a different planet that was destroyed a long while ago, and is being used to mirror our planet. However, this portal has been there for a very long time, ever since our planet existed. I’m measuring 98.4% accuracy on this paragraph.
On the way out (picture above), there were 2 gates. Vultures were waiting at the first gate entering the portal, then we were inside the portal for ~150m where we saw a lot of bones, then vultures again at the second gate leaving the portal. It’s interesting to watch its structure. It’s not just a hole you pass through, but rather, an elongated passage that gradually transfers you between two worlds.
We crossed 3 people on that road. The first one seemed traumatized, something happened to him and he was leaving hastily. Second one went in, and we saw him come out later, energetically dead, some entity took over his body. We crossed the 3rd one right over the bones, and he didn’t seem to see any bones at all. Were we the only ones able to see the bones? Muscle-test this one and post your observation in the comments.
After the portal, the people physically look normal, but they are non-humans. Everyone has a very aggressive alien energy and reptilian DNA.
There were 3 people doing construction at the end of the road; non-humans again. The picture below is the end of the road. Something is hiding there. I’m seeing a pile of corpses nearby, and a beast. The 3 people there are feeding the beast. We didn’t stop to look further, but simply took a picture and left. The 3 men could be dangerous.
As we were driving into this world, there was a man watching us from the left side of the road, and a beast watching us from the right side.
Before the portal, there was that other fork on the road (picture below). I was measuring 5% probability to come back out unharmed, and 35% to come back at all. Let’s skip this one… but what’s there??
After leaving the portal, we didn’t come back into our world. On the main roads, only 3% of people were human; people who got lost through those portals.
There was one more place to see. Driving up on Colosio, approaching the paid highway, there is this on the left-side of the road. There’s a beast hiding there. What is this? I’m asking the question to all the psychics out there. Post what you see in the comments.
Right as we saw this here, we got passed by this truck. Yucky energy… most definitely carrying animal and human remains!! We drove back from this place real quick otherwise weird things could happen to us, and I wanted to catch this truck for a picture and to see his plaque.
Still remains the issue that… 2.8% of people here are human, and drivers are very aggressive. This really started to feel like the movie Inception. It feels like you’re in a dream, and you can’t tell what is reality and what isn’t. Eventually, people start watching you because they can sense the disturbance in the matrix that you cause. Time to get out.
Somehow, Plaza Americas, the mall where I often go, was protected and contained more humans, so we drove there. We passed through another portal entering the mall, coming back to a reality closer to ours. People in the mall had a DNA 35% closer to ours, that felt safer.
We went to eat… the idea was to go back to the places we usually go to in order to come back closer to our reality. Eating at a new restaurant would cause us to remain more stuck into this parallel world. We left the mall through the other side, passing through another portal. The people now had their DNA 55% closer to ours. Walking around the building, we passed another large portal, and the DNA was 72% closer to ours, and by the time we got back home, it was 75%.
As of writing this, we’re only 81% back into our timeline, so this isn’t over yet. We “should” merge back into our timeline tomorrow morning, but a bit of help would also be appreciated, just in case.
Here’s a little bonus from the other day. I’ve been posting various pictures on Facebook, and this one is particularly interesting. We’re being pursued by non-human shapeshifters who can teleport. Curiously, those who teleport mostly pursue us in specific places such as the supermarket (several times in a row) and the internet company office (both times we went there). Last time we went to the supermarket, there’s a new group attacking Earth and they were at least 12 non-humans chasing us down at the supermarket. All shapeshifting into tall people. We left before they could implant an energetic virus. Once we leave the supermarket to go to the food court, they follow us and watch but don’t attempt anything.
The other day, another group teleported into the supermarket to pursue us. We spent 5 minutes running through the supermarket chasing one down. It was very interesting to observe. As we got closer, the energetic planes got weird and malleable, and he was sliding between planes to pop up elsewhere. He appears as a woman, slides between planes, re-appears as a man, slides again and shows up elsewhere. I eventually found him and took a picture. Very aggressive non-human energy that can give a serious headache.
This is the best picture of a non-human shapeshifter I’ve ever seen. The other day before, another one teleported behind me at the internet company office… we all had to wait outside and just a few people can go inside. How could he be behind me inside if he was nowhere to be seen outside? He said a few words to the security guy to hypnotize him, and I kept some distance. That one at the internet office had a belly much bigger than this one here.
One final note. When they teleport, nobody will ever see them appear or disappear. Your vision gets blurry as they create a gap of attention for them to slip through. It “might” be possible to catch them on security camera if nobody is watching the screen.
That’s quite a lot to take in, and I thought it would be best to share these experiences with as many people as possible.
There are several more things to explore, such as 3 of the pictures I posted. Take the time to meditate and please share what you find in the comments!
Accuracy check: 99.0% (measure it yourself!)
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Marguerite on October 24, 2020 - 7:58 pm
“Were we the only ones able to see the bones?” I got 98% yes.
#2 by Rose on October 24, 2020 - 8:41 pm
In picture “approaching the paid highway” , I see family of beasts (young & old).
#3 by Hock Yeoh on October 24, 2020 - 11:00 pm
The photo with Bones – none were human, all animal bones from another planet, died when their world was destroyed. Can be Amphibians class. Two different species bones. The 3 “men’ can’t see the bones.
Beast in photo- yes, only one, eats humans, comes from another planet, via portal.
#4 by Etienne Charland on October 24, 2020 - 11:55 pm
The piles of bones we felt were very old, but the bones we saw on the road were fresh.
#5 by Elohim on October 24, 2020 - 11:59 pm
How about that —-
So very similar to our experience at Coba —-
At present time a friend of ours whom lives nearby and is an immigrant from north central Mexico is deeply involved with a group whom are excavating artifacts that certainly tie the Aztecs as well as the Maya to Aliens === my opinion / discernment ==== from Draconian universe.
Your picture you ask of what is not seen but definitely there —- re-watch the movie Predator 2 —- what I see is like the junior / evolved genetically predator being hanging out in the trees.
My prayers to you, Rion and the others —– this is rough stuff ——-
Keep on guard —– like you might want to consider moving out of the Yucatan Peninsula and sealing these ports.
All the energy off that excursion is very low, dark, foreboding —-
Sure you are powerful and eternal, but why stick around in quick sand —- there are many many sub traps just discernable within the photo series —- let alone what you didn’t experience down that road with all the trash.
That one —- think of Jabba in Star Wars —– but more menacing / parasitical.
Sending love and good regards for all that you continue to confront!!!!!
#6 by Cristina on October 25, 2020 - 12:01 am
Those large black birds are vultures, not crows!!!
They are carrion birds – eating dead things only.
That portal is extremely creepy, and the vultures are
feeding on the dead corpses.
#7 by Etienne Charland on October 25, 2020 - 12:04 am
Thanks, I corrected the article. Accuracy went up by 0.85%, going up to 99.0%
#8 by Marija on October 25, 2020 - 2:02 pm
Hi Emoji
I see just red evil eyes watching and following you, protect people who are around you …
You are well, just… keep it cool this period.
Thanks Emoji and have a beautiful day Emoji
#9 by The Knowledge Library on October 25, 2020 - 11:49 pm
Yo man
I got your report and i just wanna say
I could smell the blood and Bones as well
Mainly animal (cow) but the human scent was definitely in the mix.
You are legit af for being able to capture that shit in a photo. Just wanted to encourage you on that
#10 by considerthelily on October 25, 2020 - 11:50 pm
Dearf Etienne,
That was the creepiest newsletter ever. Especially since I had a similar experience that I was trying to fit into some kind of normalcy. But I shall desist with that! I am a targeted individual so I am used to being stalked and harassed, most often by LEOs. two days ago I went to the local supermarket. three people with supermarket badges on came in right behind me, though I did not see them before I entered the store! I felt bad energy from them and knew I was on their radar, though I wasn’t really paying attention as I should have been. As I tried to leave the store the three of them walked towards me and surrounded me before I could react and go the other way. they ripped off my energy as they passed by me, and walked away looking as normal as possible.
I know you have explained the shifting realities as a 20 year time loop. Do you see the world geography and history, animals, product names, changing just about every week? onceuponatimeline youtube channel is very observant about the changes. what further understanding do you have of the shifting universes? what is happening! seems like creation has become unstable. evolving?
we have to get the evil out.
#11 by Etienne Charland on October 25, 2020 - 11:53 pm
There’s a new group of aliens that just arrived, creating these portals
Assaulting Earth with 3800+ non-human agents on the ground. It could very well be one of them. They’ve since mostly withdrawn to plan their next attack.
You’re talking about a whole bunch of different topics though.