Posts Tagged life purpose

Thinking of joining the Global Information Network?

If you don’t know what is the Global Information Network, you can listen to their free Your Wish Is Your Command training here. Talking of which, it would be good for me to go through those audios again. (use the Video Speed Controller plugin to play at 1.3x or 1.5x speed)

To get to the point, I’m writing this now because GIN has a promotion right now to join for $150 instead of $497, and then with the usual $150/month payments ONLY UNTIL APRIL 31ST (extended until May 31st)… in a few days. Someone was asking to join under me… but my account is inactive. If I’d have just 4 people joining below me, I could reactivate my account and it wouldn’t cost me anything. Let me know if you’d like to join.

Edit: You can use this link to join

Kevin Trudeau was fighting against the Deep State and after 15 years of legal battles, they eventually won and threw him in jail for 10 years for saying in his book that the cure is easy, he sold 12 million copies of it, and the judge read it and said it wasn’t that easy. I wrote about what then happened to the Global Information here. The only event I went to was in Washington the day before he went to jail.

Fast-forward many years, …Read More

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12 Dimensions of Consciousness Explained

I recently posted a video explaining the 12 dimensions of consciousness but the audio was bad so I’ll post it again as an article since it’s an important topic.

First of all, Dimensions and Densities are two completely separate topics and they are being mixed one for another all the time. Soul densities are an aspect of consciousness wheresas Dimensions have more to do with the structure of the Universe and your place in it.

There are lots of incarnated starseeds that are 8th density or above, some are 12th density, some have a soul structure built in 25 densities, and some even in 100 densities or more. Density levels can go up to infinity and represent the level of soul development. However, there can still be duality and darkness even at higher densities. The Archons, for example, are energetic parasites working millions of densities high, and the energetic structures and mind control structures they build are extremely rigid and difficult to deal with for that reason. (Archons have now been exterminated but some of their structures may still remain)

Dimensions, on the other hand, go from 0D to 12D. Each dimension brings a new perspective. Black magic and neutral magic is 4D, there is no more duality from 5D and a 10D karmic purpose may not make sense when looking from a 6D perspective of peace.

The law of attraction is a 4D law, and is overridden by 5D laws, 6D laws, 7D laws, 8D laws, 9D laws, 10D laws, 11D laws and …Read More

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State of the False Light Matrix (March 2019)

Are energies shifting enough yet? Many are reporting huge and very rapid changes unfolding. Some are having huge breakthroughs and rapid progress, some are depressed and reacting badly, and some are overwhelmed and integrating. Most are getting dragged behind the waves instead of leading the waves. Let’s look at the current situation more in details. We’ll focus on the United States because that’s where things are boiling right now.

In terms of leading vs getting dragged behind, let’s measure the position of those seeking ascension and all US population. 1% leading means leding edge and 20% leading means you’re not dragging behind but not leading either. 50% leading includes everyone who is more leading than dragging behind so the numbers are cumulative.

1% leading edge: 0.015% / 0.00013%5% leading: 0.3% / 0.018%10% leading: 4.6% / 0.15%20% leading: 5.6% / 0.18%30% leading: 7.6% / 3.6%40% leading: 8.9% / 3.7%50% middle: 9.2% / 4.0%60% dragging: 10.1% / 4.1%70% dragging: 11.6% / 4.3%80% dragging: 12.1% / 4.6%90% dragging: 15.6% / 4.7%95% dragging: 18.4% / 4.9%99% dragging: 21.4% / 5.1%

This means, 78.6% of those seeking ascension in the USA are in the 1% tail end of the waves getting dragged behind, 94.9% of the US population. Not good, but that’s where we’re at as of March 2019. If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re in the 30% leading. 95.6% of those reading my articles and updates are in the 30% leading.

Back in August 2018, I wrote the article The False Light Matrix Explained that …Read More

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Launching Skyranet Beta: Psychic Network for Lightworkers

We are launching Skyranet beta, a psychic network for Lightworkers. Its purpose is to help synchronize the intents and efforts of Lightworkers, strengthen their connection to Source, reduce influence from mind control technologies and from the environment, and provide a psychic communication network. The Skyranet command center can only be accessed by the Avians, Orion Counsel and Federation of Light. Only those who have a very strong and stable hard-line connection to Source. The core of Skyranet is built in the 136th density.

When you’re born, you automatically get 4 implants, behind your head, behind your neck, behind your shoulders and behind your lower back. In the past few years the dark forces have cranked up their mind control technologies to their maximum out of desperation. When you opt-in to Skyranet, you get 5 solid golden implants, on top of your head, behind your pineal gland, behind your neck, behind your heart and behind your lower back. At the base of the implant is a filter to ensure any message coming in or out has a frequency and an intent of at least 500 (love). The golden implant is extremely solid to withstand the psychic storms so you won’t be able to remove it on your own but can opt out at any time.

Distress calls won’t be broadcast over the network but will reach the command center. This hardline connection will also make it easier for Angelic beings to reach you and support you. This remains to be tested, but it …Read More

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Our Recent History Is Wrong

I haven’t written in a while because energetic shifts have been absolutely insane, and making tremendous progress on which I will report later. For now, I’ll keep it short.

How can we get our ancient history right if we can’t even get our modern history right?

Someone on Facebook shared some links, which I measured as very high accuracy, but the information is extremely disturbing. I’ll just throw the red pill out there.

According to muscle testing, the Great Wall of China wasn’t built by the Chinese, but by the Tartarians, not a thousand years ago, but around 430 years ago! Test this for accuracy yourself.

Furthermore, something that I found strange is that the monk in Journey to the West, who was accompanied by the Monkey King, lived between the years 602 and 664, while the book was only published in 1592. How did the author recover the flow of events in such details a thousand years later, and how could it become the most popular story of China deeply ingrained into their culture if it came out of nowhere like this so far from the actual events?

Answer is… there is no 1000-year gap. The years 500 to 1500 were fabricated as a foggy myth in around 1850 when the Gregorian calendar was established. Jesus was thus born only 1019 years ago. Now muscle-test this one for accuracy.

Makes me remember the movie The Matrix: you’re not in the year you think you are.

I talked about 2 great destruction in my book Read More

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