Just some heads up. I’ll be at the Global Information Network event in January at the Trump Doral National Resort in Miami. This will be an extremely powerful event. I’ve been working on activating and strengthening Kevin, and re-aligning the club.

I’m building the Hanuman Foundation Pillar at the origins of time and space, then aligning the Global Information Network, on top of it, then the Trump movement, and God. The goal is to align the Foundation, GIN, Trump and God as a singular pillar. This event will be perfect to anchor this new energy in place. Days before Trump takes office.

This will be a transformational event at a planetary scale. You might want to be there.


If you sign up into GIN as Level 1 member, you get all the level 1 trainings, you get a free ticket to the event, you get a free ticket to the Cruise in January 2026 (the most powerful event!), and you get a free Money Process (which is super potent to unlock the flow of money). All that for $1500, plus $150 monthly dues. That’s a lot of value for $1500! You can join from their website.

Out of the monthly dues, I’d get 30% of it because of the current “membership drive”, so you’re automatically making donations to me at the same time.

I’m writing this to you very last minute, and you have only until tomorrow to decide. If you want to act on this, sign up for GIN, and then send me a message with First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email, City, State, Country. I’ll then add you as my invitee. Also if you joined during the past 2 months, please send me this information too.

If you can’t attend live, you also have the option of attending via livestream, which is also very powerful.

We’ll be a group of our people heading over there so this will be quite an interesting experience.

If you’re not ready to join yet, but would like to receive Your Wish Is Your Command training which is very powerful in itself, send me a message asking for a free copy of Your Wish Is Your Command.

From now on, there will be 2 prerequisites before working with me 1-on-1. You’ll need to be part of Project Varanasi to get support from our team of monks. You’ll also need to be part of the Global Information Network. The reason is that it serves as a timeline vehicle to get you into the right timelines. GIN helps solve the timeline issues, while the Varanasi monks help lift the bulk of energies. From there we’ll be able to make much better progress to build your life forward.

I’m in Quebec for the first time in many years. There’s a lot to say about the situation in Canada but won’t do so now. A conversation for another time!

Talk soon, and see some of you in Miami soon!

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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