Posts Tagged attract women

A Few Ground Rules

I’ve really been seeing of everything lately. To help energy move smoothly and effectively, let’s set a few ground rules.

1. Don’t send me long messages with your story if you don’t intend to do something about it. I won’t get into your story, and you’re just wasting your time and mine.

If you did have an Energy Tune-Up with me in the past, this is where you share your situation. Keep it short and concise as results require focus. I’m not here to delve into your story, I’m here to rewrite it and get you concrete results. It’s more important to know where you want to go.

>> Apply for a Strategy Session here

2. I’m not here to trick you into buying anything; and I won’t give out my time for free either. If you’re here to move forward with your life in a big way, then let’s work together. Request a Strategy Session and let’s get started. If not, then this mailing list may become less appealing to you as I’ll be talking more and more directly to action-takers and leaders. You can unsubscribe if that isn’t you.

To answer a question I’ve been getting a few times: why am I not sharing my knowledge freely? I am! If you want more information about it, keep reading what I write. The real work, however, isn’t about the knowledge but about you. I can’t write about you on a blog, that’s something that has to be done in-person. It’s …Read More

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Evolve Live with Destin Gerek

My good friend Destin Gerek, a true master in spiritual and sexual presence, is going to host a large event this January — the kind of event that has never been done before. You can be sure that both I and Rion will be there. (we went to visit him at his new house near Los Angeles which is just gorgeous, pictures below)

This event will allow you to
– Evolve Your Sexual Consciousness
– Create deeper, more powerful connections
– Find greater openness, intimacy, and passion for yourself and with your partner
– Attract the partner you desire
– Discover true sexual confidence that comes from self love and being an amazing lover

>> Buy your tickets now <<
Early bird discount ends Dec. 15th!
Use discount code ‘Etienne’ to get 10% OFF

He spent a LOT of money to produce a video that explains what this event is in an awe-inspiring way,
so head over to this page to watch his video and how it will impact your life.

And here are some pictures I took when we met last time

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First Event for Women – Feminine Awakening in Thailand

After providing powerful transformational experiences to men for years, I’m finally bringing this massive value over to women. I will be hosting a Feminine Awakening and Transformation Event in Thailand. It will be the week-end right after the big event for men. We’re making history baby!

Read all the details here

See you ‘live’ soon in Thailand 😉

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Women Complementarity Controversy in Tunisia

There is currently a huge controversy in Tunisia about the draft of a new constitution that promotes women complementarity instead of equity. What strikes me the most is the strength and vivacity of the violent opposition to this concept of complementarity. Even my own mom got in strong reaction to this news on TV which has nothing to do with her. Having taught about relationships for many years, I wanted to bring my own perspective to this controversial issue.

First, let’s look into the concept of equity for which people are violently fighting. If we look at what it has done in Western countries, it has brought everybody to the same level. It has removed the contrasts and colors of life, creating a society with only shades of grey. We fought for equity but we got sameness.

Sameness is not oneness. Uniformity is not unity. Unity, or oneness, is complementarity, not sameness. Sameness is uncreative… and boring.

I wrote this almost 3 years ago in this video montage.

From a professional perspective, equity is definitely not something to aim for at a personal level. If you’re on my website, I suppose you are seeking to be the most successful person you can be in all areas of life. You are not seeking to just be like everybody else. You are not seeking average success in life. In order to live at your …Read More

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Coaches/Healers: Step Into Your Divine Power

This message is for female coaches and healers, although it also impacts the life of everyone. Please forward it to the female coaches and healers you know. There is currently a shift of consciousness and awakening of the feminine in our society. This is shifting the social dynamics and our ways of living in a gradual and very profound way.

Energetic literacy allows seeing the current state of consciousness in a precise and objective way. I read the energy field of many random women in Montreal for their balance of masculine and feminine energies in the solar plexus, which is the balance between personal power and divine power. Masculinity is about living your life purpose and making a difference in the world. Femininity is about having a great lifestyle and relationships.

Most women wondering where are the real men have their own masculinity stronger than their femininity. When a man meets a woman who is connected to her feminine essence, it develops and empowers him as a man.

On average, women in Montreal have their masculinity extending 6 to 8 feet and their femininity extending 4 to 6 feet. Not a single one of them have their femininity stronger than their masculinity. What about the coaches and healers I personally know? One very fun and friendly coach has her masculinity extending to the sky (100km) and her femininity extending 80km. Another very powerful healer has her masculinity extending to the moon and her femininity extending to the sky. One of the greatest women …Read More

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