Posts Tagged femininity

2012 Consciousness Shift, What Happened?

Yesterday was the end of the Mayan calendar. It’s not the end of the world; it’s the end of the calendar. Many associate that date with the beginning of a new golden age of consciousness and prosperity. Those who don’t know will say nothing happened, and those who know will say everything happened. What has been your experience on December 21st 2012? Here’s my experience.

First let me explain how the Mayan calendar works. It represents cycles of evolution where each new cycles is 20 times shorter and 20 times faster than the previous cycle. That would explain why everything seems to be speeding up in our society. Around 1998, we went from an era of 13 periods of 20 years to an era of 13 periods of 1 year. That’s about when the spirituality movement first started emerging. During the whole year 2012, we went from an era of 13 periods of 1 year to an era of 13 periods of 20 days, and lots of stuff has been happening during that year. On December 8th 2012, we moved onto an era of 13 periods of 1 day. The explanation of the 2012 consciousness shift I posted over a year ago has proven to be very accurate.

Ever since December 8th, I have been feeling a whirlwind inside and haven’t been able to get any work done. I asked a few other people and there are many others who started feeling itchy, all over the place, distracted, with high …Read More

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How Do You React to Feminine Energy?

I’ve been mentioning the feminine energy a lot lately as it is a central piece in a lot of the work I do. Many of you are new to my list and may not know what I’m talking about, so let’s explore this topic experimentally. I already know the experience of experienced natural grounders. I would like to hear from women and from people who have never done Natural Grounding before.

If you are a woman or never did Natural Grounding or Self-Awakening before, here’s what I want you to do. Watch each of the 3 videos below. After watching the first video, write down a sentence or two about your experience, reaction, how it makes you feel and what’s going through your mind. Then, move on to the second video and do the same thing, then move onto the 3rd video. Keep each experience separate, so once you’ve written your feedback for video 1, don’t change it afterwards. You will probably have different feedback for each video. Post a comment that looks like this:

Sex: [man or woman]
Country: [which country you come from]
Video 1: [description of experience]
Video 2: [description of experience]
Video 3: [description of experience]

I don’t want you to write what I want to hear. Be honest and write what’s real for you right now.

Watch this first video then write down your reactions to it. Try to get out of your rational mind and feel the energy within the video.