I’ve been mentioning the feminine energy a lot lately as it is a central piece in a lot of the work I do. Many of you are new to my list and may not know what I’m talking about, so let’s explore this topic experimentally. I already know the experience of experienced natural grounders. I would like to hear from women and from people who have never done Natural Grounding before.
If you are a woman or never did Natural Grounding or Self-Awakening before, here’s what I want you to do. Watch each of the 3 videos below. After watching the first video, write down a sentence or two about your experience, reaction, how it makes you feel and what’s going through your mind. Then, move on to the second video and do the same thing, then move onto the 3rd video. Keep each experience separate, so once you’ve written your feedback for video 1, don’t change it afterwards. You will probably have different feedback for each video. Post a comment that looks like this:
Sex: [man or woman]
Country: [which country you come from]
Video 1: [description of experience]
Video 2: [description of experience]
Video 3: [description of experience]
I don’t want you to write what I want to hear. Be honest and write what’s real for you right now.
Watch this first video then write down your reactions to it. Try to get out of your rational mind and feel the energy within the video.
After writing down your experience, watch this second video and write down your feedback.
Good. Now, watch this third video and write down your reaction to it.
Post a comment below describing your 3 experiences.
These videos are part of the Natural Grounding and Self-Awakening methodologies. You can get the full Natural Grounding Guide explaining the methodology for free here.
Download the Natural Grounding Guide
This is just scratching the tip of the iceberg. Alright, we’ll talk soon.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Mark on December 11, 2012 - 6:20 am
Interesting topic.
Could not open video 1
Video 2–beautiful women–Thai are the best for pure fem energy but why not hear their songs
Video 3–could only see half way through video.
#2 by Jon on December 11, 2012 - 1:38 pm
#1: I perked up and felt alive. I was turned on. I was thinking this is the energy and expressiveness of the women I would love to have by my side. I questioned why I can’t be free and open like this, thus it inspired me to be more expressive and daring myself.
#2: Mostly peaceful. I felt I could breath in their smiles, their eyes.
#3: fun, happy.
#1 affected me the most.
#3 by Nomi on August 6, 2017 - 4:44 pm
I watched with my sister and brother, here’s what we thought
Name: Nomi
1 – adorable, what a great performance, captivating
2 – lovely but not as interesting, loved the headband
3 – too many people to keep track of, very fun and cute though
Name: Beeker
Female bodied
1 – the fish dance has come up three times in the past week, it must be important, I should take notes
2 – nice headband, ya know they’re beautiful
3 – I hope they all have a good time and they’re all friends, looks like fun, very cute
Name: Nik
Transdimentional male
1 – incredible strength of energy coming from one person faced with a whole arena of stoney faces
2 – very soulful, proud and exuberant
3 – made me think about how the more individuals you add to a group of feminine energy the better it becomes, which is the opposite of masculine energy in my experience