Posts Tagged Federation of Light

Summary of Counsel Meeting with the Federations of the Multiverse

A bit of update on everything that has been going on. On June 20th 2019, we received coordinated attacks from Arch-Demons in upper Universes. Earth was well-defended, Andromedia was severely attacked but is fine; but the Galactic Federation is in limbo. Since then, the multiverse has been like a big zoo on an open highway and things have been just crazy. There are big shifts happening throughout 100 to 150 Universes above us and some groups have been trying to take over the Multiverse. Things have been hectic to say the least.

Hock Yeoh did a really nice drawing of the Battle of Araghart just before it happened, and it was highly accurate. We got reports afterwards that there were fleets of Reptilian ships attacking our solar system which he drew and I had never mentioned!

Posted by Hock Yeoh on June 19th 2019

Now, after completely disintegrating about 2 million souls in the Multiverse, things are falling back under control. The gates between Universes have been secured and 95% closed. Support can still come in from upper Universes but traffic will be highly regulated.

As of right now, there are 500 ships of the Galactic Federation surrounding Earth to stabilize the situation here and synchronize our energy with the Federation. They have been authorized to do so, but have NOT been authorized to bring Earth into the Federation. In fact, Andromedia , the most important planet of the Federation, has unofficially left the Galactic Federation and formed a new alliance with Light-based planets. …Read More

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The 1% of 1% of Spiritual Leaders

There is now plenty of chaos unfolding as a new energetic reality asserts itself. Massive psychic storms, storms, wildfires, floods, people going completely crazy, etc. This is just the beginning. We can expect things to go downhill for the next 3 years until God shakes the insanity off its feet with a “Great Mighty Earthquake” according to the Bible, most likely in California. Then things will calm down. Right now we can expect, within the next 18 years, to lose about 14% of the US population and a third of Europe’s population (many will emigrate). Measure the accuracy of this so far. I get 98.2% accuracy, although timelines can shift at any time.

The question you
might then ask is: when is this chaos going to stop? The answer is
simple. When 1% of the population is going to take responsibility
for the emergence of a new world.

Our planet is going through a huge energetic shift where Heaven and Earth are colliding and merging with each other, and the veil separating the physical and non-physical is being lifted. This process won’t happen without chaos. People just aren’t ready for it. Many call this process “ascension” as we will emerge into a 5D world where the energetic fabric of reality is part of our daily lives, alongside advanced spiritual and technological knowledge. First, the veils and illusions of our 3D world are turning into ashes. The unfolding of this process is now undeniable.

as of March 2019, what are the main obstacles to ascension?

– …Read More

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Launching Skyranet Beta: Psychic Network for Lightworkers

We are launching Skyranet beta, a psychic network for Lightworkers. Its purpose is to help synchronize the intents and efforts of Lightworkers, strengthen their connection to Source, reduce influence from mind control technologies and from the environment, and provide a psychic communication network. The Skyranet command center can only be accessed by the Avians, Orion Counsel and Federation of Light. Only those who have a very strong and stable hard-line connection to Source. The core of Skyranet is built in the 136th density.

When you’re born, you automatically get 4 implants, behind your head, behind your neck, behind your shoulders and behind your lower back. In the past few years the dark forces have cranked up their mind control technologies to their maximum out of desperation. When you opt-in to Skyranet, you get 5 solid golden implants, on top of your head, behind your pineal gland, behind your neck, behind your heart and behind your lower back. At the base of the implant is a filter to ensure any message coming in or out has a frequency and an intent of at least 500 (love). The golden implant is extremely solid to withstand the psychic storms so you won’t be able to remove it on your own but can opt out at any time.

Distress calls won’t be broadcast over the network but will reach the command center. This hardline connection will also make it easier for Angelic beings to reach you and support you. This remains to be tested, but it …Read More

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The End of Taxation

There has been a lot of debates in regards to taxes. You pay money to the government, and very little comes back to you in any way, shape or form. Yet you certainly enjoy the benefits of roads and bridges which do cost a lot of money. Where do you draw the line? Here’s a really good definition of tax I like very much: a non-reciprocal or unbalanced transaction.

Here are some examples that fit that definition, besides governmental taxes that are unbalanced transaction and mafia protection fees that are non-reciprocal. Gasoline refineries steal on both ends, placing producers under economic pressure by paying peanuts for the raw oil, and selling it at a very high price to the consumer, without regards to the law of supply and demand, because they control the supply chain. That’s an example of taxation on both ends.

Schools in the USA are another form of tax. They are crushingly expensive, teach literally nothing, and college students in the USA are no more educated than high-school graduates in any other country, according to this video.

Then I just learnt a big one with credit cards. Cash withdrawals charge you more than twice the displayed interest rate, for life or until the balance of the card reaches 0. How do they do that? Let’s say you have a card at 9.9%. Cash withdrawals will charge 10.9% compound interest applied daily, which adds up more. At the end of the month, the 9.9% is added on TOP of the …Read More

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The Dawn of a New Age

This is Metatron, I am requesting Etienne to send out this message. We are at the dawn of a new age, and about to go through the greatest transition this planet has ever been through. The signs are everywhere around, yet most will keep closing their eyes until they have water up to their knees. This is a final warning.

Etienne and many other spiritual leaders who have been protecting the planet and the population have been instructed to stop trying to preserve life anymore. It has been decided by Source that the best timeline in the long run is for a deep cleansing of the planet that will reduce the population by a third. Any attempts by energy workers to block this process from unfolding will be neutralized to avoid causing even more damage. This planet needs a rebirth. Two thirds will have a spiritual rebirth, and one third will have a physical rebirth.

We call upon all lightworkers to focus on what they want to create, and to stop trying to fight against what needs to happen. This is a life or death situation, and many energy workers will perish within the next 10 years because they are working with the demons and pretending to be something else. We’re talking about half of all energy workers in the USA that may perish within 10 years.

The great turmoil is about to begin. Many got shaken up by the warning signs, yet still few got the message. Here we will spell it …Read More

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