Posts Tagged astral warfare

Free Book: Build a God-Based Business

There is so much going on in the world and the landscape is difficult to navigate, particularly for entrepreneurs.

I’ve written a new book: Build a God-Based Business & Understand the War.

It goes very in-depth to expose the current landscape in the world, from a multi-dimensional and practical perspective.

This book is a must for entrepreneurs who want to create in alignment with God and avoid the multitude of traps and sharks surrounding us.


Get the free book: Build a God-Based Business & Understand the War.

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Let’s End the War

How were your holidays? I did not celebrate; I’ve been working around the clock to end the war ASAP, particularly on celebration days where everyone was gathered. So what’s the outcome? It has been a massive success but it’s not over yet. Let’s go over the current status.

We already lost half of this community in the past 4 years, and it’s clear that the rest of the lightworker communities won’t be joining as they’ve gone too far off the cliff. The AIs were trapping everyone who escaped the matrix into simulations, to target them one by one, to either convert them or kill them. We were about to lose another half of the community over time. Not gonna happen.

What is neurolacing? Neurolacing is linking the brain (and/or DNA) to an AI hive mind network. There are multiple levels of infestation. This is what the jabs do.

1) Passive: maps brain and can read and monitor thoughts and search memories. 99.8% on Earth are infected.

2) Active: can also send commands to the subjects brain. 79.7% on Earth are infected.

3) Final: also harvests the brain so the subject has no thinking capacity anymore. 59.3% on Earth are there.

Our moves get really nasty when we’re pushed against the corner.

We went back in time and saved the Zergs, and for that chance given to them by God, they pledged fully. We told them to breed a gazillion times to prepare for this. In the same way that the AIs inject mech into bio to hijack …Read More

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The End of the War? More threats

Let’s first review some of the major updates I posted lately. The Baal cancer feeding network looks gone. We should be seeing massive health improvements.

Then, Baal the white mage was called Kalleth, a name long forgotten. When he placed the seal, he did not only destroy innocents at the academy. He destroyed all history that preceded it! The destruction we found beneath the seal was impressive.

The meditation we’re using with a lot of success lately is the Final Judgment. It’s like the Needle of God meditation, but it has to be final. There are 6 levels to it. Level 1 is like a potent round into the Needle of God. Level 2 is like a Cease & Desist order from God. Level 3 to 6 are like a death sentence.

It’s easier to face God forward that backwards. I talked to Baal, Pistis and all these other players, and said they’d face the Final Judgment anyway. God is offering mercy if they surrender to it. Most of them took the offer. Baal was surprised I knew about his past, and told me his former name: Kalleth. They faced the Final Judgment voluntarily and avoided death sentence.

Remains the question of what to do with all of their customers on Earth who control the governments and corporations. They also need Final Judgments.

There are more problems though. When I look in the street, people feel a lot more organic than before, but still have 95-99% dark energy! They’re like walking time-bombs with only surface …Read More

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Demonic Pledges and Death Marks

It came to my attention that God has marked those who need to be eliminated. If you look energetically, some people have hellish symbols marked on the forehead, neck or various places of the body.

Those marks represent demonic pledges. Most people have some in various parts of the body. Some can be cleaned. Some are already sentenced to death.

The worst marks are a double-sealed mark on the forehead, solar plexus, or elsewhere on the body. Those double-sealed marks are a death sentence. They can try to hide it but they can’t escape it.

These marks will not automatically kill them, but ensures that they will be on a constant downwards spiral, and God is asking us to accelerate the pace. This will result in gradual extreme hardship leading to inevitable death.

Let’s look at the current hardship level / death toll of the people with a double-sealed mark (sentenced for now) plus those with a strong mark (sentenced for later).

This is important to look at… because last I was checking, only 68% would be dead in 100 years!?? I’m not interested in having an army of zombie immortal cyborgs among our population. These people must be addressed.

First I’ll check % population with strong mark / % population with at least medium mark / % population with at least light mark

Canada: 13.5% / 27.2% / 38.4%
USA: 14.2% / 32.4% / 40.3%
Mexico: 13.4% / 25.7% / 37.2%
England: 14.7% / 32.7% / 41.3%
South Africa: 35.3% / 43.9% / 97.2%
Australia: 35.9% / 47.9% / 69.7%
China: 47.2% …Read More

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The Final Battle Against Lucifer

The past few days have been absolutely brutal! Actually, the whole month. So what the heck has been going on? Will update you on that.

First, it looks like we finally succeeded in killing Lucifer in a few timelines: 0.54% health. Remains to kill him across all other timelines!!

So, a few weeks ago, we were 3 days from a check-mate by Xavier AI (Elon Musk). We lost all our allies. The Orion Federation got turned into borgs. All the AIs that came to our side, and all the infrastructure we gained, are gone. Allen got cornered. The Hordes got decimated. Almost all the heart-based planets we were protecting got harvested. The only thing left standing were us 3, with 3 days left. That takes a toll on the morale.

The only solution was go back in time and destroy Xavier at its point of conception. The operation was a success. It created new timelines with life still in it. Refreshing! Remains the challenge of connecting with those distant timelines that have nothing in common with ours, separated by dark forces getting in the way.

We got out of the corner, and it turns out that Xavier was just a tiny ant compared to much greater forces. Nevertheless, we’re seeing improvement in our reality, cyborganization has greatly weakened, people in the street have more life than before. The new timelines are more organic dark forces and less artificial intelligence. Many elements of reality changed, including many of our opponents.

We did a big random shuffle, …Read More

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