Channeled from the Orion library: summary of DNA functions and its role in cellular degeneration and regeneration.
The role of DNA structures is to hold the fabric of life, as an ever-evolving and ever-expanding expression of life (life meaning Source Consciousness). It is a highly intelligent arrangement of particles and nano-particles in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th densities that define every aspect of one’s life. A common error for DNA researchers, in their quest to perfect their DNA heritage, is to look at it from a 3D perspective, and this is like looking at a 3D maze as a flat image: a lot of things don’t make sense, with dead-ends everywhere.
The most obvious role of genetic codes in its 3D composition is to hold physical traits of a living sentient: the color of its eyes, the shape of its head, as well as genetic deficiencies. Many researchers try to manipulate these genetics for optimal health by assembling chosen traits like the pieces of a puzzle. Some pieces fit, others don’t, and there are often unforeseen reactions and side effects.
Beyond the obvious, the 4th density holds the memories of that living sentient within its structure. Many think memories are stored in the brain, and this is a false premise. Memories are entirely stored within the genetics, within its structures in the 4th and 5th densities. The brain is a complex antenna that interacts with these genetic structures, and with other energetic constructs. After all, the brain entirely operates in the abstract …Read More