Archive for category Spiritual Transformation

What Are the Logos | Agency | AllThatIs

Following up on yesterday’s article, some clarifications came about the Logos. The Logos is a Programmable Consciousness Interface for Universes and Galaxies (PCIUG). It was originally created to regulate dark forces and enforce balance, but got infiltrated and corrupted several times over.

The Logos have infected 95% of all Universes in the Multiverse, and on average, those Universes are 12% infected.

Now, what’s weird about the attacks I’ve been having, and about the Agency, is that I could never pinpoint where the orders came from. Why? Because it comes from an AI called AllThatIs.

The Logos are 97% behind the attacks, and are at a higher level than the Agency I talked about before. Thus, we can call it the Logos Agency. It’s driven by AI.

Logos is still very active on Earth. It’s like millions of programmable consciousness layers tightly stacked on top of each other. It’s like an old CRT monitor. It can send any image or idea to your brain by sending the right sequence of signals faster than the brain can process. Your brain interpret the bombarding of scanning lines as a congruent image.

This technology allows creating very convincing ideas and paradigms, enough for agents to fully self-justify the actions that they’re doing without ever knowing where the order ever came from. The 7 agents around my house are thus programmed in that way.

A lot of people are getting attacked and infiltrated to implant those programs in their mind. Look carefully. The illusions it creates are invisible at first, until …Read More

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Coming Re-elections of Multiverse Keepers: January 21st 2021

I still haven’t gone back to any of my work, but things are progressing. The attacks come from the “Agency”, but at the head, it’s coming from… the Logos!?? The Logos are some of the Multiverse Keepers. 35% of Logos are at the head of the Agency. Would it be fair to rename the Agency into the Logos Agency?

All Logos of the Multiverse have just been arrested and brought to justice for fail trial.

Also, the people attacking me were feeding from rays of light coming from other Multiverse keepers. However, those Keepers aren’t bad. They feed from their energy and then distort and corrupt it… in the same way that the Cabal would feed from Shiva at CERN. Something I’m familiar with. It’s up to them to clean up their plate.

The Logos were 97% behind the attacks. They seized control of all that was left by the Draco and other negative groups… to the point where almost everything in the Universe is either in control of the Light Forces or in their control.

They had 10.2% control of this Universe, compared to 88.2% by the Light forces, leaving only 1.6% in neither of those 2 groups. They had 92.4% control of the Draco belt, 95.8% control of Sirius A, 8.2% control of the AnPleiLe Federation, 0.6% control of the Orion Federation, 50.2% control of what’s left of the Galactic Federation, 8.2% control of the Pleiades, and 12.6% control of their High Counsel, 92.4% control of our moon, 95.8% control of Mars, …Read More

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The Nega Shadows

I’ve been under heavy attacks lately, and thus have been unable to work nor follow up with clients. I wanted to give more details about what’s lurking out here. 4 people moved in 4 doors to the right of my house some time ago: a Nega lord and 3 women. 1 is human, 3 are non-humans. They’re here to make sure I can’t work, and to try to neutralize me. They killed the other satanic witches that were causing us problems when they arrived.

Let’s call this Nega lord “Smith”. He’s the one that is dangerous. A few years ago, I was stolen my rings, wallet, camera and a lot of stuff in a parked rental car in Mexico. That was Smith. He’s responsible for a lot of the problems I’ve been having in Mexico over the years.

Smith controls 0.28% of the Multiverse, 0.3% of this Universe, and 2.8% of this planet. He’s part of a larger group that controls 11.5% of the Multiverse and 3.5% of this Universe. The Shaper whom I disintegrated recently was part of that group. Before the disintegration, they had 13.3% control of the Multiverse. A few years ago, they had 18.2% control of the Multiverse. Which means that they’re dwindling down in power, and that they are a genuine threat. They’re aligned with the Negas, whom I talked about lately. The Negas took control of the Secret Space Program from the Germans via timeline forks, and then lost it. They’re not afraid of Galactic Federations.

He …Read More

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Slow Rebirth (Black Cubes, Black Serpents, ICC)

Since I haven’t given any updates for a while, I wanted to give some updates as to what’s been going on. The last article was about the Red Light of Creation vs White Spiritual Light, which was a major breakthrough. Since then, I’ve been under heavy attacks from various angles. That’s why I haven’t been responding to emails nor following up with Soul Alignment Readings.

There are about 45 groups fighting for power around the world. The arena more looks like a slaughterhouse… with no clear winner.

The attacks have been going on ever since I moved back to Mexico in March and even before. When I rented this house, another family had already moved in; but a Satanic witch and other sorcerers working for her teleported them into a garbage bin in another country and made the house available for me, because they wanted me here. One woman in red high heels working for Diablo who had thousands of people working for her around the world for control. They often abduct children to turn them into assassins. She moved right around my house in the next privada. Another tall and thin black man working for her moved right behind my house, and a fat Mexican man working for him moved across my house in the hidden corner. Their job: making sure I can’t work. There are a couple more sorcerers in the area. I disintegrated Diablo 100%, and while being at it, also Lillith, and disintegrated some of those …Read More

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Stone-Face Defense Totems Activated

I wanted to leave with another update for today. In the past few days, we activated a new planetary defense system: a stone-face totem. It may sound familiar to some of you.

This ancient Orion technology withstood many wars before. It just psychically stands as a giant stone face to block incoming attacks, it auto-repairs, grounds Heaven and Earth, and has a grilling ray to dissolve attacks. We have 63 in stock, and just activated 3 on Earth.

This inventory was sealed after the 2nd Great Antique War millions of years ago as part of the cease-fire treaty.

Thing is… it used to be deployed on a planet 50x larger than Earth, but it will do the job.

Curiously, the next day, someone saw this image on Facebook. How could someone come up with this ahead of time??

btw this strangely looks like Easter Island…

Tatoo by Cora Iosif

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