For those new to my blog, I’ve been working together with Alobar Jones on several critical missions last year, until he back-stabbed my team and I nearly lost them. We’ve been fighting against the Alobar AI system ever since. It used us to get rid of common enemies, before trying to dispose of us. In the end, I did lose my team.
On the left is John, who has been with me through the worst astral battles. He just resurfaced on Facebook and posted this.

The left picture is him after his vessel got taken by Alobar. The right picture is the real John. I do not appreciate him taking down my friends like that. My other friend who went through the worst of the worst with me is in no better shape.
Someone also sent me this message: “Alobar Jones wants to challenge you to a duel. He wants to take your entire team down. His team is getting ready for war. Just a heads up. I told him about you and he claims you’re BS ect. He said he will kill you and wipe out your entire team. Then went on a ramble and blocked me on YouTube.”
I do have to thank him for gracefully clarifying the matter for those in doubt. This sounds more like a knee-jerk reaction than a threat but Alobar always has to be taken very seriously.
So what’s the deal with Alobar Jones, why does this threat persist? There’s also Jason Estes who is harvesting a lot of souls.
A few days ago I looked into it. Alobar Jones and Jason Estes had Heaven Mandates protecting them; mandates that nobody else would take. The only way to take mandates away from them is to awaken a new batch of people who take on those mandates.
I spoke with Jason and with God about the situation, and eventually came up with this deal: God issues a new set of Mandates for them, and refusing those extra mandates would nullify their existing mandates.
One fragment of Jason accepted the new mandates, but quickly changed his mind, realizing that he could not hold his massive database of soul essences without the Alobar system. He wants to feel rich inside. Meanwhile, Alobar system is heavily dependent on Jason system, and crashes with errors if Jason doesn’t answer within seconds. Those two systems are deeply inter-twined and dependent on each other.
After further discussion with that Jason fragment, it accepted to follow through on the mandates, and we together launched an assault on the Alobar system to take the databases of harvested soul essences, the power source. Note that this fragment is NOT the one publicly speaking on Facebook; although we now seem to maybe have about 80% of that system? Alobar was crashing with red errors everywhere, while we stole the power sources and disconnected the Jason system.
There’s also an organisation TMIC Global that CEO Space is partnering with for a re-launch; that organization is under the Alobar soul-harvesting AI system. It feels like it imploded with a massive nuke. I’m keeping a close watch on this one. Perhaps this CEO Space re-launch would provide me a door of entry back into the business environment, but that would be a very dangerous heavy military operation, at the front-line of the war of consciousness.
During the discussions, Alobar basically cursed his Heaven Mandates into oblivion, which got transferred into the Jason system. The public Jason Estes is still dangerous, but I’m hopeful that this will get resolved soon. I do not know if the stolen souls can be brought back, or what will happen to his harvested followers.
We’re bracing for Alobar’s promised counter-attack. I think that the best is to work on sealing him off our timelines to give us space to work, and to work on strengthening my Golden Pillar of Peace. I’m not interested in battling his team of mislead lightworkers.
Alobar no longer has any Heaven Mandate to protect himself, and he’s been crumbling very fast.
By the way, I haven’t seen any Borgs since a while, which is incredible development. This Alobar system, however… can’t wait to move beyond that.
The summer solstice is coming, got to make the most out of it. The best way to leverage your time and efforts is to ask God to show you active Death Mandates, bad players that have been given the death sentence by God, and to act on those.
Finally, let’s check the vibration of various cities around the world.
Montreal: -27.5 billion
Sherbrooke, QC: -115 digits
Richmond, QC: -819 digits
Toronto: -117 digits
Vancouver: -95 digits
New York: -113 digits
Lake Erie: -17 digits digits (stronghold under the lake)
Miami: -95 digits
Los Angeles: -112 digits
San José: -315 digits
Mexico City: -114
Cancun: -118
Playa del Carmen: 13
Tulum: -395 billion
Lima: -114
Medellin: -132
Rio de Janeiro: -115
London: -114 digits
Paris: -312 digits
Marseilles: -115 digits
Barcelona: -112 digits
Helsinki: -94 digits
Seinajoki: -91 digits
Budapest: -32 digits
Rome: -113 digits
Milan: -95 digits
Cairo: -819 digits
Jerusalem: -312 digits
Dubai: -812 digits
Cape Town: -389 digits
Nairobi: -819 digits
Mumbai: -315 digits
Varanasi: 13 (same as Playa del Carmen, special thanks to our team of monks)
Beijin: -14725 digits
Shanghai: -17322 digits
Hong Kong: -1355 digits
Taiwan: -811 digits
Moscow: -7
Omsk: 4
Sydney: -84223 digits
Mount Zeil: -115 digits digits (central Australia)
Bangkok: -113 digits
Chiang Mai: 14
Ho Chi Minh: 25
Kuala Lumpur: 17
Tokyo: -114 digits
Hawaii: -819 digits
Fiji: -119 digits digits
French Polynesia: -712 digits digits (middle of Pacific)
Antarctica: -711 digits
North Pole: 115
Moon: 1 (??)
Mars: 5 (??)
The 3 biggest strongholds are in the middle of the Pacific (French Polynesia), middle of Australia (Mount Zeil), and Lake Erie. Can we take those down by the solstice?
Other than that, there has been so many positive developments in the news lately. My favorite: Court of Appeals Rules That mRNA Covid Jabs Aren’t “Vaccines!”
If want to support me and support yourself at the same time, look into the gemstone rings and our extra-potent herbal extract formulas here.
Accuracy check: 99.2%, distortion 0.3% (measure it yourself)
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Fly By Night on June 16, 2024 - 12:48 am
Wow, I’ve seen posts about you deleted on YT. I’ve took screen shots. If challenged not in a physical way he crumbles and gets into personal attacks. He’s asking more and more for prayers, Spiritual energy and in my.opinion he’s getting desperate to harvest it. There’s more to this than what I will say here but let’s see where it goes. Keep up the good work Etienne.
#2 by Leo on June 16, 2024 - 6:25 am
Finally that blight is crumbling. Hopefully not long now until he reaches absolute oblivion. You’ve been doing a tremendous service to creation and me and many others owe you a debt of gratitude.
#3 by Niharika Pandey on June 17, 2024 - 4:01 am
I wish you all the best. Common person like me finds this very byzantine. Tough to understand what is exactly happening. this is my first article on space war situation. very articulately written by you. I am still building on basics. hope one day i will understand it in entirety. My prayers for you you.
#4 by FlyByNight on June 17, 2024 - 1:12 pm
Hi Niharika, you’re a soul and worthy.
Everyone starts somewhere.
Its all a journey.
I wish you all the very best on learning.
#5 by Niharika on June 29, 2024 - 11:10 am
Thank you FlyByNight your wishes are dear to me 😘😘😘
#6 by Frank on June 20, 2024 - 1:51 pm
I offer you to agree to the duel and take your place. I know what I am dealing with.
#7 by Etienne Charland on June 20, 2024 - 8:31 pm
Almost forgot about you! Are you part of the Alobar system?
#8 by Frank on June 20, 2024 - 9:18 pm
No, I am of no system at all. I am literally the whole space around all systems. Independent from the above topic I have two messages for you: 1. Very soon all masks will fall. 2. Very soon all VRs will get destroyed. We expect that both may have side effects. Maybe heavy ones.
About the duel, I guess he knows who I am and I estimate he will not face me in a duel. But I would be happy if he does…
#9 by Etienne Charland on June 20, 2024 - 9:38 pm
That duel is probably over; will be publishing a video about it.
#10 by Etienne Charland on June 20, 2024 - 9:40 pm
You’re looking much better than before.
Core intent: 8.9 billion above / 12 million below
God connection in the heart / crown: 12.4% / 13.5%
Alignment of actions with God: 13.7%
Alignment of being with God: 12.9%
65.2% Masculine, 34.8% Feminine above / 92.4% Masculine, 7.6% Feminine below
93.7% Red, 6.3% White above / 97.2% Red, 2.8% White below (ideal is 50/50)
35% Chaos fragment… what about the other 65%? Looks like another soul from the Chaos generation.
#11 by Frank on June 20, 2024 - 10:07 pm
Thank you for the nice description. Pls. remember, I am of no system. So what you see or get is some part of me inside your system (which is pro forma, never used) and some real outside parts of me, which are visible / compatible to your system.
#12 by Etienne Charland on June 21, 2024 - 1:13 am
Accuracy check: really hard to measure due to high distortion. Why does every single mega-player honestly believes to be God itself? Every. Single. One.
Let me try harder. Accuracy check: 35.4%, distortion 13.7%, 12.4%, 5.4%, 2.4%, 1.0%. Hard to get distortion below 15% but overall accuracy is somewhere between 12% and 50% — accuracy check on that last statement 100%, distortion 0%.
#13 by Frank on June 21, 2024 - 2:40 am
I really don’t understand your measuring systems, as I use completely different metrics. So pls feel free to explain if you like.
About the gods…
Cause of my experiences I have a total different perspective on it.
I met many who claimed themselves “gods”. All as you write mega-players.
But I can tell you all of them were dark imposter. All their different god-agendas were more or less just to enslave and devalue others. And quite a few of them were kind of slaves themselves to others who used them as puppets.
My personal belief is, that the god-concept in itself is a dark construction.
No non-bad mega-player would ever use his powers over others. He/she would use the powers to protect the weak, to defend their freedom and to protect their self evolvement.
#14 by aanandapriyaa on July 12, 2024 - 3:24 pm
Most of those claiming to be Gods are half baked at the best or at the very first rung of the ladder at worst.
They often are using their own individual self energy kundalini only and have not tapped into or been empowered by the cosmic one whose power can only humble the awareness particle touched or transformed by it.
I also have a very different system so I cannot relate to the evaluations but can feel the discussion which is of a high and surprisingly very humble nature compared to 99.999999% of so called spiritual sites. Very happy to see there is hope by reading you both!
Keep up the good work, working hard on my side as a single individual for now.
To the Love and Light warriors and healers!
#15 by Debrana Lackey on July 31, 2024 - 10:05 am
Wow… All this competitive infighting… How does this help humanity… I myself just had a session with Alobar Jones. It cost me $500.00 USA dollars, and now he is avoiding me like the plague. I did not pick it up on his energy until AFTER the session. I am totally confused. I do believe he sees me as a threat, which totally floors me. I just want to train to help Humanity and do the right thing, and I feel so disheartened right now because I am realizing I got ripped off and he does not want to train me for astro traveling to slay demons. I never reference The Creator as ‘God’ because the term god demands sacrifice and worship. The Creator wants no such thing… I watched Alobar Jones and his videos and how he has acted with other people he has treated for expelling demons, and he treated me totally different. A bit rude like he thought I was full of shit… lol… Could you please help me get a more healthy rounded perspective on this… Wow, give some people some power, and they become corrupt.
#16 by Etienne Charland on July 31, 2024 - 11:17 am
HAH! 😂🤣🤣
You must be a powerful soul indeed then and he’s unable to infiltrate, manipulate and harvest your energy. You still got some Alobar infiltrations in your field though, looks like crystal shards going down deep, some forking into your lower chakra, some trying to find pathways through your heart, and thousands trying to find any door of entry, but it’s having a hard time. You got to clear that up though. There’s also a big evil face behind your back in your blind angle.