Posts Tagged science of spirituality

The Acturian Siths (source of chemtrails)

I’m calling them Siths because this came to my awareness while watching Star Wars Episode II. There are in fact lots of similarities between the current situation and what happened in the movie.

Lately, there was something clouding Lightworkers and spreading lots of confusion. Trying to do muscle-testing was resulting in all kinds of distorted answers. Lots of people diverging into different opinions and perspectives, and also lots of Lightworkers splitting from each other.

I started clearing the cloud and investigating where it came from. Here’s what came up.

As I mentioned 8 months ago, the Galactic Federation disintegrated and is being replaced by the AnPleiLe Alliance that will represent 53% of the Universe. The AnPleiLe Alliance is in control of 92.4% of the ships and weaponry of the Federation. There are however significant weaponry that remain in the hands of rebel groups that aren’t joining the Alliance.

This group that is responsible for the cloud of confusion is one of those rebel groups. They do not seem to agree with this AnPleiLe thing.


I call them the Arcturian Siths. They have very strong mastery of the force. They have a very structured civilization with a strong political system that is based on aristocracy with appearances of democracy.

If you think the matrix of illusions is strong on Earth — their planets are in a matrix that is much stronger than what we have here. It’s like in China, you have no choice …Read More

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[Video] Coronavirus is Karmic: What Does Karmic Means

I’ve said since the very beginning that the Coronavirus situation is karmic — otherwise it would already be gone. Since nobody seems to understand what a karmic situation means, here a clear explanation of it. Enjoy!

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Interview: Coronavirus – Planet Liberation Status

I was just interviewed by James Rink about the coronavirus and the planet liberation status. We covered a whole lot of important information in 2 hours!

I think this is going to shake the disclosure community quite a bit. It’s time to stop pretending to be spiritual — and to actually do the real inner work.


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Coronavirus Updates & Timeline Shift

Here are important updates about the Coronavirus situation and a big timeline shift we’re currently going through. The virus situation is worse than people think, but it appears to be coming back under control as explained here.

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The Karma of Wudang Virus

The Wuhan virus has been getting a lot of attention lately. Is there a genuine concern or is it a hoax? I’ve heard a lot of theories and perspectives, and we’ll go through that. It’s a long article but it contains a lot of important information. I know my articles tend to not get shared a lot because I don’t say what people want to hear — but it’s important to share this as it could save lives.

This information comes from psychic observations, remote viewing, and muscle-testing the accuracy of information. It is written on February 2nd 2020. Some people share articles and forget to look at the dates. The dates are very important.

First, why are most people unable to have an objective look at reality without going into fear? I’ve been criticized many times of “spreading fear by making them look at reality”. I think the answer to this may be the root of the whole Love&Light spiritual denial paradigm. Truth doesn’t create fear, it lifts the veil under which fear was already living.

Why do I call this the Wudang virus? The reason Hubei province was targetted is because of the rising frequency of the crystal mountains of Wudang. The reason it was allowed to happen is because of the karma of Wudang.

What karma? The ancient Daoist knowledge isn’t in Wudang anymore. The mountain turned into a cash cow for tourists. Someone accused them of charging money for teaching and that she’d never pay someone for spiritual teachings. …Read More

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