Posts Tagged psychic protection

Juggernaut Updates

Things are greatly stabilizing over here after being jammed for months. I have completed about 5 Juggernaut Attunements, 3 remain in the queue. It’s a solid 2 days of work in many cases, but lots of heavily stuck energies are finally liberating.

I was considering raising the price because it’s very intensive work, and all the clients so far are in absolutely terrible shape. 0.2% God connection is now considered good; 0.00015% is more standard.

The effect is too large to wrap your mind around; anchoring a Juggernaut has a very profound impact not only on yourself but also on your entire environment and the whole corruption grid surrounding you. It can take a few weeks to energies to reorganize and we should be hearing some of the testimonials soon.

The most annoying part is the Luciferian financial deadlock keeping everything completely stuck — this breaks that grip, and things start flowing again, one way or another. On top of the energy centers listed in the page, I’ll have to add financial building below ground, because if I only do above, the grip on the inner building below gets even stronger. So that’s an added bonus.

For the price, here’s what I’ll do. I’m keeping the price the same. So many people really need it, and doing a few people helps everyone. The need is so high that I don’t expect to need to do so much promotion or pushing on this offer. Especially considering the intensive work required per client.

I’m also preparing …Read More

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Return of the Orion Federation

I still have a non-human as my left neighbor, and a witch just came back as my right neighbor. They’ve sent teams after teams to try to contain my energy. They are getting desperate. Containment is now only 23% effective, and the more they hold the beast, the stronger it grows. They’re about to break. I’m expecting as many as 50 non-humans to flood the area this week. I’m ready, and out of patience.

Other than trying to contain and isolate lightworkers, they also contain and separate planets and Federations to keep people isolated and without help. That’s about to end.

Lately, the higher dimensions have been clearing up, and communication started happening again between guardians and Federations.

In Orion, they were separating planets and implanting visions of disasters in other planets to discourage the people. The real damage was only 2% of the visions. The spells have now been broken.

Today, on October 9th, we just restored full communication with the Orion Federation. Turn your mind towards Orion to receive the help you need.

If communication remains clear, I “may” start again channeling weekly messages from the Federation of Light. Can’t promise though; but things are definitely heading on the right track.

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Energetic Infection and US Election Take-Over

As you probably know, Joe Biden is trying to steal the US elections with corruption. At the same time, we’re dealing with a huge energetic infection push Universe-wide. Those two are directly related. The forces trying to overthrow Trump are the ones pushing the energetic infection agenda.

The energetic infection is an emerald green energy emanating from the Black Cubes that have been corrupted. It is a corruption of the Rays of Creation. The cubes were created to prevent various parties for fighting to control the root of the Rays of Creation… but the Cubes eventually got corrupted anyway. The Emerald Snake with golden eyes guarding it is dead. We’re dealing with the Cubes and the infection.

They are basically hijacking the original rays of creation to corrupt the ascension codes. Even in Royal Alchemy, the Emerald Green sceptre used to re-organize energies is corrupted. The Orion constellation doesn’t seem to be affected by this corruption of the rays though.

This is an operation that has been planned for a very long time, with agents infiltrating all important communities, including the P2P group, and they know exactly what they’re doing.

Now, this energetic infection completely takes over your will and discernment. If you ask questions about this and can’t see clearly, that’s a big red flag.

Furthermore, it feeds you with power, but not your own, so you may be feeling even better with this infection growing. That’s why many will reject the truth.

It infects all the dimensions up to 25D. Crystals are very vulnerable …Read More

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How Is Social Engineering Affecting You?

I’m slowly rebirthing from the ashes, stronger than ever. The various groups are finally starting to learn to take their distance — because they’re completely disintegrating from the 80th Dimension. I’m expecting a few more waves of attacks but they’ll run out of fuel pretty soon.

Meanwhile, I’m sensing 75 people who stepped up to take my previous roles, and many more in the year to come. I asked myself: what do these people need now? What would help them step up to the roles needed of them?

Inspiration then came a few days ago: removing the influence of social engineering. Social engineering is everywhere around you, in your daily life, and takes 90% of Lightworkers right out of the game of ascension.

So, I’m going to produce a new program called: Disarm Social Engineering. Already, I’ve been seeing a lot of interest from clients on Facebook.

I’m still in early design stage of designing the program, and you will get more details about it soon. I want to keep it at a low $97 price point, with a video program that is easy to follow and digest. 7 modules of 3 videos each.

By going through those simple videos, it will greatly strengthen your character and seal energy leaks so that you can stay focused on your own path.

Here’s the program structure that I have designed so far.

Module 1. Social Engineering 101: See Where It Affects You
– History Repeats Itself: Understand the Past to See the Truth
– It’s Everywhere: Lift the Veils to See …Read More

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Stone-Face Defense Totems Activated

I wanted to leave with another update for today. In the past few days, we activated a new planetary defense system: a stone-face totem. It may sound familiar to some of you.

This ancient Orion technology withstood many wars before. It just psychically stands as a giant stone face to block incoming attacks, it auto-repairs, grounds Heaven and Earth, and has a grilling ray to dissolve attacks. We have 63 in stock, and just activated 3 on Earth.

This inventory was sealed after the 2nd Great Antique War millions of years ago as part of the cease-fire treaty.

Thing is… it used to be deployed on a planet 50x larger than Earth, but it will do the job.

Curiously, the next day, someone saw this image on Facebook. How could someone come up with this ahead of time??

btw this strangely looks like Easter Island…

Tatoo by Cora Iosif

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