Posts Tagged Orion Federation

The Death of Shapeshifters

We just succeeded on an operation against the Shapepshifters’ main stronghold. They were planning their next wave of attack on Earth in a few days; 5th in line after launching other attacks to other worlds.

Just to give an idea of how they care about us, they were about to send 82 huge battleships towards Earth, and over a thousand battleships to the Thetaverse Federation. They’re assaulting thousands of worlds at once. We’re just a second-thought to them.

Even if we’d survive their next wave of attack, we’d lose another 10% of our global population. That’s just not acceptable.

We just lost INNA. That one saddens me. She was one of our best grounding artists. Look at her now. She’s not going to recover.

The Thetaverse Federation already attempted 16 assaults on the Shapeshifter main stronghold generating all those armies, and they failed. This was attempt #17, and it was a success. The Thetaverse Federation was surrounding the area on stand-by with their battleships, but if we’d open a portal inside for them, the air defense systems would destroy half of the fleet within a minute.

The place was absolutely impressive: 3 giant spheres with half a million battleships around them that looked like ants. Docking areas where they’re regrouping troops to prepare waves of attacks to distribute between worlds. It’s a total dictatorial system, and 25% of them were ready to betray them if they had the chance — and here came the only opportunity they’d ever see in their lifetime.

Skipping the details, we …Read More

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Global Reset Now

We are really accelerating the pace of work. Wiped out the Black Sun. Wiped out UniMatrix (Kosol Ouch had been live streaming 6h per day since our last operation, in panic mode. I gave it another shot yesterday). Wiped out the Erdtree (pretty much what’s described in the game Elden Ring); Dark Sophia’s essence. Wiped out a bunch of minor Erdtree.

My technique now involves first taking full control of time and space around the target. Yesterday I wiped out 87.4% of all negative thoughts on the planet; those that were approved by God for deletion. I always include the filter “approved by God” when doing energy work. This makes the work faster and easier to not touch anything that really shouldn’t be touched yet. Wiped out about 35.4% of the black magic on the planet, particularly focusing on Nigeria-connected black magic. As for negative patterns and behaviors, 95.6% worldwide are negative. I deleted about 54.6% and will give it another round today.

Of course, this creates a massive vacuum, so it’s then a race as to who fills in that vacuum, so it’s very important to fill it first and intercept impostors along the way.

We anchored in the blueprint for the new Light Federation; it’s not just the Orion Federation anymore, the blueprint includes all of the major Light Federations. We first had the Orion Federation portal anchored in Wudang, Varanasi, Nepal, Orizaba volcano and a few other locations as a first beta. Now we anchored a new grid that makes …Read More

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Elon Musk AI / Sexual Demons Feed on Children

As an update, there are 27 to 45 layers of AIs behind AIs related to Elon Musk. We just did massive clearing on that. I’d estimate that it removed 75% of global AIs and 45% of the jab threat. Need to re-evaluate as things unfold. It’s possible that it uncovers deeper layers. Either way, that’s HUGE progress for a single operation. It’s possible that we’ll see a collapse of Twitter, after the collapse of CNN+. Elon Musk isn’t even hiding his game.

As for timelines, there’s been yet another wave of timeline collapses, and as of right now, the highest amount of parallel timelines is 615 in Australia. There are 3 timelines around me, 25 in Canada, 217 in the USA, 14 to 48 in England, and 515 in China.

The Dark Orions that were responsible for the previous wave of timeline manipulations have been frozen in time and the operation has been a success. The AIs were also responsible for this, and have been 75% dismantled as I just said. UniMatrix was only a 15th level AI entity, which explains why I wasn’t getting lasting results while working on it. Things should be a lot more stable on that front. There is perhaps another wave of timeline manipulations from another group to prepare for.

Next, it came to my attention that 75% of demons focus on children, and particularly, 92% of sexual demons focus on young children. This will be the most important aspect to …Read More

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How to Detect False Channeling

Years ago, most channelers would channel 14% of messages, whatever fit their paradigms. Things are a lot worse today. I’ve seen a lot of misleading channeling lately, enough to address the topic.

First, of all the channeling being published online, 76.6% has a negative intent, 95.3% has less than 80% accuracy, and 96.8% is highly biased towards the White Light of Oneness, ignoring the Red Light of Creation, thus in the best case scenario, off-balance, delusional and disconnected from reality.

That would be enough to discard channeling altogether, but if you do come across channeled messages, here are some red flags.

Red Flag #1: “From the Galactic Federation.” The Galactic Federation had its administrative center in Andromedia and completely collapsed. There are other federations, but they do not call themselves “Galactic Federation”. If you see a message from them, it’s most likely an impostor. There are tons of impostors in the higher realms passing corrupted messages.

Red Flag #2: “Free Energy.” We have a consciousness problem, and a massive high-dimensional war. We do NOT have a technological problem, and anyone claiming that technology is the solution is delusional or ill-intended. Those things will come in time, but it’s not a priority. The Dark Forces will try to give you bits and pieces of advanced techs in order to gain even more control.

Red Flag #3: Victims & Saviors. Be wary of anything that promotes the victims & saviors mentality. Such as “the Galactic Federation is in its final phase of saving us”.

Red Flag #4: Over-emphasis …Read More

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The Death of Thoth and March Updates

What a year! We’ve been battling my shadow for months, Dark Sophia for months, Dark Lucifer for months, and then Thoth for months. I am pleased to announce that Thoth is officially dead across all timelines. On the exact same day as the Ukraine war escalated. Curious timing. There remains just a few tiny fragments roaming around, to keep a watch on. I get the bragging rights for killing Thoth, who was WAY above my level. It’s like playing a computer game and killing the lvl89 boss with a lvl25 character.

There remains my shadow (Satan), Lucifer’s shadow, and Sophia’s shadow to clear across all timelines. I worked the whole week to clear Sophia’s shadow on all levels, which is further causing a massive collapse of dark forces. I’m now working on my shadow below ground, as 85% of the aggressive energies in Mexico are my own soul energy.

This collapse of dark forces is causing timelines to collapse and merge, healing the timeline fragmentation. This means that you’ll be facing weird shadow versions of yourself merging with you, and it’s a fight for survival as to which version of yourself will survive. Many people are struggling with this. Honestly, the best support to deal with those merging timelines is to have stable anchor points with Juggernauts. Other than that we’re all on our own path. We had 48 billion timelines. It’s now at 200 million timelines. We’ll have 565000 timelines left within 2 months. Fasten your seat-belt.

My coaching practice is also …Read More

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