Archive for 2020

Earth Situation Explained – Journey to the World

Here’s a 50-minute video explaining the current ascension status on Earth. I’ve also created a GoFundMe page to finance traveling around the world to recover some important stones and artifacts. All the information is explained in the video.

I’ll update with 2 upcoming videos about the reduction of world population, and about food diet against vampirism.

We’ll face a challenge just to get to Europe. They’re under lockdown and curfew. Curfew means intensified military operations.

8.8% of the 22.9% deaths in 2020 are by the military (Europe, China, Australia)… killing people in their own house! 99% outside big cities. 45% mercenaries, 55% regular soldiers. Why do soldiers accept to do such thing? They either get rid of the bodies, or sell fresh meat to companies like McDonald.

This trip will be fun…

>> Donate towards our trip here

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Coronavirus Is Gone

Here’s some good news and bad news. First, the good news. I’ve been the first to call out on the Coronavirus before anyone else started paying attention. Again, I’m the first one to call out that the Coronavirus is 100% dead in all timelines. Gone. End of story. Let’s move on to the next chapter shall we?

Now, for the bad news, I’ve been compiling the accurate population count and death count for 2020. The numbers are very surprising. The population was 4.5 billion, and we lost 1.03 billion in 2020, which is 22.9% of the world population.

The amount of direct coronavirus deaths are higher than I would have expected, and indirect deaths are lower than I thought. It’s all the other causes of death that are more worrying, and are signs of what’s coming. For example, the military is killing its own people in China, France and Australia.

Here’s some info about the demographics of deaths. The majority of deaths are unemployed and lonely, so nobody would notice.

Men: 50.1%
Women: 49.9%
Unemployed: 92.5%
Lonely: 80.3%
0-15: 2.1%
16-30: 26.3%
31-50: 43.3%
>51: 28.3%

Furthermore, some people have been killed and replaced by shapeshifting non-humans. Here’s an idea of the non-humans among us.

Swapped soul with a human: 14.6%
Killed human and replaced with fake: 4.2%
Other non-humans in human cities: 6.2%

As for Coronavirus deaths in December, we’re expecting 14 deaths worldwide (lingering damage).

I’ll be producing a video soon with more details about all this.

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Diet to Block Food Vampires

I could barely touch the computer the whole week because of energetic infections, I couldn’t do much the whole week, but the good news is that I’m still alive, and the attackers from the Ultraverse lost 47% of their powers since last week. Enough for 3.6 million Universes to shift the balance into an upwards spiral.

Yesterday they attached very strongly, we counter-attached very very strongly, and they counter-counter-attacked very very very strongly. Overall, a productive day.

Now, one major problem is that they are feeding directly from you and the whole population. Whatever healthy food you eat is only empowering them. Most of the food is infected, and the infections have been a lot more severe lately. Energetically you might see them full of worms and insects, and once you eat it, it infects you and they just feed from it.

Forget everything you learnt about diet. Healthy food is BAD (for now).

What you need is sugar. Lots of white refined sugar. Any kind of candies and chocolates, the kind that are great for the taste and bad for your body. This poisons them. Your own body takes less than 1% of the poison, they drain it all out, choke and die.

It’s completely counter-intuitive, but various people have confirmed that they feel crap when eating healthy food, and feel great when eating candies and junk food.

Since they drain over 99% of the food you eat, it’s also making it easier for your body to feed energetically. Some people can live without food …Read More

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Multiverse Take-Over & Traitors

Red alert. We’re being attacked from a group of invaders from the Multiverse, with the goal to take over the whole Multiverse. If Earth falls, this Universe is going to collapse. Half of the guardians of the whole Multiverse are now in this Universe. Read very carefully all the details below. There will be several major surprises.

What does this group seek? They have infected the higher dimensions and their goal is to collapse the Multiverse back to Singularity, to reset the Multiverse and take control of it from Point 0.

What are they doing? They are behind the whole AI take-over plan. These AIs haven’t gone rogue but are merely doing what they were programmed to do. They are also behind energetic infections that are spreading throughout the population and Universe.

A long time ago, the Black Cube were created to protect the Rays of Creation against groups like this fighting to control it. In spite of that, the Black Cubes were corrupted. As a result, several of the Rays of Creation are either blocked or distorted. In particular, the Diamond Ray is corrupted up to 1002D. The Emerald Green Ray is corrupted up to 316D. The Christ Consciousness (and Throne of Creation in Royal Alchemy) are corrupted up to 25D!

This is nothing new, but what’s new is that the Coronavirus is directly related to this energetic infection. It has greatly spread the energetic infection, and being fueled by the corrupt Emerald Green, no amount of healing done on it could solve …Read More

Energetic Infection and US Election Take-Over

As you probably know, Joe Biden is trying to steal the US elections with corruption. At the same time, we’re dealing with a huge energetic infection push Universe-wide. Those two are directly related. The forces trying to overthrow Trump are the ones pushing the energetic infection agenda.

The energetic infection is an emerald green energy emanating from the Black Cubes that have been corrupted. It is a corruption of the Rays of Creation. The cubes were created to prevent various parties for fighting to control the root of the Rays of Creation… but the Cubes eventually got corrupted anyway. The Emerald Snake with golden eyes guarding it is dead. We’re dealing with the Cubes and the infection.

They are basically hijacking the original rays of creation to corrupt the ascension codes. Even in Royal Alchemy, the Emerald Green sceptre used to re-organize energies is corrupted. The Orion constellation doesn’t seem to be affected by this corruption of the rays though.

This is an operation that has been planned for a very long time, with agents infiltrating all important communities, including the P2P group, and they know exactly what they’re doing.

Now, this energetic infection completely takes over your will and discernment. If you ask questions about this and can’t see clearly, that’s a big red flag.

Furthermore, it feeds you with power, but not your own, so you may be feeling even better with this infection growing. That’s why many will reject the truth.

It infects all the dimensions up to 25D. Crystals are very vulnerable …Read More

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