Posts Tagged california wildfires

California Situation + Stabilization of the Grid

Here are some updates on the global situation. As of late, there’s a lot more involvement from other Light-based planets as we’re gaining momentum towards ascension. With the trouble the Galactic Federation went through, they sent 515 battleships to surround our planet and help stabilize the grid. That was about 2 months ago.

Now, we started synchronizing the core of our planet into other planets: Andromedia (vibration 8600), an Orion planet (vibration 15000), and an elemental planet in Sirius (vibration 12000), to start harmonizing our energy with other civilizations in the cosmos, and to offload the crazy energetic pressure onto very stable planets. Furthermore, each anchor planet is further stabilized by 3 to 10 planets, forming a huge stabilizing network for our planet.

3 Orion ships also entered in orbit for the first time. One has a vibration of 97 billion, 12D technology built in 37000 densities. Absolutely beautiful! Among the deadliest things in this Universe though. It’s name translates to “Destroyer and Birther of Planets”, with 37 destroyed planets and 108 constructed planets under its belt. The Zetas challenged it; it destroyed 1 Zeta ship and fused 6 others together. The Zetas calmed down. This ship installed a physical stabilizing grid around our planet and is working on the collective memory complex, with approval of the counsels. It will be active for the coming months.

Now, the Cabal has been ultra-offensive lately and the vibration of California has been at -95 billion lately. 53% of the population of California is headed towards …Read More

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Why Are Alchemical Wildfires In California 2018

California wildfires as of November 16th 2018, 63 confirmed dead and 9700 houses burnt. Why is this happening? Short answer was succinctly explained over a year ago in this video. Since posting that video, things are looking a little bit better for the United States, but otherwise everything is still heading exactly as explained. Now that more people are listening, I wanted to give more explanations.

These wildfires are alchemical fires of an energetic nature and have different properties from regular fires. When looking at the fires, we can make a few interesting observations:

– These wildfires started a few years ago when the collective consciousness of the trees (centered at the Amazonian Forest) accepted to take responsibility to anchor Heaven energies into the earth since humans wouldn’t do it. They took the heat and the fires immediately started.

– If you add water energy to the fires through the mind, it only causes energies to explode stronger, like adding oil on fire.

– Trees and telephone poles act as energy conductors and overheat like wires, thus they turn into charcoal red from within when the outside is still interact. Alchemical fires behave differently than regular fires.

– It is suspected that the fires started with electric malfunctions which can definitely happen due to burst of earth/fire energy. It’s hard to put it out when water makes it explode and when trees melt from within out of nowhere.

Many also observe that houses are burnt while trees often remain. Here’s …Read More

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