I’m currently working on a serious cancer case and am investigating the issue more in-depth. I’ve made some interesting discoveries!
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, we are simply exploring the metaphysical aspects behind the disease. If you have a serious medical condition, consult a certified medical professional. (It is often best to treat both the energetic causes and the physical symptoms at the same time.)
With that said, take a look at this paper published in 1889. A surgeon reported that every cancer he ever removed was filled with parasites, small animals resembling lice. The paper also reported that his proposed solution was not successful.
Parasites are a lot more common in tropical countries than in cold modern countries. Let’s measure a few things with kinesiology.
Accuracy of this statement: All cancers in Canada are filled with parasites that look like lice? I get 100% yes on that, with very little distortion.
How do you explain that the exact same parasite would show up in every country around the world? It seems to manifest out of the ether, like mold. I’ve seen an experiment with distilled water in a closed container, and life eventually appearing in it out of nowhere (comment with the source if you have it).
Accuracy of this statement: The cancer parasite manifests out of the ether? I get 95.4% accuracy? “Can” manifest out of the ether: 100% accuracy, low distortion.
Trying to clear the parasite, however, proved very difficult! It has its own armies. These are Baal armies.
Let’s measure one more sentence: …Read More