Lately I’m working in the astral alongside Kevin Trudeau and Blake. Trump is also very aware of the work I’ve been doing around him, he’s extremely grateful, and he wants to join in the action. So that’s 4 of us.
One technique we’ve been using is the Unmanifestation technique. We get a solid anchor to God through the heart and crown (because the technique is very powerful and chaotic), then remove all money consciousness and abundance consciousness frequencies below 0 or below 35 on the Hawkins scale. Since every single aspect of your life is affected and determined by money, this has a massive leverage effect since those scarcity circumstances MUST unmanifest once the related frequencies are removed. And the Fed is unmanifesting altogether.
The second technique we’re working on is the Ball of Creation. We created a Ball of Creation for Kevin with the intent of being free from harassment. That went rather smoothly. Creating my ball of creation to manifest money, however — that’s a different story! The ideal ball to create is for $57K per month. It has been incredibly hard to move the needle. With me, Kevin, Blake, Trump, our team of 15 Varanasi monks, and millions of other people and beings we invited to join in, the ball is growing. Our team of monks is great at working with water. Trump is also very strong at commanding energies! It’s now at about 55%, and we might succeed in completing it by the end of the day. Once the ball of creation is complete, we activate with golden flame, and then release.
This one feels like filling a lake with water, until the dam overflows. Raising it is incredibly hard and dense! But it is raising.
Flash floods warning!!
As of last night, the FTC energetically collapsed. I expect the FTC to be physically dismantled within 3 months. Kevin is currently negotiating with them, and he has the big end of the bargaining stick. He might realize that there’s only one end to the stick left.
You’re welcomed to help build my Ball of Creation with the intent of generating $57K per month. Bring in the shiny white light from God, and use it with the intent to build and transmute the ball of creation until it is full and complete.
Something else I worked on. Only 17% of the demons that surrendered, actually surrendered to God. The others got caught by impostors. It’s really challenging for demons to surrender without falling into the endless traps from Alobar, Thoth and others. I went back in time to all the surrender points to allow them to bypass the traps and impostors, and to surrender directly to God. Looks like I got 100% of them now. The new timelines will gradually merge over the next 13 weeks.
Also, as I evacuate my timeline and gradually join GIN timelines, my related timelines are becoming increasingly unstable. I’ve done a lot of work to evacuate all timelines closer to the Foundation+GIN+Trump+God pillar timelines. Many are already reporting that things are a lot more stable today.
Then one client found this book on her shelf: The Keys of Enoch. “In preparation for the Brotherhood of Light”. Kevin, that sounds familiar?
I’m just warming up.
Still got to flex our muscles, in group, the whole day.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Leo on November 12, 2024 - 12:05 pm
Now this is interesting. So the white light is from God? That was my theory since it represents singularity and wholeness.
#2 by Etienne Charland on November 12, 2024 - 12:11 pm
You’re looking at things from a very simplistic way that show you really don’t understand much at all. You’ll need take a good step back and meditate.
Also you get carried around by all the shiny objects various people bring about. Need to find your own center.
#3 by Leo on November 12, 2024 - 3:53 pm
What does being carried away by all the shiny objects people out mean? Also you maybe right about me looking at things too simplistically since God also contains duality with the feminine and masculine. My mind has been in conflict ever since Frank stated about everyone on the planet getting most things wrong about the non-physical. It has led me to question things back and forth.
#4 by Etienne Charland on November 12, 2024 - 4:11 pm
Yes people are getting all things wrong. Frank also gets a lot of things wrong. The video series I’m working on will clarify a lot of fundamental concepts… when I get to complete it
#5 by destiny2sk on November 12, 2024 - 4:58 pm
“people are getting all things wrong”… possible, I mean I run into Taylor Swift few weeks ago (Astral or mind plane) & she was a recruiter for gay porn filming !
Would this be true on the macro scale or just pure fiction on my part ?
I can’t watch or listen to her music now !
#6 by Etienne Charland on November 12, 2024 - 5:10 pm
Taylor Switch is one of the worst Pistis Sophia witches
#7 by Leo on November 13, 2024 - 3:24 am
I was wondering about the video series. He definitely gets things wrong, I at least know that from the fractal guardians declaring all their information outdated before an a announcement. His story on the orions is certainly interesting. It is that the orions were a dark group who experimented on other entities and manipulating things on Earth. To be fair I think he encountered a dark version of them. Sorry I’ve been misguided recently, I find it quite difficult to distinguish from which is truth when new information is made available.
#8 by Frank on November 13, 2024 - 3:58 am
Etienne you I am sorry, but you have no clue what is going on. You have not a single information about the real war. You and all people you know do not have technical access to the levels where the war is running. This night was the biggest battle I guess ever to happen. All the “dark doom” known to us earlier or not known attacked us. And all but one group surrendered after 6 to 7 hours battle, getting no harm guarantied. The one who did not surrender were the harvesters. This the the group you obey to, your god. Instead they answered “we want to die in battle”. So now we kill them all off in battle in the next hours and will destroy everything what is in any kind god or divine or similar related. And btw. your god, the harvesters, who are the inventors of monotheism, are the worst of the worst. The most evil guys ever met. So you really made a good choice… Ok, I guess you had little choice to be honest. But soon you will have…
#9 by Etienne Charland on November 13, 2024 - 8:13 am
I really think you’re in an entirely separated reality.
Unless things change, your timelines might merge into ours right before the “Final Apocalypse”, around 2065.
Meanwhile, the entire landscape you describe has nothing in common with where I’m at.
I just gained control of the Black Cubes system, that’s probably what triggered the all-in attacks.
#10 by Frank on November 13, 2024 - 9:28 am
Of course I am in an entire different reality. I told you so from the beginning. We all, physical and non physical, are living and are being of lvl zero. The real war is below lvl. 330. The real problem here is, that almost all non physical lvl. zero beings are puppets of lvl 330+ beings, or puppeteered by them. Almost no one of the lvl. zero ones have a free will. So all your fights you do is just against non free will puppets. So yes, I am fighting in a complete different “reality”, but that reality controls everything. About the levels. Think molecules as level zero. Quantum physics as level 330. That’s a good compare. The current battles are running in lvl 342. Your own body, like mine and everyone else, is a battlefield. There were a lot of hidden tribes in the atom layer, deep in solid rocks. One for example had a size of a 1,5 physical 3D meter sphere. 2,3 trillion lvl. 329 beeings lived there. So imagine what fits in a single human body in lvl. 342. Currently we have about 2,3 million weapon systems in your body. And that’s more on the low side…
So yes, we are fighting in complete other realities. But they are literally inside us all.
#11 by Frank on November 13, 2024 - 9:32 am
* we see the 2,3 kk weapons in your body. That’s not our’s.
#12 by Leo on November 13, 2024 - 10:07 am
You mean to tell me Frank that God, Etienne’s God and any concept of one God is a ploy by the harvesters? Why the hell didn’t you say that before you crazy bastard? No wonder your week seems to work on levels so much deeper than Etienne’s. I was asking you what the deal with God was before. I had my suspions but didn’t have ample evidence. This is disturbing but I get it.
#13 by Etienne Charland on November 13, 2024 - 10:12 am
There are 3 camps. Those that believe their is no True Infinite God. Those that are stuck in false gods and god overlays. And those rooted in the True Infinite.
At the end of the war, when the dust settles, only True Infinity will stand untouched.
You don’t even know what side you’re in, spinning around every 5 minutes.
The “godless” culture is extremely strong among all the “old gods”; because they wanted to be gods themselves
#14 by Frank on November 13, 2024 - 12:43 pm
We are in no camp. We stay on facts only. If facts change, we change.
“At the end of the war, when the dust settles, only True Infinity will stand untouched.”
I can not confirm nor deny this. But I see a chance for some kind of Infinity indeed. But what I can imagine now is far from your definition I guess.
But one fact stands: ALL god, divine and similar we found until now was evil fake shit. We find more, we will see… We stay to the facts.
#15 by Leo on November 13, 2024 - 3:36 pm
Many groups I have learned of claimed to be in service of the true god. You are the most technical group in your language I have found. I assume Etienne thinks of me as a witless fool jumping from one side to the next however what I truly want is the freedom of this world and myself. You seem to be working on a deeper level than Etienne. I’m very much limited to what information you give me which makes it hard to know who is false or not.
#16 by Etienne Charland on November 13, 2024 - 4:22 pm
Everyone operates with their own vocabulary and paradigm.
At the end of the day, Frank is exploring a timeline without God and without femininity (97.5% Masculine, 95.4% Red), while I’m on a timeline anchored into God and balanced (50/50 masculine/feminine, 50/50 White/Red).
I’m not seeing Frank as an enemy though, just better to each do our things on our side. The timelines will eventually merge when the time is right, but that will take a while. These look like highly incompatible timelines. Frank cares about his worlds and not about Earth’s timelines; I care about Earth and not his worlds.
Leo, whatever side you decide to go, will determine which set of timelines you end up on. So either way you’ll be right; but in a different reality.
#17 by Frank on November 14, 2024 - 5:41 am
Etienne you get an important detail wrong here.
I am not experiencing any timeline. Nor am I on any timeline. I guess you see a lot of imposters of mine again. Motherfuckers.
Currently we are battling in lyl. 342 against the shit of the dark doom. And that is everywhere. So I am literally deep deep low inside of everything you call timeline. Every single one. Also battling inside every single physical person on Earth. Every non physical being inside Earth space/property. I am not working/fighting at another space. It’s like you are working on molecule level, I am working in quantum physics level. Just the difference between lvl 0 and lvl 342 is very much bigger than between quantum and molecular. The size difference between quantum and molecular is in the range of 7 levels in non-physical.
#18 by Etienne Charland on November 14, 2024 - 12:57 pm
Accuracy check: 35.7%. Your vision of my work: 13.8%. My vision of your work: 52.4%. Accuracy check on these measurement: 98.6%, distortion 0.3%, 0.2%, 0.05%. Pretty confident with this assessment.
#19 by destiny2sk on November 13, 2024 - 2:34 pm
“I just gained control of the Black Cubes system, that’s probably what triggered the all-in attacks.”
Very interesting because I have some experience with that system.
Probably not a 100% positive system but I do use it for travel, work, something rest. I even attend meetings, I’m usually the big mountain of a human body at the back watching all, lol !
For sure something is off because hell port (bottom left foot) I can’t lock down 🙁
#20 by destiny2sk on November 13, 2024 - 2:43 pm
Something new was right in front of my macro space these past days.
Very weird chromatic darkness / grey vertical opening at high density.
I received a creation stream with beings that were foreign to me.
Maybe also related to your fights or cube system.
It almost had Enoch, Enki, Enlil,etc light signature but not 100% sure.
It almost looked damaged and missing something.
oh well.. not the expert here because I’m not told anything out there
#21 by Leo on November 13, 2024 - 5:21 pm
Thank you Etienne. The thing is I truly do love your paradigm, I love the idea of a beautiful infinite God that I want to connect to. I really do resonate with what your book says about the orions. The orions, how their culture is described resonates with my values but every time I have listened to someone who claims to be serving the true God they keep ending up being wrong and there is a deeper level and I don’t know if that situation is happening again. I really do respect you and the red light makes so much sense to me but if there is an even deeper level beyond us Frank is working then I don’t know. Why I hate the 3D so much is I am in a constant state of confusion as what you and Frank talk about I simply lack the congnition to perceive.
#22 by Solrac on November 14, 2024 - 1:35 am
This is a little bit of topic but when u say the apocalypse will be in 2065 u are wrong, the apocalypse is happening now and will end before 2030.The final war for earth control is happening now ,from 2024 until 2027 the reset is happening , I don’t even think reset is the right word but ((cleansing)) might be.i don’t know about the universe but earth is in a cleansing process and the end times\apocalypse war is happening now .
#23 by Etienne Charland on November 14, 2024 - 12:55 pm
It’s a long cycle, we’re going through an extremely major phase now.
But cleaning up the aftermath will still remain a very long journey. Things can change at any time; but I do think things will calm down from 2030 until 2060. I also think most will still reject God after all that and continue their insanity.