Archive for 2016

Apocalypse of 2016

This message is channeled from a member of the Planetary Counsel of Light who wishes to remain unnamed. This is not something I would want to speak of myself, but I’m doing my job of passing along the message. It is easier to predict future events by looking at the evolution of the energetic landscape from above. He also chose the title of this article. The rest of this article is channeled from him.

I am a member of the Archangels working under Metatron and Izael’s commands to ensure the safe transition and survival of the human race. This message is a warning to prepare for major events that will soon unfold in the United States of America. These events have been prophesied in the Bible and in various ancient texts and are unavoidable: The Fall of Mystery Babylon.

Very powerful energetic structures and generators have been activated through the American continent that will unroot evil forces and transmute the whole system with absolute power of love. It is ripping apart the very fabric of society and the transitional effects won’t be pretty.

Meanwhile, the United States continue their dominion over the world and keep pressuring Russia with economic sanctions and military installations. War is escalating on many fronts and the tensions are rising.

The objective is to defeat the Anglo-saxon axis of power that dominates the world while reducing the destruction and loss of lives to a minimum. The Russians have asked us, the Planetary Counsel of Light, permission to use an EMP …Read More

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The Origin of the Dracos

My path is taking many unexpected twists and turns, and another just happened. I’m being asked to share the full story. The story I’m going to tell may sound like science fiction, and in fact matches bits and pieces of tons of science fiction movies and video games, yet it is the story of the Universe, of the Dracos, of Jesus and of Adam & Eve. If you’re up for a massive dose of truth, fasten your seat-belt, grab a coffee and go down for a full read. My body is still shaking as of writing this, and you know something is true when your body gets in shock or tears.

I recently hosted a live event in Playa del Carmen with the specific purpose of awakening old memories and powers that had been sealed. This is like opening the Pandora’s box: you have no clue what next will come out of it. 5 participants showed up for the event from all around Canada, United States and Mexico. Two of which were Adam and Eve. Adam, or Atman, only had access to 3% of his powers but had many memories. Eve didn’t have any awareness of her memories and powers whatsoever. Things can only go downhill from there…

I’ve seen Atman destroying entire Draconian worlds within a few seconds, and destroying their spaceships across several galaxies, with powers far greater than anything I could even imagine myself. He just built extremely powerful energy generators that were activated on New Year. They are …Read More

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