1 year ago, on December 22nd 2012, was the end of the Mayan Calendar. I wrote about what happened then here. 1 year later, where are we now, and what happened during that time?
Very major things are happening. First, on the energetic level, there is very little of the powers that were controlling the world. There has been scandals after scandals that have blown up in the media, one of which is the NSA scandal. What’s left of their power is eroding day by day.
On a society level, people have become more and more polarized than ever, with many people going higher into consciousness and many people going deeper into unlivable situations.
On a personal level, spirituality has grown by about 300%. Yet, advanced spirituality and transmutation of energy seems to remain mostly unexplored. Most of those calling themselves spiritual are struggling with their pains and fears. Most of the past leaders are deceased and the world is waiting for a new generation of leaders to step up.
On a technological level, I just watched an episode from David Wilcock on GaiamTV about the science of dematerialization. This guy is light-years ahead of anybody else in terms of science and technologies based on spirituality and vibrational physics. He’s to physics like I am to spirituality. He looks at all the stuff going on in the scientific world and tells exactly where they’re right, where they’re wrong and where they’re getting close. In this particular episode, he shows real-life …Read More