Here’s what I noticed on Facebook. I’ll post something, for example about the massive solar flares hitting the Earth, and get maybe 10 likes and 2-3 comments. Someone else will post the exact same thing and get 100 likes and 30 comments. The most viral videos on YouTube are generally the ones doing stupid stuff as it relates with the consciousness of the masses. What is the difference?
After thinking about it, the vibrational gap between paradigms is greater than the vibrational gap between languages. Even if I say the same words as someone else, mine energetically come from a different paradigm, and that’s where the difference lies. Depending on the community I’m relating with, there’s the gap between passive and active spirituality, the gap between rational and energetic growth and the gap between personal growth and impersonal inter-connected growth.
However, I think the greatest paradigm gap is this: victimhood. There are tons of videos about the Cabal, and all the obstacles we face as a society as we try to move forward. Almost all of them come from a victim paradigm, and that’s what people want to consume: information that reinforces their victimhood. For example, someone produced a video explaining how Hurricane Irma is due to geo-engineering by the Cabal, and it got nearly 40000 views. I write an article explaining why it’s happening from a creator (non-victim)’s perspective and it goes almost totally silent.
With Hurricane Irma approaching, which is still only a warning before the “real events” begin, it’s fascinating to witness how people are addicted to their victimhood.
I don’t need to change that, it’s just an interesting dynamic to observe.
What do you think it would take for the majority to start looking for content and wisdom that’s not coming from a victim lifestyle?
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Steve on September 9, 2017 - 12:18 am
It would help immensely if your writing was so much less cryptic, vague, and had more actionable content. I’m not challenging what you say, but asking for more clarity.
#2 by Daniel on September 9, 2017 - 5:20 am
I am glad we are given this opportunity to wake up the hurricanes are fair game to me. The real consequences of mass ignorance are FAR, FAR WORSE and I am VERY glad they have not been materialized. Don’t worry about facebook likes when people are ready to hear your message they will hear it otherwise its their loss for living unempowered. I feel there was meant to be an awakening months ago… something put it off course I don’t know what. Perhaps irresponsibility of people or something else. It isn’t fair that the awakening community as well as the earth and its future generations should suffer because people are too lazy and too arrogant to take responsibility. Yes I feel quite frustrated about it quite frankly I have lost patience and sometimes I lose compassion. If these people need to be taken by the scruff of their neck and dragged, kicking and screaming, into their evolution I’m fine with that. If they need to be strapped into a chair and forced to look at the dark, so be it. Would do them a favour because the consequence of not looking is far worse. Many honarable men and women have shed their blood for the Earth, taken more than their fair share of the load whilst so many people enjoy the fruits of their labor in ignorance and without gratitude. Children are sacrificed and tortured enabled by ignorance. The Earth suffers because of the ignorance of humans. No more.
#3 by Daniel on September 9, 2017 - 5:27 am
my practical advice… a lot of us are victims unconsciously. Victims because we grow up powerless as children. Learned helplessness. In my case life beat me up real bad I got my ass handed to me so many times. These are the warning signs I guess “wake up something is wrong!”. I chose to take responsibility and ask “how did I allow this to happen”? I did not chose to have such great adversity but I chose to learn my lessons and take responsibility. It is the hard path but it is the rewarding path.
#4 by Etienne Charland on September 9, 2017 - 11:44 am
I feel the same way. I went through a grieving process for all the inevitable death and destruction we’re heading towards, and already made peace with it. I’m not going to shed a tear nor deter my focus.
#5 by Katalin Bene on September 9, 2017 - 8:29 am
Hi Etienne!
From my point of view whats happening in the world its a massive consciousness change,the cabal try to keep people in dark,usually people more focused in bad news gossiping low gravitational energies, we created what the mass focused on,we must change our consciousness and try to not react strait away to everything,we should just observe and change if we dont like something , I am practicing to be in the present moment to be aware whats happening around me and concisely change it if i dont like and dont try to react in the same old way to things bec what we focus on and for what we give energy its growing, example America its been in a war with at least 8 countries at the moment,so I believe the hurricanes whats hitting them at the moment karma reacts back,you cant do soemthing to others to not get it back,from my point of view we should all mediate on peace at least 5-1
#6 by Katalin Bene on September 9, 2017 - 8:38 am
We should meditate daily 5-10 minuts for peace doesn’t matter what we see in the world around us at the moment concisely we should do the effort daily to work on ourselves be peaceful and love ourselves from Gods point of view then we can easily love others,send love peace and oneness to everyone,when we do something good affects everybody and everything, same true with the opposite side also:-) thanks Katalin
#7 by Diane Lyn on September 9, 2017 - 10:45 am
What you have been saying resonates well with me and with a lot of people I know. But for the majority? What would it take? Perhaps it’s like they say in AA, you have to hit bottom before you want to get off the addiction. Perhaps with death and help in the post mortem world the idea will take, that we aren’t victims and we have a purpose in incarnation.
I think our education systems are geared to make conformist consumers who are afraid of not getting jobs, which is a reasonable fear but it doesn’t cause the majority to work together and think it through.There are great books out there that show alternatives but the application of these ideas is sometimes ridiculous.
George Orwell, ‘1984’ is probably the most prophetic for the majority.
There was the book ‘Small is Beautiful’, groups like Post-Carbon Institute, etc. who point to a new paradigm and some of it is catching on with the early adopters. Also David Spangler and the Lorians who also focus on the impersonal connections. So I’m hopeful still.
#8 by Daniel on September 9, 2017 - 4:35 pm
You got it… two primal drives for evolution. Pain and pleasure. It seems that the fundamental problem of humans is that we are sick but are on painkillers (tv distractions etc). People dont want to admit they are sick. The fundamental problem is unconsciousness like were drugged. Parasites dont want their host to know they exist because then its good game.
#9 by Marko on September 9, 2017 - 11:39 am
Interesting observazion and completely correct.
#10 by Kari on September 9, 2017 - 11:59 am
There are people who can’t be anything but a victim. It’s in their wiring. They are the only ones who can change that. I can’t. You can’t.
I don’t have a following, I don’t want one. Being responsible for my connection with God is enough for me.. I can’t make anyone develop the same connection with God that I have.
I wonder sometimes if I have anything to give anyone that would be beneficial to them, but what I feel I have, I throw out there. I’ve done my part. What the respondents do with it is really none of my business. I’m required to share it. I’m not required to insist people take it.
I am one person, in a vast universe, doing the best I can.
I learn from you. Sometimes I see where you’re coming from and sometimes you’re speaking way over my head. Which is okay…… I’m still learning.
What I won’t do is live in fear. Things that bring fear around me are not beneficial. I’ve had too much of that and I won’t be ruled by fear again.
Anyways, victims will be victims and those that won’t will work their own way out of it. I’m not completely out of it myself, but I recognize that and I’m working on it.
Keep putting your stuff out there. People will either respond to it or not, but it’s always been my opinion that numbers don’t matter.
#11 by Monica on September 9, 2017 - 1:38 pm
The brainwashing through the ages has people asleep and they can’t see past this. I’ve tried talking to friends and family about questioning everything and looking within and they think I’m the crazy one. People believe what they were raised to believe and they are like concrete, stuck in the lies. Telling them to try to be present and put their phone down and look at the trees is a joke to most. They live in the rat race, keeping up with the jones lifestyle. I’m not angry at the hibernated ones, I’m still trying to fully wake up so I have compassion. Who are we, why are we here, how did we get here, who created existence???? I want the truth not generations of lies passed on to keep us asleep. We deserve the truth!
#12 by Natasha on September 9, 2017 - 5:10 pm
I see people also are attracted to the light, the fun, the comic and to people who display contentment, inspiration, hope, motivation. I mean just look at people like Ralph Smart. It’s not like he’s saying someone new or particularly revelatory – he oozes presence, joy and strength all at the same time. People love it!
People do want something to look forward to as well, that’s why they keep getting up in the morning, even if it to a job for a business that serves elements of the cabal. They still get up because they believe something will get better. And maybe one day they wake up with new questions. How did I get here? What is else is possible? How can I improve my life, or my family’s life? I also see younger generation are much more clued up than when I was their age.
So there is much to be grateful and hopeful for, whilst chipping away at the darkness within or without in the world……
The people who provide hope and inspiration without sugar coating the truth are the ones who people listen to more.
x N x
#13 by Etienne Charland on September 10, 2017 - 9:56 am
Good point. And, one can only see based on their current paradigms, and the gap between paradigms is greater than the gap between languages.
#14 by Matt on September 9, 2017 - 5:19 pm
Well, there’s still the 3rd density issues with rivalry, negative projecting, jealousy – e.g. mocking people because of their existence (appearance, behavior, manners, way of talking, voice tonality, etc.)
also don’t forget Google’s / Facebook’s efforts to censor all non-mainstream, deemed too “edgy” views and opinions ( “You want the truth ? You cannot even handle the truth !” , “We decide for you what is good for you !” )
#15 by Etienne Charland on September 10, 2017 - 12:23 am
Yes, that’s where victims fall into justifications
#16 by Darla on September 10, 2017 - 3:49 am
Remember, that like attracts like. that’s why when someone else say’s it, it gets all these views, and when you say it, it goes silent.
In short, it is called the dumbing down of America, in between the food/water/subliminal messages/and air well, it’s a rap.
So I would like to suggest a nother meredy.
#17 by Rosalyn on September 18, 2017 - 5:45 pm
Thanks for continuing to post here. I avoid FB these days because well, in line w/ what you are writing here I got tired of signing on and seeing people I knew in real life from old jobs, old places I lived using it as an outlet to negatively post things which boiled down to a victim oriented philosophy towards life.
Actually the incident that led me to leave was the last presidential election (I previously used to read your FB posts to keep up w/ your work but now I only access this blog from time to time) I attempted to insert some logic by stating that if someone actually wanted to change things they could do a wide array of actions to facilitate action (start a group, petition, a single event, whatever…) and that the whole idea of a president being the here all end of their lives was not that far from thinking they needed some sort of “parent” to survive their everyday lives when in reality, when you’re an adult you’re pretty much on your own (esp. if your parents are dead due to aging, illness).
Needless to say my post didn’t go well, ended up in some massive fight w/ someone I used to work with who I had considered a friend. She definitely felt like she was being victimized etc etc etc
Like others have said, there is little you can do if people are dead set in their ways which since it’s been socialized in for such a long time will be extremely difficult to undo. I’m glad to see you have accepted the likely future that is coming.
Keep posting!