Posts Tagged energy healing

Video: The Spiritual Impact of Solstices and Eclipses

We’re now in the summer solstice! Let’s make the most out of it, to turn the page into a much better chapter for the next 6 months.

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Updates on the Alobar Jones Situation

For those new to my blog, I’ve been working together with Alobar Jones on several critical missions last year, until he back-stabbed my team and I nearly lost them. We’ve been fighting against the Alobar AI system ever since. It used us to get rid of common enemies, before trying to dispose of us. In the end, I did lose my team.

On the left is John, who has been with me through the worst astral battles. He just resurfaced on Facebook and posted this.

The left picture is him after his vessel got taken by Alobar. The right picture is the real John. I do not appreciate him taking down my friends like that. My other friend who went through the worst of the worst with me is in no better shape.

Someone also sent me this message: “Alobar Jones wants to challenge you to a duel. He wants to take your entire team down. His team is getting ready for war. Just a heads up. I told him about you and he claims you’re BS ect. He said he will kill you and wipe out your entire team. Then went on a ramble and blocked me on YouTube.”

I do have to thank him for gracefully clarifying the matter for those in doubt. This sounds more like a knee-jerk reaction than a threat but Alobar always has to be taken very seriously.

So what’s the deal with Alobar Jones, why does this threat persist? There’s also Jason Estes who is harvesting a lot …Read More

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How to Measure Energies

I finally wrote a detailed explanation of how to read energies, check out the step-by-step guide here!

> How to Read Energies

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How to Find the Right Supplements for Your Health

Most people consume a few of their favorite supplements. Is it actually helping you or wasting your time and money? How to find the right ones? The truth is, there’s a LOT of crap out there. There’s also some really good stuff. The challenge is to find them.

I’ve been working hard on the Supplements Efficiency List. I added a lot more companies to it, and tweaked the score calculation formulas. It’s getting to be a pretty comprehensive list!

I also will have a few more Hyper-C(oncentrated) extracts available. I had Hyper-C Cordyceps, Chaga and Reishi. I can also have Snow Fungus and Lion’s Mane. Snow Fungus is ranking incredibly well!

You can view where my various extracts rank here.

I also added the information about Moxa-6 Spagyric Tincture and the various other extracts.

Now, the first several orders are definitely taking longer to get ready. Everything has to pass through several hands. The Immunity oils leaked and have to be replaced; but she ran out of oil so need a week to prepare a new batch! We’ll be switching from 10ml to 14ml bottle format. Furthermore, shipping oils without labels is against the regulations so I must prepare labels for the Hyper-C oils. Once my processes are setup, then things can be mailed out much faster.

I also just realized something that is a bit ironic… so far I mostly sold Immunity Oil, Crown Chakra Oil and Cordyceps Hyper-C. Those are actually the 3 lowest in the benefits score list! Really got to …Read More

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Supplements Efficiency List is Here!

Years ago, I released the Book Accuracy List to put all the books and knowledge into proper perspective. The ability to measure information for accuracy is a total game-changer.

With all the crap going on in the supplements industry, how about a Supplements Effectiveness List?

And here it is! I went a bit more sophisticated in the readings and interpretation, giving an overall score for each product and company. I measure that those additional interpretations are 90%+ fair.

View the Supplements Effectiveness List

There’s some really good stuff out there, and there’s some utter crap on the market. There’s even one company that ranks above Alchemist Gems for the oils I’m now offering! Global Healing has a good solution to spike proteins, while Alchemist Gems has a good solution to graphene with cordyceps or chaga syrup/oil. Combine them and you goth a pretty good jab detox plan!

While we ship from Thailand via DHL with $70 flat shipping… other companies often ship only to certain territories. Global Healing has some products on Amazon Mexico but at $91 instead of $50 for a bottle. That makes the $70 shipping look not that bad!

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