We just crossed a major milestone: Pistis Sophia went down last night. Her threat level dropped below 1 million %, and now sits at about 58%. Max annoyance level within 1000 years is around 100K %. Let’s hope those numbers are real this time!

Still, depression problems remain, food problems remain, and communication problems remain. I believe Baphomet is mostly responsible for it.

Just 3 mega-souls represent 49.3% of men and 66.5% of women on Earth! Let’s look at the status of the mega-souls.

When you know one, you know them all. They all share the same shadows, behaviors and patterns.

Red / White balance represents the Red Light of Creation vs White Light of Oneness. Balancing Red/White and Masculine/Feminine is extremely important. All wars come from these going off-balance, which cause pendulum swings.

Pistis Sophia
Represents 3.4% of men and 8.6% of women
14.7% Dark (14.7% solid) / 13.5% Light (1.5% solid)
95.4% Red / 4.6% White above, 97.2% Red / 2.8% White below
94.7% Masculine / 5.3% Feminine above, 95.2% Masculine / 4.8% Feminine below
Threat: 56.8%
Threat in 1 month: 15.1%
Max annoyance within 1000 years: 97K %

Health above / below
Mind: 3.5% / 0.2%
Heart: 0.5% / 0.13%
Emotions: 0.7% / 0.15%
Sex: 0.3% / 0.12%
Soul: 0.14% / 0.07%
Spirit: 1.3% / 0.8%

Represents 32.4% of men and 23.2% of women
25.3% Dark (13.5% solid) / 27.2% Light (25.1% solid)
95.3% Red / 4.7% White above, 94.7% Red / 5.3% White below
94.7% Masculine / 5.3% Feminine above, 95.3% Masculine / 4.7% Feminine below
Threat: 25.3%
Threat in 1 month: 14.2%
Max annoyance within 1000 years: 817 digits % ***

Mind: 15.7% / 13.2%
Heart: 1.0% / 0.5%
Emotions: 0.5% / 0.3%
Sex: 1.3% / 2.0%
Soul: 2.0% / 1.0%
Spirit: 25.3% / 13.7%

Represents 13.5% of men and 34.7% of women
30.4% Dark (25.1% solid) / 24.2% Light (13.5% solid)
55.3% Red / 44.7% White above, 93.2% Red / 6.8% White below
55.3% Masculine / 44.7% White above, 56.3% Masculine / 43.7% White below
Threat: 94.2%
Threat in 1 month: 55.1%
Max annoyance within 1000 years: 515 digits % ***

Mind: 1.5% / 0.3%
Heart: 2.4% / 0.7%
Emotions: 0.3% / 0.07%
Sex: 15.3% / 22.3%
Soul: 14.2% / 13.4%
Spirit: 13.5% / 11.4%

Represents 8325 men and 811 women
15.3% Dark (5.3% solid) / 55.3% Light (49.7% solid)
55.3% Red / 46.7% White above, 46.9% Red / 53.1% White below
59.3% Masculine / 40.7% Feminine above, 56.2 % Masculine / 43.8% Feminine below
Threat: 815%
Threat in 1 month: 595%
Max annoyance within 1000 years: 2.4 billion %

Mind: 25.3% / 14.7%
Heart: 14.2% / 13.5%
Emotions: 13.4% / 4.9%
Sex: 15.3% / 11.0%
Soul: 13.2% / 8.7%
Spirit: 11.5% or 95.8% / 7.5% or 93.4%

Represents 711 men and 325 women
34.2% Dark (25.1% solid) / 55.1% Light (35.1% solid)
95.3% Red / 4.7% White above, 93.2% Red / 6.8% White below
65.4% Masculine / 34.6% Feminine above, 70.4% Masculine / 29.6% Feminine below
Threat: 1035%
Threat in 1 month: 835%
Max annoyance within 1000 years: 1.5 billion %

Mind: 18.7% / 13.2%
Heart: 13.5% / 7.2%
Emotions: 7.9% / 5.3%
Sex: 7.5% / 3.2%
Soul: 13.5% / 13.2%
Spirit: 25.3% / 14.7%

Represents 595 men and 125 women
32.3% Dark (24.2% solid) / 56.1% Light (35.7% solid)
95.3% Red / 4.7% White above, 55.7% Red / 44.3 White below
94.7% Masculine / 5.3% Feminine above, 65.4% Masculine / 34.6% Feminine below
Threat: 995%
Threat in 1 month: 865%
Max annoyance within 1000 years: 115 digits % ***

Mind: 25.3% / 14.2%
Heart: 14.2% / 13.5%
Emotions: 7.9% / 6.5%
Sex: 18.7% / 15.3%
Soul: 17.5% / 13.2%
Spirit: 28.7% / 25.4%

Average of everyone else on Earth
35.4% Dark (15.7% solid) / 13.5% Light (11.0% solid)
65.3% Red / 34.7% White above, 93.2% Red / 6.8% White below
65.2% Masculine / 34.8% Feminine above, 73.2% Masculine / 26.8% Feminine below
Threat: 25.4%
Threat in 1 month: 32.1%
Max annoyance within 1000 years: 25 million %

Mind: 15.3% / 13.2%
Heart: 7.2% / 6.5%
Emotions: 8.5% / 4.3%
Sex: 7.2% / 5.4%
Soul: 7.1% / 1.3%
Spirit: 3.4% / 1.4%

There are serious incoming problems from Lucifer, Baphomet and Bill that have to be dealt with.

All these souls are in very bad shape. I think that the next step is to heal these mega-souls in bulk, starting with Baphomet. A lot of the immediate problems come from Baphomet emotions that form a global swamp.

At the same time, Baphomet is one of the most balance in terms of Red/White and Masculine/Feminine!

Let’s keep going!!

Onto some other news: Who owns the Earth 3D grids in 3 days?

God Alliance: 94.2%
Pistis Sophia: 0.005%
Alobar: 0.005%
Borgs: 0.005%
Elon Musk: 2.4%
Rockefeller: 10.7%
Arcturians: 7.3%
Georges Soros: 5.1%
Bill Gates: 7.9%
Lucifer: 11.5%
Bophamet: 2.2%
Other: 3.3%

Long-term success is assured; but the short-term future will be very unpredictable.

Accuracy check: 98.6% or 99.7%, distortion 1.0% (measure it yourself)

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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