“You Know You Have a Higher Purpose You Are Not Living”

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963hz is NOT The God Frequency

Someone was recently asking me about the 963hz God Frequency. At first something felt very wrong about those 963hz videos, then I realized: 963hz isn’t the God Frequency but the Lucifer Frequency!

I’ve then gone through very interesting observations about the Luciferian paradigm, especially after Edge of Wonder published their video explaining how the Law of Attraction was in fact rooted in Luciferianism.

Here are a few questions.

1. Why are there barely any successful conscious entrepreneurs with an alignment to God above 45%? And why does my energy collides so strongly with these other coaches? What wall does it collide on and hold them back?

2. Why does most “spiritual” people avoid me like plague and can’t listen nor comprehend anything I say? I still have yet to find anyone who teaches even the basics of this work.

3. Why are there so few people willing and ready to step into the inner work of Royal Alchemy? When things go well, there will be maybe 1 new client per month getting into it.

The shocking answer is: those business and spiritual beliefs operate from the Luciferian paradigm!

Luciferianism is essentially about closing the door to God and then building your way back up — without God.

Tuning into “spiritual” people as a whole, I measure 95.6% resonance with the Luciferian grid. Tuning into business people, I measure 99.7% resonance with the Luciferian grid. Now, THAT explains everything.

Daoists do exactly the same thing: shutting the door to God and building their way back up — without …Read More

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Shifting The Business

The business is growth and shifting, slowly but surely. First, I killed the brand Emergence Guardian after seeing what it led to in the article A Peak Into The Future. The brand is dead before even being born, and a couple of things I want to mention about that.

When you build a project and it’s all about your clients and God isn’t included into it, the project must see completion to reap the rewards, otherwise it dies and is completely forgotten. When a business, project or vision is built in service to God, any actions taken by various people are cumulative and ever-lasting, whether the project sees completion or not. Emergence Guardian is dead but it has had very massive impact on the lives of many people who have stepped up to play a much bigger role in this transition this planet and Universe is going through. And their continual efforts compound on that like ripples. Emergence Guardian has served its purpose and it is time to move on. It couldn’t fully take shape because it was a place-holder brand that only makes sense in the context of ascension, and would be outdated after that. The soul of a brand must be ever-lasting.

Things are starting to take shape in the direction of building your own Inner Temple in the image of God. It’s all about growing the Inner Silence within, which is not stillness and not empty. Silence can grow and expand into creation, and your mind can be …Read More

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Summary of Counsel Meeting with the Federations of the Multiverse

A bit of update on everything that has been going on. On June 20th 2019, we received coordinated attacks from Arch-Demons in upper Universes. Earth was well-defended, Andromedia was severely attacked but is fine; but the Galactic Federation is in limbo. Since then, the multiverse has been like a big zoo on an open highway and things have been just crazy. There are big shifts happening throughout 100 to 150 Universes above us and some groups have been trying to take over the Multiverse. Things have been hectic to say the least.

Hock Yeoh did a really nice drawing of the Battle of Araghart just before it happened, and it was highly accurate. We got reports afterwards that there were fleets of Reptilian ships attacking our solar system which he drew and I had never mentioned!

Posted by Hock Yeoh on June 19th 2019

Now, after completely disintegrating about 2 million souls in the Multiverse, things are falling back under control. The gates between Universes have been secured and 95% closed. Support can still come in from upper Universes but traffic will be highly regulated.

As of right now, there are 500 ships of the Galactic Federation surrounding Earth to stabilize the situation here and synchronize our energy with the Federation. They have been authorized to do so, but have NOT been authorized to bring Earth into the Federation. In fact, Andromedia , the most important planet of the Federation, has unofficially left the Galactic Federation and formed a new alliance with Light-based planets. …Read More

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How the Law of Attraction was Manipulated by Luciferianism

If you’ve known me for a while, I’ve always been critical of the Law of Attraction, not for the validity of the law but for how it has been used over the years by the majority of people. This short 4m34 video explains one reason why the Law of Attraction didn’t work as expected for most people.

Now, if you dig a little deeper into the history of the Law of Attraction, you’ll find out it is rooted in the New Thoughts movement, which in turns is rooted in the Luciferian doctrine. I would say that 98.6% of entrepreneurs worldwide operate from that paradigm, and 99.6% of entrepreneurs who follow the Law of Attraction. This explains the crazy energetic clashes whenever I go to those business events.

Here is a very excellent documentary about the Law of Attraction and how it was manipulated to pursue a Luciferian agenda — and in fact how the author of the source material was openly Satanic. It explains how a lot of great leaders with good intentions have been misled down a corrupted path, and how YOU can use the Law of Attraction to be genuinely in alignment with the Laws of God, to fulfill your greater purpose. The way they pull all of this up together is absolutely brilliant.


CEO Space as an organization for entrepreneurs is all about cooperation and integrity, and I posted this video into the private members-only area, but it was deleted on sight. It …Read More

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What I Learned During the Thailand Road Trip

As I’m back from my 12-day road trip across Northern Thailand, some people are asking me: what did I learn while traveling? I did observe and realize a few interesting things, which I’ll talk about here. In this trip, I went to Lampang, Phrae, Uttaradit and Sukhothai provinces. I visited 2 power plants: Mae Moh and Sikirit dam.

First, it is amazing how each city has a completely different energy. I’ve said before that Thailand was under heavy energetic attacks over the past 10 years up until recently, and that the younger generation had lost their roots, and that 35-year-old people look younger than 25-year-old people because of that. Thailand is a Buddhist country and thus should have a lot of knowledge of the soul, but that has been mostly lost in Chiang Mai and many of the places where foreigners are going to. Thailand turned into an emotional garbage dump where foreigners go to escape their problems and dump their emotional baggage there, and this has caused severe problems and is why they’re tightening on immigration policies. And I’ve heard Pai turned into a hippies town. Situation is stabilizing since the past 1 or 2 years.

So as I went to Lampang, it turns into a ghost town after 5pm as everything closes. The guy working at the hotel was eager to show me around town, and then the main bar and club of that small city are full every day of the week. Met some people who got drunk …Read More

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