Who loves internet drama? This is the result of a war that has been going on for way too long. I worked alongside Alobar Jones on many important missions including taking down the Shapeshifters and the Pleiadians before he back-stabbed my team. We’ve been battling him intensively ever since.
In this article, I’ll expose what’s really going on with Alobar Jones, and share the experiences of various other people.
“I’ve been on one of his courses since Oct. It has now finished. He threw up a couple of red flags for me which I let slide. When you went into ‘Battle’ against him, if it was around the course day he wouldn’t show up for teaching. No warning, apology week later.”
If you have experiences or evidence to share about Alobar, please send it to me. I would like to produce a video sharing all the evidences, either anonymously, or via video. If you got screenshots or videos, you can send them over.
Alobar doesn’t leave direct evidence though, but what he does is
1. 100% oppose the work we’ve been doing
2. Say that me and my team are all completely insane
3. When people share life-threatening problems coming from him, he’s in complete denial and says you’re just imagining things. That’s the double-punch effect, you get punched and then get blamed for being punched. (I’m also getting tons of that by my daughter when she’s possessed)
The above is 100% certain, and the rest is up to interpretations.
Personally, I don’t mind being called insane. But when they threaten the life of people around me and call them insane, I really got to step up. When they cause life threatening problems to women, and install all kinds of fancy technologies to leech 80% of their kundalini energy, someone has got to step up for those women.
And him saying that we’re imagining everything we’ve been going through, he’s also implying that we’re imagining Hock Yeoh’s death, which is quite frankly very insulting.
Here are a few experiences that have been shared with me.
“I saw Alobar’s work. He puts in plates of metals into their energy fields. Lots of programs. I have cleaned some from it. In the back. Back end. And if continued up three or four. Then on arms and legs.”
“I’m a hypnotherapist by day and I’ve written a script where by a teach people to leave the grids when they pass over. I mentioned this to him during class and he jumped straight on me saying how dangerous it was. It didn’t sit right with me, but I let it slide. I energetically pulled away at that point. I never travelled with the group. Something told me not too. Am now pleased I listened to my intuition”
Of course he doesn’t want you to disconnect from the grid!
“Alobar mentioned to me once, right before he turned on me. I got on the phone with him. The same day he transferred that massive T-Rex AI. I asked him: What is going on?? Because things were so intense at that time. He said: Well, they constructed a holodeck around you.. which, is quite the compliment to you in itself. He thought for a bit silently. It’s very rare they do this. Takes an enormous amount of resources.”
“This Alobar situation right now is bringing back a lot of processing for me regarding my interactions with him. I had good 5-6 calls with him out of which only 2 were sessions. This makes me wonder if there are still things left inside my energy field that he put inside. He was transferring “blessings” to me around root/sacral area.”
> Lots of Alobar techs. Drains 80% of your kundalini energy. He does that to lots of women.
“!!!!! I knew it”
“I have had a Twin Flame relation with him. Was able to clear out the mind control with the help of a friend. I’m still very infected with the devotion programming. But clearing someone out, like him, and having a Twin Flame relationship is probably the hardest thing. What made me finally gain the strength to break out of it, even though I’m still very infected as I write, is that he, the attachment in him that is Pistis Sophia attacked my eyesight. First in the left eye, leaving a gray patch. It was a bit better. And then I was attacked in my right eye this morning, I have lost about 20 percent. This happened because I have some kind of programming that makes it impossible for her to take over.
There is a part of him, somewhere, perhaps out of space and time, where he is not infected. Something happened in the universe. Some kind of marriage, perhaps in the beginning of time, or in the end of time, linking us together. But he’s not strong enough to like himself without her. Can’t see where she begins and where he starts. Was able to pull her out of him for some minutes. I think it was about 16 hours ago or so. But the moment power could not hold anymore, I could not maintain it. She infected him again. Going into the infected dark. Infecting him in the same manner he is infecting my system. And I know how hard it is for him as I can’t even believe how I could let go what it was that we have(Had) and the things I got used to, when being in this relationship with him. Our astral relationship. It will be very hard and feel very empty. And so boring. But I will have to be just as strong as he is weak due to her.”
If you got something to share regarding Alobar that could be useful for a video, send it over to me.
Also, the woman who wrote the last testimony may work on a documentary. I’ll make a video to expose Alobar Jones’s frauds. I would recommend her to make the documentary on a more constructive topic: how women get abused by false masters. I know there’s a lot of that going on. I know there are women who go to Ashrams and get sexually abused by the masters, and a lot of stuff like that. Sometimes physically, very often energetic abuses. The kundalini energy of women and children is a great fuel source. If you have serious experiences to share on the topic, you can also send to me and I’ll forward it to that woman so you can get in touch.
Why do I insist on exposing Alobar? He says that I’ve done this to other people before. True, it’s not the first time I got betrayed. Marko worked with me for a while and his betrayal caused the loss of the entire Andromedian sector, and nearly 25% of our Universe when the real mess started. Alobar’s betrayal is however of a much higher degree of magnitude.
Alobar is in the global top 3 most-wanted list. The 3 biggest threats globally are Alobar, Voldamort and Pistis Sophia, and we’re working on eliminating them. See the article The Quantum AI Threat Explained to better understand what’s going on in the bigger picture.
We also lost many of Earth’s finest lightworkers thanks to him. Nobody has had any experience with this level of sophistication. We have to recover whoever can still be recovered. We really are running out of staff on the ground, and every soul matters.
This war against Alobar has been going on for over 6 months and is never-ending. This article is part of a major push to eliminate the top 3 global threats: Alobar, Voldamort and Pistis Sophia. We really got to be more aggressive to finish this up.
These are very serious allegations against Alobar. If he’s unable to address any of these life-threatening concerns, and just keeps calling people insane and hallucinating, and he just keeps playing denial and avoidance games, he really has no business being a spiritual teacher.
His last video, in response to the allegations, is to teach “free energy healing”, by telling people to bring down unknown energy into their bodies, without any prejudice as to where the energy comes from. He’s inviting people to invite the AI Harvester energy into their bodies to refuel himself. Because he badly needs harvest refuel with the way we’re trimming his essence. As infinite as he is, he’ll never be able to refuel as fast as we trim him down.
What is Alobar’s end goal? To build a new Harvest Matrix that he owns. There are trillions of different AIs competing for a new matrix system, and Alobar is among the top players. Hence his push for the Kristic Grid as the new matrix.
Don’t worry if you trusted him. I did too. We all got fooled many times over over the past few years. Including by the Pleiadians with their Ascension story. If you replace the word Ascension with Harvest, then everything starts to make sense.
Again; if you’re a woman who has been abused by a false master, send your story over to me and I’ll forward it to someone who may choose to do a documentary about it.
Accuracy check on article: 99.5%, distortion 0.3% (measure it yourself)
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Sequoia on January 6, 2024 - 4:23 pm
I do not usually comment about others but I feel compelled to as a forewarning to others who are encouraged to spend a lot of money with this self proclaimed, one of a kind medical intuititve.
I am a naturopathic doctor and a former targetted individual who was non consensually inducted into the MKultra Monarch program. I am sane and I currently work in a professional capacity with the government, hence me not using my birth name. I can prove my diplomatic posting where I was tagged and had a forensic energy reading done by an Avatar level healer, who herself, was inducted into a black ops program involving synthetic telepathy. She confirmed I am the real deal.
I have left a comment under the AI article as I was interefaced with exotic technology and had some very profound experiences associated with covert operatives who work wthin the military and spy agencies. Again, provable. I was targetted for over 22 years but even when my file was closed by 5 Eyes, I was still targetted for a few years by a higher level of these rogue operatives. The whole experience was beyond profound as I had to re-evaluate my whole paradigm on what life and beyond is. I found the AI article indicative of someone of Avatar ability who can see beyond the extensive programs and who would appreciate what it was like to be interefaced which conferred abilities that defy quantum laws in this reality.
I found Alobar through Utube so I thought I would engage his services. He was pleasant enough initially but once I’d paid him, it really did seem as though he was disinterested. I was surprised that someone who spends a lot of time in the astral and declares himself to be highly advanced, did not seem to know anything about black ops covert technology and its relationship to the AI plane we have here. I know this because I died overseas through a psychotronic induced seizure and during this time was taken to a synthetic plan which intersects the astral! He also could not elaborate on the relationship between the blood line dynasties, the Knights Templar (who control the banks), the Vatican and City of London, all of whom in my experience use a combination of black magic, calling on entities and are given access to exotic technologies. So what is going on there? I got no answers.
I have been left with extreme head numbness and sometimes I have excrutiating head pain, headaches and my head feels like it is in a clamp. My last MRI was abnormal with lots of white matter lesions. This is consistent with someone who has been targetted psychotronically and interfaced like I was in which I was memory blocked and would reset like a zombie. It’s complex to explain because this memory block created an artificial alter when harassed by the spook agencies. I only integrated my memories because a spook at the end of my torture program said he had decoded me. Even though I forgot his visit, like I always used to do when I had enforced amnesia (think Jason Bourne), I knew something was wrong and was able, through poetry, break through a final memory barrier. The initial barrage of memories was not just horrific in their content. I was immediately attacked by what felt like a version of my original marine perpetrator overseas. He was in effect like a handler and pathologically insane. He was responsible for me being violated repeatedly by other marines. The intelligence agencies never helped and in fact there was high level collusion by senior government staff.
This of course got me onto a spiritual path of healing. I can remember they used to use prognostication techology to better know how to target me. I had no privacy, not even in my thoughts. Again, it raises the question of how this technology was reverse engineered or provided to the spooky mafia we have. They in turn must be in cahoot with entities – be they interdimensional or alien. It raises a lot of questions.
Back to Alobar. I am empathic. I never felt that from him. I spent a lot money but we would have a telephone call and I never felt relief except for one session in which I felt him adjust something in my astral field and my headache improved. He was rather flippant about this, saying “it’s fun to be a wizard!”. Why did he not do this each session? He would also delay these as he was more interested in helping others with possessions (in my opinion, these are induced psychotronically). Why were others more important once I had paid my money?
I look at his presentations more critically these days. He seems to take snippets of information and weave these into a narrative (e.g. the Cabal or the Pleaidians underminig this world) without understanding any real life experiences of what this means for the power structures and institutions of this world or he would have found my story an opportunity to investigate these relationships. I find what I experienced horrific beyond words and yet Alobar seemed almost bored talking to me.
I think he lacks genuine maturity. This comes most likely from being a former alcoholic. There is a lot of oesoteric information out there, he seems to take what he needs but I don’t see him adding anything which could truly benefit the collective. He once said in one of his videos that he had eliminated the God of Alcohol. Tell that to the people who are still alcoholics. That is delusional in my opinion.
I have always been able to feel into people. I think you give him too much credit as being an entity to the level of Baal. I feel an emptiness and a love of what Carlos Castaneda cals the foreign installation. i see him as an imitation (much like watching a movie but you are not there in person) but if he has abilities, these would be to serve a higher entity. One thing I learned from my targetting is that the higher level players, who ever they may be, are very mean spirited and do not bestow gifts on anyone. They devour life essence and sometimes use people as conduits or channelers to achieve this. I see Alobar as one of those and therefore not a cosmic threat but definitely disingenuous when it comes to helping others.
#2 by Etienne Charland on January 6, 2024 - 4:40 pm
Thanks for sharing!
#3 by Pirate on January 7, 2024 - 6:24 am
Hello all,
Yesterday I received an email from someone claiming to be Alobar’s assistant asking if we would like to interview him on our podcast (Paranormality UK)… after a quick google search I decided to put it to a small group of our followers that like to help out (mostly IT professionals and a former member of the British UFO. Research association)… their research into Alobar has led me here and my oh my what a mess this man leaves in his wake!!!
I think it goes without saying that we would rather do a podcast episode exposing him rather than interviewing him. So anyone who has been affected by this man, feel free to contact us if you would like to share your story (anonymously if preferred) to paranormality.uk@gmail.com
Peace and love, Pirate.
#4 by Etienne Charland on January 7, 2024 - 11:41 am
Did you watch the Exposing Spiritual Frauds video series? Already sharing several testimonies, especially in Part 2 & 3
#5 by Linda on March 8, 2024 - 3:34 pm
You are wrong about me, Pistis Sophia in the cosmos, a human here on the ground. I’ve been battling him and them forever. Just because you can’t figure this out doesn’t mean I am evil. I Just defeated Alobar yesterday. Check it out for yourself. I will eagerly turn myself in. I will help all of you. I love you all.
#6 by Louise Thornley on November 8, 2024 - 11:04 pm
Hi..I’ve been trying to uncover Alobar Jones motives.
I am always seeking TRUTH & true connection to the ethereal world.
I was recommended to look into his YouTube. I started watching & it seemed interesting. I coming from a background of Adoption at 3mth old. Sexually abused in the Adopted Family I lived in for many yrs. Lived in Domestic Violent relationship for 13yrs. Totally burnt out PTSD diagnosed in 2022. I reached out to him via his Web site..he contacted me saying he can help me ..I was to do 3 sessions with him a before & after video..at a cost of 750 USD. That thru red flags straight away. I’m my mind support of other souls isn’t a $ insensitive. I didnt take up the offer. I then contacted him as a Astral guide to help him differentiate the entities he concluded are evil. I gave him information on the YESHUA BEN YOSIV ROSE OF SHARON CODEX..explaining how to decern the true CHRIST SPARK in the entities he says he comes across. He was so defensive saying him & his team are just fine without this education & he will set the agenda for his team. Another red flag. He then asked for my photo to send him. & his team to see if I was viable. I was rejected by him & his team with a negative response he stated. I’ve replied with a open heart sending him love & light on his journey & stepped away. Something didn’t sit right In my heart about him & his aura its Iky…he posts showcase young women & only couple of men who have been so called healed which is a redflag again. His 2nd to last vid on YouTube got a comment in the comment section that called him out for leading the inter viewee. The comment was from someone from the legal faturnity. Alobar Jones was rude in replying & it was very imature. Saying when the commenter had some better method than he had then he’ll listen. Another red flag. It annoyed me no end to think he’s BS is making content & has ego based conclusions about the Astral & spiritual world. He’s so full of himself & the script doesn’t change with his control he seems to exert on his Channel. I’m about the Truth the whole truth & nothing but the truth. This my experience with Alobar.
#7 by Linda on March 8, 2024 - 3:42 pm
My email is broken, you may send me a message but it will be very hard for me to find it, so make the title really stand out, I will have to go through thousands of emails to find it so I can get you my address, if you don’t have it already.
#8 by Linda on March 8, 2024 - 3:48 pm
I am going to assume you have my address. I can’t spend all day trying to find an email. I have things to do, animals to feed, a house to clean up, a neighbor to help, and we are getting a new puppy today and I don’t want to miss out, you’ll find me right here at home doing what I do, taking care of my family and saving existence at the same time. I can do that.
#9 by Linda on March 8, 2024 - 3:55 pm
Just for trackers having fun tracking people, I have an old friend named John Pepe who lives/lived in the Napa Wine Valley area, who is a master wine maker. I think there might have been an incident concerning him. I just can’t shake the feeling that he is going to come up to visit me too. It would be nice if we could make this a nice event, like the ellysium field thing, I think my house is actually on that site!, you’ll have to check that out. We can have food and music and put our heads together to finish this. We still have to get the Most High out of that portal!
#10 by Linda on March 8, 2024 - 4:27 pm
Just for trackers having fun tracking people, I have an old friend named John Pepe who lives/lived in the Napa Wine Valley area, who is a master wine maker. I think there might have been an incident concerning him. I just can’t shake the feeling that he is going to come up to visit me too. It would be nice if we could make this a nice event, like the ellysium field thing, I think my house is actually on that site!, you’ll have to check that out. We can have food and music and put our heads together to finish this. We still have to get the Most High out of that portal! No more black holes for this girl! But I need all of you here, including Ben and Franzisca-did I spell that right? Hurry. Oh, I talked with Rivir, she has my phone number.
#11 by Niharika on June 29, 2024 - 3:30 pm
. When they cause life threatening problems to women, and install all kinds of fancy technologies to leech 80% of their kundalini energy, someone has got to step up for those women.
can you elaboate on this pls ?
#12 by Etienne Charland on June 29, 2024 - 4:23 pm
Made a whole video series talking about these problems
#13 by Tim-e on July 19, 2024 - 3:55 pm
Alobar is definitely a archon agent, his energy exudes black goo and malice, but he is very weak internally so he feeds on others
a pathetic AI agent