Lately I’ve been focusing heavily on Trump elections and on Kevin Trudeau / Global Information Network, to keep him out of jail. We’re seeing very major progress on both fronts. In fact, Trump has such a crushing victory, and the opposition is collapsing in such a catastrophic way, that it won’t make sense for people watching unless you’ve been following our work over the last several years. Trump did the exact same thing as in 2020, yet the outcome is completely different.
I’m also changing my approach to energy work. There’s too much to talk about so I’ll split that up into several articles.
With my new approach, the 2 metrics that I first focus on are: % timeline stability, and % master timeline.
The Global Information Network had 87% timeline stability but was 17% master timeline. I had 13-35% timeline stability but 100% master timeline. The main reason I joined GIN is because I need their timeline; and they need my master timeline or they’ll reach a timeline dead-end within 3 years.
The people who are struggling the most are neither in a stable timeline, nor in a master timeline. They’re in a timeline junkyard that is gradually collapsing beneath their feet. Nothing will work to help them until they get into a better timeline.
During the war, considering that entire planets and Universes got harvested, and alliances of guardians much stronger than any of you got taken out, it has a lot more to do with who you associate with and what energies you connect to. It’s about avoiding the traps and associating with the right teams, much more than about your actual spiritual development and skills.
When you take timelines into the equation, that’s even more true. You cannot get into a stable timeline on your own. Withdrawing into a cabin in the woods will get you into the most unstable timelines. Stabilizing your timelines is about joining the right groups of people; and there really aren’t many groups out there that aren’t corrupted beyond repair.
The Global Information Network does have some corruption but it’s the only group and events out there that I found salvageable. It will act as a “timeline vehicle”. By energetically connecting with the club’s members, you connect into much more stable timelines. Meanwhile, I’m working heavily to purge the corruption and steer the club into the right direction.
It’s like if we’re in small boats that got hit by a massive storm and the boats are half-sinking. We climb into a big boat, and I immediately try to steer the boat away from an iceberg. We all need that vehicle.
As I evacuated my old unstable timelines, those related timelines are getting increasingly unstable.
From now on, to work with clients (with my new approach), there will be 2 prerequisites. First, you must be a GIN member. Second, you must be getting support from our Varanasi monks. GIN will ensure you get into the right timelines, and the monks will help lift the bulk of heavy energies so that I can focus on more specialized work.
Also, here’s something interesting. I have the Philosopher’s Stone, which is a crystallization of consciousness with Absolute power. I realized that there are in fact 5 different Soul Stones: Philosopher’s Stone, Influencer’s Stone, Manager’s Stone, Warrior’s Stone, Financier’s Stone. Building them all together forms the Builder’s Stone.
Pistis Sophia killed my tribe and completely suffocated my business, so my Influencer’s Stone and Financier’s Stone were in incredibly bad shape.
I realized that Trump has the Financier’s Stone and Kevin has the Influencer’s Stone, so they do teach about this stuff in the secret societies. At least they have one part of such stone built.
Hence, I fully activated Trump’s Financier’s Stone, Kevin’s Influencer’s Stone, and my Philosopher’s Stone. Tune into the vortex that is created between these 3 stones. How does it feel? THAT is absolute power. Beaming those 3 stones together can melt absolutely anything. We just to make sure the vortex is strong enough to outplay any containment strategies from the ‘overlords’.
And indeed, “things” are moving since activating that vortex. Kevin’s energy collapsed today, too much power on a flawed foundation, so the vortex is weaker right now, but it will rebuild stronger than ever.
With this power, we can bring the Hanuman Foundation, Global Information Network, Trump movement and God into a singular pillar.
And the next GIN event will be at the Doral, Trump National Resort in Florida.
Stepping up to a new level. Looking at how I can pull existing clients out of the crazy mess; working on pulling them into better timelines.
As for the oils and rings orders, shipping them hadn’t been possible yet. Shipping them before the timeline evacuation would have caused timeline issues. Now it’s getting better, I “could” ship now, but things will keep shifting massively with the December Kevin event, Solstice, January event on 17th, Trump taking office on 20th, and 7 planets falling into alignment on January 25th. So until February, timelines will continually be shifting at an insane pace. I’m not sure whether shipping before that stabilizes is a good idea. These physical products will bring a massive energy boost, but it has to boost the right timelines.
So for now, GIN and Varanasi monks are the best option..
Perhaps… with a partnership with GIN… there are nearly a thousand monks at the Varanasi temple. It’s one of the largest temples in India, and they’re growing stronger and stronger. I could have a 1000-monk strong army under my command if we could get 3000 donors to support with absolutely insane energy. We just need to feed the monks. This might be possible if GIN gets on-board…
More to come.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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