Posts Tagged alchemy rings

Analysis of Demonic Donors

As I’m preparing Unlock Your Soul Power training, I’ve come into very interesting data. I just completed writing module 2… already at 46000 words so far, jam-packed with information. This is like writing an entire book. You can register to be added to the wait-list, and ideally contribute financially to help cover the expenses and unlock a bonus module.

Btw I just hit a massive pot-hole on the highway to Playa del Carmen. I didn’t just lose 2 tires this time; 2 rims completely broken in half. These are more expenses to cover on top of preparing this video training and preparing the oils product labels. Any support is very welcomed! Once this video training is ready, and Alchemist Gems business is properly launched, then I’ll be able to say that I have a business. Meanwhile, I’m pretty damn busy.

When you look at an entity or a movement, the donor is the mega-soul that it is built from or that backs it up. I started analyzing the donors of various actors. This brought very surprising data.

Let’s look at the donors for the Pleiadians, Arcturians, virus, jab, Chemtrails, and LGBTQ

As we can see here, the Arcturians and LGBTQ+ are 2 things where all the main demons are still strong and collaborating together. There is still a lot more to deal with than I thought.

LGBTQ+ is their fuel source, and although I suspected Baphomet was behind it, all of them are heavily invested in it. It’s their food source, harvesting …Read More

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Get Washable PM2.5 Masks, Immunity Oils and Crown Chakra Oils

I went to an event in the USA with a batch of washable PM2.5 masks, oils to kill viruses and boost the immune system, and crown chakra oils. The crown chakra oils were very popular and sold out, but there was little interest in the immunity oils, and no interest in masks whatsoever. 3 people of 350 at the event went infected, and 10% got infected by the virus after 3 days.

Now, people are starting to pay more attention and many expressed interest in those quality masks, so here’s what I’m going to do. I’ll take orders for face masks in the USA and Canada in bulk, ship them over via 3-day DHL to them distribute them locally. Otherwise, either it takes too long (30 days), or it’s too expensive to ship just a mask and oil bottle from Thailand.

I recorded a video explaining the oils and masks, how they work, how to use them and their benefits. These are high quality PM2.5 washable masks that I think are good for 4 to 6 months each.

If you want a shipment of oils and masks, you can also use the opportunity to get Alchemy Rings at the same time.

To place an order, use the contact form at the bottom of the Alchemy Rings page here.

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