Posts Tagged crypto-currencies

Timeline Shift, Things May Evolve Faster

First, I announced a joint live event with Rion Kati but neither of us had any time or energy to promote it at all with everything going on right now, so we’re cancelling this one. Also, in all honesty, the actual progress depends just as much on how the environment evolves as on how you personally evolve, and both internally and externally, it takes some time to integrate. For those reasons, most people who would benefit from the live event would be better served by taking my year-long mentoring program.

That being said, the flushing of libtard energy continues (some people confuse the term libtard for mentally retarded, but it refers to mental disorder, big difference). It’s getting flushed on a daily basis, it’s got to go.

I also haven’t had any clear vision lately, it has been cluttered by all the chaos and movement. I also realized that we’ve shifted timelines and avoided the worst of destruction. I was predicting an EMP on America, an economic collapse, and losing about 30% of the population within 20 years, and 50% of the US population. This no longer seems to be the case.

I was sensing 3.2% probability of having peace with North Korea, and it happened regardless. This changed everything. Furthermore, the economy of the USA is back on track, Trump keeps flushing out the corrupt elite, and he’s even setting up the ground for disclosure of the Secret Space Program (or of the MIT, a basic version of the SSP). We may …Read More

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December Ascension Status

The clearing of Black Magicians is 99.9998% completed throughout the Universe and sub-Universes. There are just a few Black Magicians and a few Archons left roaming, dealt with as they are found. Meanwhile, mental insanity here on Earth tripled.

Main factors holding back ascension at this point:
– Denial, and people willing to fight to preserve their illusions to the grave: 62.4%
– Lack of cohesive spiritual leadership: 25.4%
– Cabal / Deep State / SSP: 12.5%
– Lack of proper education: 1.4%
(Total 101.7%: there can be overlap)

Something I want to clarify. When talking about our current spiritual leadership, some people thought I was saying these “so called spiritual teachers are really 3D business masters”. That’s not what I meant. I only care about mentioning people who are actually relevant in the game. Call those the “less irrelevant crowd”.

Right as we were doing the clearing on the Black Magicians, extremely positive and major events have been reported in regards to taking down the Cabal. Read all the details here.

Yet at the same time, a lot of people have been experiencing massive energetic attacks. Something I want to correct on Jim’s report. They didn’t just decide to attack the population. They counter-attacked as their survival was threatened. We striked first and continue until extinction — nearly done as of writing this.

But the point is that a lot of people have been really struggling energetically. That’s exactly what I help people with. And there’s something I want to clarify. …Read More

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