There is something interesting I have noticed recently. It seems like no matter how much money I earn, there’s nothing left at the end. We’re going to explore what’s going on financially, why it matters, how that relates to you and what can be done about it. It seems to be a problem that a considerable number of people actively improving their lives are experiencing.

One of my coaches, Eiji Morishita, got me to realize that I’m outspending whatever income I have. Since increasing the income only amplifies whatever financial pattern in place, an increase in income can actually lead to higher debts! He learnt this the hard way, and I’m grateful that he shared it with me. I just have to acknowledge when something isn’t going right. If I’m outspending $6k a month, I could see myself in the future outspending $100k a year or even a 7-figure yearly income, which many people actually do. When you have extra income, you can always get a new high-end training program to increase your income, get a new home, a new car, new equipment, take another trip, and outspend whatever income you have and even increase your debts. Most of my money has been going towards paying off past commitments hoping to earn future income, which is not a healthy relationship to money, at least not long-term.

He told me, my next step is not to get more high-end training to increase my income. My next step is to build financial stability. This would allow me to attract people who have financial stability and have money to invest, instead of just attracting people who spend money they don’t have hoping to make it back. This really makes a lot of sense… and after studying from several of the top business and money coaches in the industry, nobody ever mentioned that! I had a goal of reaching a stable income of over $10k per month, and I was shocked to realize that financial stability was not even in my list of objectives!

I just moved to Playa del Carmen in Mexico. The truth is that I can life a dream lifestyle, grow my business and gradually pay my debts with my current income level. All I have to do is to change the way I spend my time and money.

When it comes to your relationship with money, there are two parts to it. There is your relationship with your money coming in, and your relationship with your money going out. Developing a healthy relationship with your income usually requires considerable investments and there’s nothing wrong to go in debts for that. There is a principle of wealth that says you should live below your means, and here the idea is to invest to increase your means. Once you start having a considerable income, you also have to improve your relationship with the money going out. It doesn’t mean paying back all your debts at once, but it does mean managing your money to live within your means and building a stable foundation. Most likely the lifestyle you desire at your first level of success doesn’t cost that much and you can already live it at that level instead of working full-time to catch up with your expenses. At this stage, the idea is to shift from outspending your income to outearning your expenses. From there, you can afford to get into higher level of investments from a solid ground without compromising your lifestyle. Here’s a secret. This shift won’t happen just by changing the way you manage your thoughts. Something has to shift deep within you.

What is your next step in terms of improving your relationship with money? I would love to hear from you so post a comment with your next step below.

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian
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