Posts Tagged spiritual freedom

Heads Are About to Roll

This week has been ridiculously intense, and things are coming to a closure, still 5 days from the solstice. There’s always a major transition to a new chapter on every solstice, and this time we seem to be way ahead of schedule for a really big shift.

There was a lot more Arcturians, a lot more Pleiadians, and a lot more Dark Sophia attacking us throughout the week, mostly from other time-space constructs. The seal around our Omniverse made them go berserk and cause super major collapses.

Beyond Arcturians and Pleiadians, the shadows of my team have been causing a lot of the problems.

Nowadays, we give the shadows an option: surrender to God and integrate, or be deleted. The majority are taking the offer.

Archangel Michael just came to integrate with John, saying he had been having an absolutely miserable time. We might be having a rough time, but it’s nothing compared to what’s happening to these dark realms and shadow beings.

Today, I spoke with Dark Sophia. She finally accepted our offer and surrendered. Her problem is that she’s fundamentally built as raw anger, and cannot be anything else on her current foundation. Her best option is to dissolve into God and transfer usable essence into sister souls. She’s going through this process today.

And boy… that’s a good thing. As she pulled herself through the Needle of God, there are very vast realms of hers that we hadn’t yet discovered. We’d still be fighting her for at least 35 years at that pace! …Read More

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Omniverse Sealed Off

We’re just crossed a very major milestone. Beyond our Universe, Multiverse and Ultraverse, there is the Omniverse, all of time and space. Beyond that, there are multiple time and space constructs, and 85% of threats were coming from other time and space construct.

We’ve secured an alliance with the Mandalorian King beyond our time and space construct, very top-level player. In exchange for their survival. They’ve run trillions of simulations and this is the only way for them to survive. Instead of fighting so damn hard for the slavery of Earth, those other races should be concerned about their own survival at this point.

The Mandalorians have been able to withdraw a lot of AIs from our Omniverse.

We then proceeded to add protection around our time and space constructs, and have closed the gate shut. We gave all those groups 12 hours to evacuate and give back what’s ours, and the gates have been shut tight this morning.

This has cut off those other time and space constructs off from major leech supplies, and it’s total warfare out there. I hope they can handle it.

Our Omniverse is thus being secured, and now belongs to Earth and heart-based beings.

We’re still over 9 days to the summer solstice, so let’s see what else unfolds by then! The solstice is always a very major transition.

With this major victory, we’re now focusing hardcore on rebuilding.

Everyone’s DNA is at 10-30% health. This is important to repair.

I can recommend Jacques Tombazian’s audio meditations 3 to 5 to help repair …Read More

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The White Hat Fraud

We are making very major progress in this war. We climbed the ladder to the very top and dismantled some very top grids. Looking the the remaining UBs (Uber-Bosses). Last night operations really screwed up their plans. Their teams of engineers were desperate to rebuild the grids before it ripples off into the physical.

Meanwhile, hardship levels remained. What else? The Pleiadians and Arcturians who survived are still all around us under deep cloak. They remained hidden right under our noses. They got cities overlays build right on top of our cities in parallel dimensions, to inject their plans into our reality.

They are working at 100mpg to push their agenda. Cloaked and working extremely hard, under the code-name “White Hats”.

The “White Hats” are 30% genuine military people, under control of the Pleiadians and Arcturians. It’s a total fraud.

Meanwhile, disclosure and spiritual communities are running en-masse for Arcturian Attunements to get chipped for $50, or Pleiadian Attunements to get injected corrupted consciousness. “White Hats” narratives are going viral.

It’s really an insult to our hard work. While we work so hard to save them, they go running straight to the wolves.

What the Pleiadians do really simple. They make people afraid from one side, offer themselves as saviors, and people flock to them. It works too well.

I asked God, are any Pleiadians or Arcturians authorized to live? I got none, they got their chance and trashed it. I’m fine with that.

To see past their cloaks, need to look from above. They got massive fleets …Read More

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Dismantling the Upper Management

We continue making huge progress, and things are moving at a very fast pace. We continue having problems with cables feeding crap, bubble realities generators, and our shadows.

The Universe is within the Multiverse, within the Ultraverse, within the Omniverse. Beyond that, there’s the… wastelandverse, endless but mostly deserts and ruins with few installations. Not counting all the parallel realities.

Beyond that, if we looked at chakra 999 above the head, is there anything beyond it? 999 chakras form a geometric structure within a matrix bubble. There’s then a bubble matrix within a bubble matrix within a bubble matrix trillions of layers deep, goes on and on endlessly. Gets to a library with our entire Omniverse in a sphere alongside thousand others and it keeps going further up and up from there.

After battling Dark Sophia for over 2 years day in and day out, we thought she was at the top of everything, and it is really surprising to realize all those other layers above her! We pushed her one side while they pushed her the other side from up there. Thus, Dark Sophia was squeezed in a sandwich the whole time, and the upper management sent all their powers and troops through her.

Now I’m pretty sure we’re at the very top, there’s a council of 5: the shadow of our 3 team members, my wife’s shadow (?), and another shadow we’re not too familiar with. I don’t think we’ll find much more layers above. I got into the sender side of …Read More

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A New Era for the Omniverse

Throughout the ages, through various worlds, “Ascension” has been a Pleiadian code word for “Harvest”. It makes you feel like puking and cleaning your mouth after realizing that.

What about the solar flash everybody has been waiting for? The solar flash is the Great Harvest. Don’t wait for it. It’s not coming.

Actually there might be a minor natural event. They coincide the harvest sequence with that natural event, embedding fancy harvesting techs into that flash. No thanks, I’ll pass.

We’re marking a new era for the Omniverse. Up until now, the only way to survive and stay relevant was to harvest souls, planets and entire Universes. Either you harvest to compete with the big guys, or you get harvested. God was always laughed at.

Back in 2016 when I was battling Atman, he was playing the same game of harvesting consciousness, and said there were much bigger threats out there to look for. He was only trying to stay relevant. Abraham Hicks and others were just doing the same in their own ways: share some knowledge in exchange for your soul.

We’re now proving that God and genuine Heaven Mandates can be more powerful than any amount of soul harvesting. It’s a complete Omniverse reset. New management, new rules, new era. Soul alignment with the one true God is now where the game is at. Only the one true God can compete; not the myriad of false gods.

Welcome to a new era!

For now I’ll be focusing on energy readings. God & Money Reading if you …Read More

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