Wow, the last article about Contentment or Dharma Spirituality really struck a deep cord. The breakthrough doesn’t end there. It’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Here’s another breakthrough for those already living their purpose: Conscious Business is about applying spiritual principles to grow a business, although the authenticity of life can be lost in the routine. Dharma Spirituality is about valuing life over work and aligning your business as an extension of your divine purpose which is growth for all.
Those into Conscious Business want to fulfill their purpose in life and play a bigger game. They seek to integrate spiritual principles into their work to make a positive difference in the world. In some way, their work and purpose become their self-identity. It often ends up being their entire lives, at the detriment of their social, creative and intimate lives. They tend to live to work instead of working to live, because of the safety work provides. With all the work that needs to be done and the importance of it, the authenticity and joyfulness of life can easily get lost in the work routine, and the business usually falls slightly off-track from its greater purpose.
Dharma Spirituality, on the other hand, is about valuing life over work. It is about inner transformation to awaken the power to create from within. The primary focus of Dharma Spirituality is to reconnect with the authenticity of life, which includes connecting with the purpose of life. Once that purpose is awaken, it becomes …Read More