I mentioned that serious things have been unlocking lately. Let’s go over these breakthroughs which are ridiculously meaningful and powerful.

Lately I have been studying the Masculine/Feminine Physical/Emotional/Spiritual energies and worked on fully awakening these polarities within me. Here are some changes I’ve noticed since then.

On a physical level, I have much more physical endurance and much faster recovery during my Kung Fu classes, and I see much stronger physical attraction from women.

On an emotional level, I articulate myself more clearly and now, instead of people being confused and disconnected from what I say, they tell me “that’s interesting” and “tell me more”.

On a spiritual level, everything is 10x sharper during my meditations and the healing power is like 100x stronger. It’s just ridiculous.

So what’s going on here, and why do these polarity energies provide such ridiculous results? I should proportionally raise my prices by 100x but I won’t do that quite yet. I’m getting to realize that these polarity energies are the closest relationship to the force of life itself. Then, the energy reorganizes itself into the rest of your energy field.

There are a few people who have ridiculous levels of success in certain areas, such as certain men who have the cutest girls flocking to them to a point I couldn’t understand, or who have a leadership that magically gets people to follow them. When I do a polarity reading on these people, they are very strong in one of the polarity energies. This explains their ridiculous success.

Natural Grounding is a methodology practiced by thousands of men (and a few women) over the last few years where we tune into the high energy of specific music videos. It definitely works, and I’ve never been able to fully comprehend it. The results were way too big to make logical sense. The artists in the videos we had been using were enlightened in 1 or 2 of the 6 polarity energies which is why it brought ridiculous power and results. This just gave us a sneak peek of the power behind it, as none of the resources were enlightened on various polarity energies. One artist would peak into one energy while another artist would peak into another energy. What if there was one artist who was to peak into all these polarity energies at the same time? I have yet to find anyone close to that level.

How do I read these polarity energies? Everything in the Universe is information and all information is equally present at any place and at any point in time. I simply ask a question and an answer pops into my head. This way, I can read the energy field of anyone at any point in time by asking specific questions.

So, what are these polarity energies? Let’s quickly go over each one of them. I’ve been looking for perfect models to represent each type of energy. One interesting observation is that on a physical level, our energy has a single polarity based on our biological gender. Men have no feminine physical energy and women have no masculine physical energy. On an emotional and spiritual level, we all have both polarities to varying degrees.

I’m looking for models who have a polarity energy extending to the stars (enlightened). A perfect model is enlightened in one polarity and lower in the other energies so that we can clearly see that specific polarity energy through him or her. To the sky = Expert. To the moon = Mastery. To the cosmos = Semi-Enlightened. To the stars = Enlightened.

These energies transcend cultures. Here are 6 models from Canada, United States, Brazil, Mongolia, Japan and Thailand. South Korea also has powerful models.

Masculine Physical
Physical strength, authority and raw sexual attraction.
Terry Tate is a great example of it
Here’s the polarity reading of Terry Tate
Physical: Masculine extends to the stars. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends to the sky. Feminine extends 40km.
Spiritual: Masculine extends 40km. Feminine extends 20km.

Masculine Emotional
Speaking your heart, leadership and enrollment.
Michel Telo is a great example of it.
Here’s the polarity reading of Michel Telo
Physical: Masculine extends to the moon. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends to the stars. Feminine extends to the moon.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the sky. Feminine extends to the sky.

Masculine Spiritual
Shaping energy structures in higher planes.
I’m a great example of it.
Here’s my polarity reading in that video (now my energy is stronger)
Physical: Masculine extends beyond the sky. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends to the sky. Feminine extends 80km.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the stars. Feminine extends to the stars.

Feminine Spiritual
Alignment and support from the Universe.
Haya is a great example of it.
Here’s the polarity reading of Haya.
Physical: Feminine extends to the sky. Masculine none.
Emotional: Feminine extends to the moon. Masculine extends 60km.
Spiritual: Feminine extends to the stars. Masculine extends to the sky.

Feminine Emotional
Intimacy, trust and integrity.
Palmy is a great example of it.
Here’s the polarity reading of Palmy.
Physical: Feminine extends to the moon. Masculine none.
Emotional: Feminine extends to the stars. Masculine extends to the sky.
Spiritual: Feminine extends between moon and cosmos. Masculine extends to the sky.

Feminine Physical
Agility, nurturing and sexiness.
Morning Musume group is a great example of it.
Here’s the polarity reading of the light-blue girl in front.
Physical: Feminine extends to the stars. Masculine none.
Emotional: Feminine extends to the moon. Masculine extends to the sky.
Spiritual: Feminine extends to the moon. Masculine extends to the sky.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting and almost freaky. Here are the polarity readings of a few more people.

Bob Proctor (star of The Secret)
Physical: Masculine extends to the sky. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends to the moon. Feminine extends to the sky.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the stars. Feminine extends to the stars.

Mantak Chia (Tantra Master)
Physical: Masculine extends to the moon. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends to the cosmos. Feminine extends to the moon.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the cosmos. Feminine extends to the cosmos.

Master Zhou (Eastern Great Master)
Physical: Masculine extends to the moon. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends to the cosmos. Feminine extends to the sky, can peak all the way to the stars.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the stars. Feminine extends to the stars.

Jesus (when he was alive)
Physical: Masculine extends to the sky. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends 80km. Feminine extends 60km.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the stars. Feminine extends to the stars.

Buddha (when he was alive)
Physical: Masculine extends to the sky. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends 60km. Feminine extends 40km.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the cosmos. Feminine extends to the cosmos.

Jacques Tombazian (my Alchemy teacher, reading from 2 weeks ago)
Physical: Masculine extends between moon and stars. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends 80km. Feminine extends 60km.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the stars. Feminine extends to the stars.
Note: He’s currently working on peaking all these energies up. As of today, his emotional energy currently extends between moon and cosmos.

Etienne Charland (I’m currently working on peaking these energies up)
Physical: Masculine extends to the cosmos. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends to the cosmos. Feminine extends between moon and cosmos.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the stars. Feminine extends to the stars.

Conclusion: Nobody ever tapped into these polarity energies!!

And the power hidden here is ridiculously powerful. No wonder why it doesn’t fit into anyone’s model!!

I will be hosting a live Force of Life FREE Training next Saturday where I’m going to go more in-depth into this topic to reconnect with your raw inner power. Click here to register for the training.

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!